[Spoilers] Shadowlands Alpha Thread

We’ve also seen blue eyes be applied to a few models now (I’m thinking of at least Ysera), so it’s possible that the blue eyes are death related for NPCs (or us?)

Something else that is a bit weird is he’s using a ponytail for a BE right now and the band holding it up is High Elf colors instead of Red/Gold.

Edit, oh wait nevermind, the ponytail band has always been like that. Sorry, don’t play BEs lmao.

There are a lot of eye tints for BEs. No crazy colors though, bunch of greens/yellows/blues.

I do think some of y’all might want to prepare for the BE blue eyes though.

I think these are going to be Death Knight skins for Pandaren.



New eyes:

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pee-daren hehehhee

as expected, the racists are having a meltdown over dark-skinned blood elves and it is delicious


Where? I’m bored and could use the entertainment.

as expected, it’s “virtue signalling” and “against the lore”


How I’m I having a meltdown or I’m a racist for asking a lore question ?

You should read the thread and see how civil and friendly we’re acting before making assumptions about what’s going on over there.

Love how people like you the supposedly 'tolerant" are really just intolerant when it comes to a different opinions.

And if your assuming me or anyone else is a actual racist for asking a lore question then all i can say is you really need help.

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Don’t think he meant you specifically mate, I’m scanning through the thread there is at least one person in the thread accusing blizzard of virtue signalling and… somehow therefore not worth quitting over as if giving blood elves darker skin tones would be worth quitting over if it wasn’t virtue signalling? Having trouble interpreting that one actually.

For reference, virtue signalling is a dog whistle for some very problematic views. There’s a whole bunch of other comments in the thread that could easily read as people not liking dark-skinned blood elves and disguising it as concern over lore.

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wait does it tell you when your thread is linked somewhere else? that’s amazing

if your opinion is that black elves a.) violate the lore or b.) need any justification in a fantasy setting as incoherent and pulpy as world of warcraft then i’m not particularly interested in your approval

i’ll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you didn’t make your thread in bad faith, but you probably need to evaluate why your first reaction to black elves was “WTF?!”

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There’s also some straight up racism in that thread, frankly. I’d quote it but I don’t want to bring the person over here tbh.

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if that’s the case then fair enough and I’ll apologies but base on the way he stated it earlier.

It sound directed to me and others in that thread talking about the lore.

You don’t have to give me the benefit of the doubt just read the thread, the majority of people are discussing the lore there, sure some folks there may be volatile but those are few in between and are contributing their opinion as “toxic” as it may be. Learn how to have disagreements before trying to virtue signal "muh racist " for talking about lore.

you literally decry the evils of “diversity for the sake of diversity!!” and just accused me of virtue signalling, an alt-right dog whistle. if you’re not malicious you’re definitely ignorant

please go back to your thread and talk about your deep concern for the “lore,” you’ll be safer from the evil, intolerant leftists there


I for one know the lore states the walls of silvermoon suck pigment from blood elves skin so its impossible they have dark skin

They dont worship the sun or anything

Saying stuff like this doesn’t exactly help your case, by the way.

But just to answer the original question, to give the benefit of the doubt: there’s no such thing as lore. Blizzard has explicitly shown us the man behind the curtain; literally everything that happens in the story and the lore is entirely based on fiat.

They regularly wave their magic wand and change the lore on a whim, so they might as well do it in a positive way. There’s not really much point to a lore discussion beyond that; there were basically no dark-skinned blood elves in lore yesterday, today there are. That’s as much evidence that there is, I’m afraid.

Quote me on where I said the evils of “diversity for the sake of diversity" please I’ll wait, you legit prove your own ignorance by saying this. Your also the one that began accusing people of “virtue signaling” without even reading the thread or without even proof. Your also the one that just now brought in politics into this with "muh alt right and muh intolerant leftist " I think you should reanalyze your approach when it comes to accusing people of thing they didn’t do.



also, i didn’t accuse anyone of virtue signalling but i’ll chalk that up to a lack of reading comprehension on your part.

i’ve learned a valuable lesson from you though, and that’s never give a direct link to a thread again