[Spoilers] Shadowlands Alpha Thread

Mythic+ Season 1 mount


Is this a new reward system? I’m out of the loop, but does Mythic+ give rewards based on seasons??

Either way, mount looks awesome. They’re definately getting some use from that Shaman Class Hall mount. Poor thing is losing its uniqueness.

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The weird thing is that, if I’m remembering correctly… Demon Hunters start at level 10 with the revamp and don’t go through any of the Exile’s Reach tutorial.

so does this mean that another class is going to officially get glaives as a weapon? :thinking:

Taelia has a VO

Taelia : Well, you were wrong.
Taelia : Now I know my father is alive, free from that damned helm and no matter what it takes I’ll go to his side.


During Battle for Azeroth’s War Campaign, Alliance players are introduced to Taelia, later properly introduced as Taelia Fordragon, daughter of Bolvar Fordragon, the incumbent Lich King at the time. Taelia has been living with the Kul Tiran since the Scourge of Lordaeron during the Third War. She eventually befriends King Anduin Wrynn and reveals she doesn’t know much about her father, only that he is deceased. Anduin promises to tell her more about her father when the war is over and that is the last we see of her.

Katherine Proudmoore says: King Wrynn, there is someone you should meet.
Katherine Proudmoore says: Along with your champion, she was instrumental in saving our kingdom… and my life.
Taelia says: It is an honor to meet you, King Wrynn. I am Taelia.
Taelia says: Taelia Fordragon.
Anduin Wrynn says: Fordragon?!
Katherine Proudmoore says: Daughter of Bolvar. Fostered under our protection since the third war.
Anduin Wrynn says: Taelia… please, rise. The honor is mine.
Taelia says: Did you know my father?
Anduin Wrynn says: Highlord Bolvar was a great man. A true hero to the Alliance–and to me.
Anduin Wrynn says: I remember now… he used to write you letters. He had a nickname for you…
Taelia says: “My shining star.”
Taelia says: The letters stopped coming. I… I have so many questions.
Anduin Wrynn says: Taelia, when time permits, you must come to Stormwind as my guest. I have many stories to share about your father.

Anduin: I saw you speaking with a messenger from Kul Tiras, Jaina. Is everything alright?
Jaina: Nothing to worry about. It was a letter from a certain eager cadet asking to see Stormwind… and to learn more about her father.
Anduin: Taelia. Please tell her that this isn’t a good time for visitors.
Jaina: She deserves to hear the truth, Anduin. From you.
Anduin: Tirion Fordring himself made us swear that we would keep the secret of Bolvar’s fate. You made that vow just as I did.
Jaina: I remember your father once telling me that the hardest thing about a promise isn’t keeping it, but knowing when it’s right to break it.
Anduin: Bolvar was a noble man. To know that he sits frozen upon that accursed throne, devoting his very life to keeping the monsters at bay…
Anduin: It breaks my heart. I can’t bear to see it break Taelia’s, too.
Jaina: The decision is yours, Anduin. But if she learns that the truth was kept from her, it will hurt her all the more.


Looks like we’re getting Parasols???

Wonder if they’ll be wonky like the MoP ones you can equip in your offhand or if they improved it to where the PC holds it above their head?

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The most important thing is that all those new player weapons are greens.


You had me at parasols.

But that ‘potential horse questline’? :exploding_head:

(Also, thanks for taking the time to link all the shiny new things for us. It’s appreciated. :+1:)

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I have said it since Blizzcon, Bolvar will end up being the new Jailer and Taelia will end up being the first official Lich Queen, after we fix the Lich King Helm, just so she can follow in her father’s footsteps and stay connected to him and talk with him in the Shadowlands.


Well, theyre toys. So they likely have solid animations where you hold them above your head

And a 45 minute cooldown

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So the new Shadow Priest looks fun. Considering going Shadow Priest main instead of Arcane Mage.

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This isn’t something I ever expected to hear. Makes me happy, shadow priest is a cool concept.

They did a complete rework of the spec and it looks legit fun. They took a step in the right direction because it looks influenced by the old shadow priest rotations.

Admit it, it’s because it’s the closest you can get to a manari warlock.


Ooh nice, one of my 4 planned “mains” for Shadowlands is a spriest. It’ll be cool to see how it works.

I’m maining Priest now, I’m pretty sure. It just looks sooo good. I wanted to reroll to a range DPS class but none of them were grabbing me.

Priest is my least played class by far, so it’s gonna feel pretty fresh, too.

I got a beta invite yesterday. Since I know tuning is going to be a trucked up mess, I’m going to test mostly the new level scaling, new starter zone, and give detailed reports and feedback as much as possible.

If you got an invite, folks, please don’t treat this like a demo. It’s beta, every last tiny nitpick helps the final product. Help polish this and make this the best expansion we’ve had for some time!


Thus far, this is the only expansion I haven’t gotten alpha/beta for, so alas, no testing for me.

So I’ve been poking around on beta a lot, mostly cuz it keeps me sane at the moment. I’ve primarily been testing the new starter zone on multiple classes to make sure the tuning and feel is right, and sending as much feedback to Blizz as possible to the point where I’m pretty sure the people intercepting bug and feedback reports are at the “Oh no, not this guy again” stage. I REALLY want this new feature to be flawless, because new players should have the best first impressions Blizzard can muster, and dangit, Exiles Reach is pretty close to fantastic.

While I lack time to give a full in-depth of everything, I’ll give you guys my spoiler free impressions of all I’ve tested so far, or at least what I have time for tonight;

Customization Changes

Where do I begin with these? There’s a lot still missing, of course, and a few weird texture bugs still lingering here and there (Nightborne now have a metalic glossy shine when you select tatoos, go figure), but my goodness, the amount of…STUFF! I’m mostly hyped for all the options given to undead and orcs, but the body paint, tatoo options, new beard and extra facial hair options, eye color options including the option to have one blind eye, SCARS AND BURNS, undead having so many new looks and ways to get their spook on. This made me smile. Other races are lacking severely in options, but given that Blizz has divided features into 3 separate categories, I feel this is a feature that isn’t done and still has plenty of work, so I’m not terribly worried. I think we knew about most of these changes for awhile now, but seeing it in action is totally different. Now, I will say that the UI buttons and option tabs for these look…out of place with the rest of the WoW UI, making me think they too are placeholders for a less clashing design, but it’s such a minor thing that you’ll only see when first making your character or sitting on the barber chair, it doesn’t matter that much. I CAN forsee this as something they’d add more options to in future patches, maybe even finish later since they’re just frontloading so much work into this one aspect of art and design, but this definitely looks like something that will only get better with time. Maybe even added on to after the initial completion.

Exiles Reach (SPOILERS)

A new starter zone/tutorial for newcomers was something I've been advocating for at least the better part of the decade. The Wandering Isle was something I felt prepared newcomers not just for learning a class they were picking up for the first time, but being introduced to MMO mechanics for those who were new to the genre as a whole. I thought to myself, why can't they do that for everyone?

Now they have, and made it better. Enter Exiles Reach, a 1-1.5 hour long introduction to World of Warcraft. It eases you in with a pretty basic story for WoW’s setting; you’re a member of the Alliance or Horde, a new recruit who is tracking down a missing fleet. You start off being drilled on basic combat, and are taught movement, how to click or keybind your basic damaging spell, and then the most important lessing I feel they added, ALWAYS FACE YOUR ENEMY. The NPC you duel after destroying the dummy is programmed to occasionally jump behind your characters back, forcing the player to adjust, and verbally reminding you to always face them. So the very first time you’re in combat against anything that can fight back, immediately you learn something that, SOMEHOW, even players who make it to cap manage to forget. Bravo!

A storm picks up (the transition on beta is a dark screen, so I hope they make it more seamless somehow) and you brace for impact, as it’s clear the ship isn’t going to survive, and you wash ashore surrounded by murlocs. You go on to rescue 3 shipmates who will be reoccuring characters throughout the island you landed on, and you’re taught how to use quest items, pulling only what you can kill, and looting. This is stuff we all know, sure, but again I must stress that this stuff can be a little overwhelming for new players. Blizz puts the instructions in obvious places for what keys to press, and reminders to do things like loot corpses all throughout the island to build on good habits.

You fight your way through murlocs and find a starving member of the missing fleet, and kill some mobs and cook their meat to feed the starving soldier. You then find out Quillboar took the adult child of your superior (yes, on both factions), who is among the survivors, and your superior trains you on using some of your newer abilities. Now comes the fun part; I’ve done this on 6 classes so far. She will always favor teaching you to start off with a ranged move or a gap closer (Charge for warriors) if you have one. If you’re a warlock, she teaches you to apply and PROPERLY MAINTAIN corruption, and explains your abilities and optimal use. She’ll knock you away if you get close without charge as a warrior, for example, and make you try again. You do this three times, and proceed. Currently this IS a little annoying for classes that have a longer cooldown on the abilities being tested (Charge and building holy power for Shield of the Righteous to name 2 examples) and there are bugs where she’ll knock you into a wall and loop her dialogue while repeatedly knocking you back, but this area is getting constant updates, so we’ll see how this works out.

Proceeding onward, you kill some quillboar, they hid a rare in this area so new players might get to see their first rare kill, and you make your way over to a tower surrounded by undead. You find out ogre necromancers are using the lost soldiers to fuel their magics and raise an army, with their biggest plan to resurrect a dragon at the islands pinnacle. They have the officer’s son/daughter (depending on faction) and you and your goblin or gnomish companion use technology to come up with a crafty solution to cut through the swath of undead, and this introduces you to the vehicle UI. It’s also different depending on faction so that’s fun.

You kill the ogre, free the son/daughter, and you have your first split questline. You can go to a spiders den nearby to free a captive druid, go rescue a member of your crew from harpies, and learn a new class ability in a class specific short quest. My personal favorite is the shaman’s ghost wolf form, because the others think you’re talking to yourself the whole time. (Also it adds new context to why the player turns into a ghost wolf, you know, for players who are races that don’t have a strong connection to wolves typically, like draenei or dwarves). I also like the warrior one to kill a wandering Vrykul warrior spirit who has a buff that makes it so only execute can get him below 1 HP. Little stuff, but neat stuff! There’s also a few optional quests nearby, like freeing a lightspawn to gain a 10 minute speed buff as a reward that moves you at 60% movement speed, and a 5 player recommended elite kill quest. While you can solo the 5 player quest on a few classes, it can be a bit rough as the bear elite has a frontal charge and stun. Definitely a step up from the tank and spank that is Hogger.

The spider cave was probably my favorite, because at the bottom you fight a reanimated mage who with his final spiteful spell, decides to blow up the cave along with you. The druid you free then turns into a stag and you ride them out to safety while the cave burns and collapses to some pretty epic music. It felt like an ending to a mini arc, and I enjoyed the banter between the druid and their cohorts at the end regarding spiders rights to live in a cave and not be burned out. It was amusing on both factions.

Now that we’ve gotten the crew together again, we move on to the ogres. The crew has to act fast, as the dragon is nearly resurrected, the spell visible all the way from below the tower. You devise a plan to sneak in as prisoners, disguising yourself as an ogre, and you have to /wave at the ogre leader to complete the quest, just a little lesson about emotes which I thought was nice. Then you go and kill some ogres. Typical fare. It was a Highmaul setpiece area, so the assets were some of the best and most underused Blizz had to offer, I feel, so at least it wasn’t too dull. You free a final member of the crew, and then set up to take the citadel in…

A mini dungeon. Yep. You queue up via the dungeon finder tool, and enter the citadel, fighting your way to the top with some of the NPCs you’d journeyed with, facing down the head necromancer just in time to…have him sacrifice his own life to finish the ritual and resurrect the dragon.

The fight is honestly really neat. The dragon has a frontal cone, a wing buffet, and I THINK a tail swipe, so it was hardly a boring time. At the end of it all, you venture back to your capital city, and start your journey through the rest of Azeroth.

It took me way longer to write this, so I’ll just come back later to update with my summary of the Maw intro quest, Oribos, Bastion, and Maldraxxus. And…ugh…Ardenweld. (In case it isn’t obvious I’m not enjoying it x’D But take it with a grain of salt cuz druid scenery in WoW is typically my least favorite)


Heh. This just made me remember my first time learning that lesson in WoW. I’d come from City of Heroes, where pulling packs of 6-8 (and later 10) mobs at a time wasn’t a huge deal.

I was a Paladin in Westfall. I’d stormed into the middle of a Gnoll encampment. I learned a very valuable lesson that day.

Stuff like this is what I was hoping for back in Legion, when I first heard it would include more class specific content. If only such quests were included throughout the leveling experience (and perhaps beyond) as well.