[Spoilers] Shadowlands Alpha Thread

For the covenant abilities and folks wanting to min/max it sounds like he would rather folks simmer down and enjoy the RPG aspect of them more than the spreadsheeting. Boss 1 will take more damage if you’re x covenant but then boss 4 will benefit from another one.

I mean, I don’t really disagree with him.

Sure it would be cool if we could all collectively agree not to be like that.

It’s not… Gonna happen, but like, that’d be swell.

It was a really long and kind of passionate answer from him tbh. Like you could hear emotion a little bit.

One concern is that it’s not just covenant abilities, there are also covenant specific legendaries.

I don’t, either, but WoW does. Also it’s kind of late to implore people to simmer down and enjoy after making Raid or Die the only endgame.

To be fair, that was my wording. He didn’t say that. The WoWhead folks didn’t really get his comments down word for word. At least not yet, they’re just listing his major talking points.

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If they really cared about people not min/maxing theyd just make them all the same damage/recharge and just change the effects

His last note was this also:

If all else fails, they can give up and let players swap whenever you want.
But they want to try to save it before throwing it out.

So if folks raise enough stink about this, they are open to just letting folks swap whenever. They’re testing the waters is what it sounds.

They’re talking about RNG on gear and it sounds like they want to move back to things being more deterministic. Warforge and Titanforging is dead? Not sure? I kind of missed it.

It sounds like they’re dying, but they are undecided on socket procing.

Adventures are coming with Covenants, so you’ll still have a mission table system.

oh good

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Just in case you were a little too optimistic

Blizzard has spent the better part of a decade trying to stop people from caring how much DPS they do unless they’re world-first Mythic. I hope someday they’re going to realize what a fool’s errand that is.

They tried to get people to stop by making it literally impossible to know whether or not something is an upgrade. Instead, WoW players created a business out of renting people cloud computing power to figure it out for them.

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The team is trying to save the beating heart of the RPG genre.

Arsonist tries to save burning home.


This is actually a pretty good interview from Ion. Imma give him that.

With time invested each week, you should get more choice at the end of the week. Being able to pick from a range of items should help with the RNG.

“We’ll improve this if you play more” is a bold strategy.

They’re talking Mythic+ stuff atm. Overall, they’re happy with the Mythic+ structure. Nothing really note worthy with the Mythic+ talk.

Moving on the Torghast talk. There’s going to be a limit on your runs it sounds. Rough guess is that it’s going to be very similar to Mage Tower.

They plan on tying a lot of progression in Torghast…like professions/cosmetics/story/titles etc etc etc but they don’t want you running it for 20 hours.

Personally I don’t see why they don’t just make the covenant abilities swappable and retain their plans with the story and quest progression with the covenants. So literally keep it the same as they have planned, but make the abilities something you can swap when needed, as a gameplay over story suspension of disbelief. Like, ICly no, you won’t be just swapping covenants. Suspend your disbelief and just let people change them, at the very least inside of instanced combat.

I think they’re seeing how far the community will enjoy certain RPG aspects. They probably will open these abilities up in the end.

that’s sort of a 180 from blizzcon isn’t it? i thought they didn’t want to limit runs but also didn’t want you to need to spend a billion hours there to be relevant

Here’s the word from word:

That’s something that they need to dial in. Current plan is that there will be some limit. Even if you can’t do it for some rewards, it leads to a feeling that you need to practice for the runs that do count.

  • Even if you don’t get rewards, players may feel pressured to keep practicing Torghast if there weren’t limits.
  • The team wants to have lots of ways to earn more keys. If you play more WoW, you’ll be able to do more runs.

Feels like there’s a very heavy reliance on “time spent = rewards” now, more of the same funnel of grinds that we had in BfA. I’m not giving it a charitable read, but who would.

It sounds like they want Torghast to be expansion relevant and will evolve as we progress through the story/patches.