[Spoilers] Shadowlands Alpha Thread

Literally the only good thing to come out of BfA for Night Elves.

It should not have taken a genocide for it to happen, they shouldn’t have lost their teeth to begin with and I can’t stand how Tyrande is being framed as shes losing herself.


I don’t think Blizzard hates Night Elves, but it seems pretty clear to me that the seemingly frequent writer transitions on their team do a lot of harm to them. We fell in love with the Warcraft 3 versions, then they didn’t really do much from Classic - WotLK aside from love nature a lot.

Then, in Cataclysm, we start to see this weird transition where Night Elves have to be the victims to keep the faction war alive. Ashenvale is attacked by the Horde again, MoP never really saw them gain anything (I’m still annoyed by “A Little Patience”), and then of course we have BFA. They finally get become more like what we were originally sold on, but they had to lose their capital city for some reason and cool new characters like Delaryn and Sira.

It’s just kind of the same story over and over. Horde attack night elves and they lose something, night elves are mad about it, the war ends anyway and everyone has to get over it. I’d just like to see them win for once, and not win as a result of being attacked first and just reclaiming territory (Darkshore warfront).


There was a particular kind of feeling seeing a city you spent so much time in being engulfed in flames with a quest to save as many but failing it anyways to be followed by horrific descriptions of the last moments in the temple to go ignore it so you can play with pirates for a while and the conflict to mostly be solved off screen, only to know you’ll end up being the bad guys.


Sounds like typical Blizzard writing. It checks out.

I just think at this point Blizzard making Tyrande go evil because she wants vengeance for her people who suffered genocide and have been attacked by the Horde multiple times is just bad on so many levels. I think they would lose a lot of the Night Elf playerbase if they did that especially considering they never got any kind of retribution and the Night Warrior has been useless.

I can’t say if Tyrande will live or not, but my guess is that using the Night Warrior powers Tyrande will end up reviving all those Night Elves who died in Teldrassil.


Honestly, it felt more like Blizzard made them to fill a niche and then realized they had no way to sustain that niche, so they kind of left the Kaldorei in limbo, and went “Oh, an ancient, noble and wise race. Something bad happening to them will make the players more invested!”

And the writing teams get cycled out every other expansion, or every expansion.

And obviously don’t share their notes with each other.

So every expansion, certain races cop a vicious beating to the proverbials as every writing team strives to surpass the others and go “LOOK HOW MUCH PEOPLE CARE ABOUT OUR STORY LINE PLEASE DON’T FIRE US WE HAVE STUDENT LOANS TO PAY OFF!”, and nobody ever seems to care that its the same races getting the same treatment every expansion.


This is a random aside but I really wish they would change the Worgen racials a bit.

In-game, in the comics, in the novels, even Genn in Heroes of the Storm, we see a big focus on Worgen leaping and pouncing on prey. We see the worgen in the starting zone leaping through trees, we see this same thing in the comics and the novel Wolfheart, Yorgen in Duskwood pounces on the player from the shadows during a quest line. We are shown that worgen are agile and like to hunt and leap on their targets why isn’t this translated to player worgen?

It would be nice if Blizzard gave us a racial for Worgen that allowed us to leap. Why can’t we have an ability where we leap at an enemy (similar to Hero’s Leap for Warriors) and it does some damage and maybe increases one stat temporarily by x%? I think this would be a cool and make Worgen feel more like the savage hunters that we are shown in-game and other sources of media.


Part of the introductory questline for the Nightfae is re-enacting the events of Legion and Battle for Azeroth, during which we get

…the rare unintentional self-own.


For anyone who’s curious, here’s the link to the full transcripts:

I think whoever wrote these had a lot of fun poking fun at the story’s writing.

And I love the guy who keeps asking how on earth this whole ‘sword in the planet’ business even works.

And there’s a Ringworld reference!




Please tell me they make fun of how stupid Anduin is for going to Undercity, the Blight capital, and didn’t have any plan to deal with Blight.


Or not using a the starship they had handy last expansion to just nuke it from space.


Imagine if instead of the boring random made up crap we were neutralizing for the war campaigns of each faction we were dealing with the superweapons both factions had for the war campaign.

Instead of randomly attacking Kul Tiras we could be boarding the Vindicaar and disabling the weapons, or assassinating the apothecaries that know how to make the Blight while destroying their notes to ensure the Horde is without it.

That kind of permanence would have gone well in a faction war.


So apparently there’s going to be a guide/mentor system in place for new players. Sounds pretty cool. Just hope that people don’t use it to be…

I don’t know any way to phrase it to properly convey my point without being forum suspended.

I can’t see such a thing not getting abused at least a little, particularly if it entails a reward of some kind. If the initial implementation of the Guild Finder tool has taught me anything it’s that folks will pretty much always misuse a system somehow if it benefits them.

Despite what I’ve just written I suspect there won’t too much toxicity, just based on the idea alone; as I imagine if the type of player whose first response to noob behavior is hostility or open contempt towards the source, is the last person to take an opportunity to educate.

That’s a real nifty idea but I’m dubious about implementing a player guide system after Blizzard has spent sixteen years lovingly cultivating the most toxic community they can. I’m gonna hope that goes well and makes things better but I’m not gonna be shocked if it’s nothing but people telling newbies alt-F4 opens the group finder.


Not going to lie, tempted to re-up just to experience the Nigh Fae’s Harlequin Performance.

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This is my fear as well. It’s not that it can’t work, but if it’s going to be beneficial ita going to need to be seriously moderated.

Yeah I mean here’s the thing: FFXIV, whose community is largely better in every way than WoW’s in my experience, has its largest and most obvious concentrations of toxicity in the novice mentor channels. So maybe wow will just do it backwards?

It just sounds like the FFXIV Mentor system. It is pretty good and can definitely be helpful, being a new player to FFXIV myself a year ago I liked the system.

I didn’t see anyone abusing the system in that game.

This is ironic because I had the opposite experience hahaha.

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