[Spoilers] Shadowlands Alpha Thread

  • Infuse crafted gloves in Torghast to make them legendary.
  • The guy crafting the gloves may have made the Lich King’s helm or the Legion legendary items. He has access to knowledge and materials.

What’s the only thing less interesting than a legendary cloak you have to keep up all the time?

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Idk, I’m pretty excited to see crafting become pretty darned important.

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eh, i think they said at blizzcon that it’s crafted legiondaries, so they’re actually going to have gameplay implications unlike the Fun Cloak™

Interview is over, I missed his last talking points. Overall it really was a good interview. Idk who Sloot is, but he had good hardball questions for him.

The sloot guy mentioned that there are more interviews coming from other people. They mentioned the Talisen dude.

I’ll wait to be surprised on that front.

The interview was super underwhelming. More of the same stuff: grinding, mission tables, rental abilities, equipment upkeep.

And it’s a little leery that they have the grinds and tables set up before the actual content.


You can purchase flying for your alts at level 25. Don’t know if this means Pathfinder is still required in WoD+ expansions.

Those prices tho. Seeing the price, it makes me think that you can override the Pathfinder requirement? Possibly?

So if you take a week or two off from playing youre s o l pretty much and theres no way to catch up

Cool beans

WoW has really adopted the ‘Fear of Missing Out’ method.

I dont even know if its on purpose or if its just a side effect of them timegating everything to hide the relatively small depth of content theyve put out.

But either way, yeah.

Coming Soon
We’re unlocking much more content for testing over the next few weeks:

  1. Torghast, Tower of the Damned
  2. Initial Character Creation/Customization Updates
  3. Revendreth (Zone and Covenant)
  4. Halls of Atonement (Dungeon)
  5. Oribos (Capital)

I think we’ll find out soon enough tbh. Who knows, it might not be too awful?


Male Night Elf tats and face tats inc


This is good.

No pictures, but the WoWhead dude is streaming again and I’m looking at a female Pandaren that…kind of has purple fur and a long tail.

He’s going through BEs now.

BEs are definitely getting blue eyes. (Either that or they are NPC only, it is encryption data and HEs in the game share the BE model)

I cant imagine playing many classes with a controller. But like the cinematic camera they released around legion its fun to mess around with

hope it’s the latter, but blue-eyed blood elves definitely seems petty enough and pointlessly mean to alliance players to be a Blizzard decision


Male Worgen:

Female Worgen:

The female worgen have different eye ‘glows’ right now but they are all sharing the yellow eyes. So their eye colors probably aren’t done.

The colors look like are:


Well when he went through them they also had N’zoth eyes. Think Azshara eyes (round pupils) on a BE.


wonder if it’s just an unfinished texture or an NPC option. if those are an actual player option, they’d make more sense on void elves

There are so many special eyes that they have to be like, covenant NPC eyes.


It’s what I’m thinking;. We have to keep in mind that it’s not only player characters getting an update for eyes and what not, but also NPCs.