[Spoilers] Shadowlands Alpha Thread

It could just be server differences, tbh. I think Balmung/Mateus (the two main RP servers) are pretty notorious for it. Typically one of the first things I do when making an alt or accepting the returner’s bounty is to skedaddle right out of that chat.

I play on Mateus so I am not sure hahahaha I must be extremely lucky then.

Pathfinder seems to be a rather arbitrary requirement, as this system has nothing to do with flying in six zones.

It’s also very possible things have changed on Mateus since I haven’t been in the novice network for like a year, lol. The few times I’ve been in it were bad enough for me (and my friends both on and off server have had pretty similar experiences), so I’ve not really given it a chance since. It’s just incredibly open to abuse on top of everything else (for example, I think mentors can kick people from chat?).

With that said, hopefully the fact that you have to be “in good standing” for wow’s equivalent will prevent it from following a similar road to my experience with ff14’s equivalent. I don’t think ff14 really cares what the mentors do.

If it were pathfinder part 2, I’d agree, but pathfinder 1 tends to be really easy to get and demonstrates at least some amount of playtime at or around cap.

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Novice Network on FFXIV for me was pretty unhelpful. Most of it was people asking lots of questions and getting no answers.

However, I like the idea of a mentor system and I might even volunteer to help people out. WoW can be really overwhelming, but I’ve managed to teach a few friends and family members before… Maybe I could help strangers, too.

We’ll just have to wait and see how it goes.

I think some poor scenarios are likely to include the following:

~Not enough people will sign up
~Some really manipulative people will use it as a way to get people to sign guild charters, join guilds, spam with gold buying offers, etc.
~Some internet funny man is going to get the bright idea to “troll” the chat channel for content
~Some other internet funny man is going to get the bright idea to pretend to be a new player and ask really obtuse and obnoxious questions and send good people on a goose chase for content
~Some unsavory people are going to use it as a chance to get unsavory RP from those who don’t know any better
~Some rabblerouser is going to try to stir drama by telling new players to not join guilds they don’t like
~Someone who’s just trying to look for clout/inflate their ego is going to go around spouting whatever nonsense they think is right/cool into the newbie channel (see Guild Spam)

Blizzard needs better moderation, and I suspect they just need to hire more people to do it.

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Do you mean the guild finder we have now, or a previous version? How were/are people misusing it? I haven’t looked at it that much.


The original version of it. People would mark every genre for their guilds regardless of which actually applied to them, which ultimately made searches more difficult. I think they still do but I can’t quite tell.

The current version, especially with its much needed (imo) search feature is significantly better from what I’ve seen. It still won’t replace other methods of guild advertisement any time soon, but it’s definitely an improvement.


Today’s build has several Soulbind changes, including a major change to Theotar’s buff to the Venthyr Covenant ability Door of Shadows, which no longer makes the ability instant, but instead gives it a second charge.

1.5 min CD, 2 charges, 1.5 sec cast time.



No mage changes :frowning:

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As always. At this point, I’ll just roll with it. Though it would be nice for arcane to get more playstyles viable, at the very least if they aren’t going to fix literally anything else about it.

Or Nether Tempest, Orb, and Supernova baseline.

Also thank you for your letter Autai. I really wasn’t expecting that, and it was touching to have someone reach out. I added you. Just know I’m doing okay for now. :slight_smile: Just very busy and on my computer a lot less lately.

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So they datamined some simple weapons given to starting players at exile’s reach

the most interesting of which is the glaive


Yes. A warglaive that isn’t the size of a canoe.

Who wants to bet its an unmoggable white


This is my fear about all those datamined weapons.

I adore simplistic mogs and find a lot of what we have to be too flashy for a lot of my characters… But these are truly gorgeous and what I’ve wanted for a LONG time.

That bamboo staff… [chef’s kiss] :heart:


Wandering Isle flashbacks intensify.



I literally have no idea why that restriction even exists.


Oh my gosh I want that Lordaeron shield.

The Scarlet one is interesting though. I wonder if there’s some sort of Scarlet influence on the island?

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Man if we get access to the other tints for the covenant armor, VEs are going to look dope for Bastion.


Also, that’s the mail set.

Have to scrap that and start over, mail armor isn’t allowed to look good.


You guys…


They are adorable :blue_heart: :blue_heart: :blue_heart:

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Well, owl’ll be.