[Spoilers] Shadowlands Alpha Thread

Being mad at people who committed horrible atrocities against you and your people can only be a bad thing.

This is the way.


Do have to say that it’s pretty funny to see Tyrande being consumed by the desire for vengeance after criticizing Illidan so much for it.


I, for one, can’t wait to purge Tyrande of the Night Warrior so that I can spend the next few years mocking it relentlessly as the most worthless power-up in the history of Warcraft.

There are legit debuffs more useful than the Night Warrior has been.


I really really hope that last line is a “fake” Tyrande, or as Tharion said a corrupted shade of some kind because that will just be dogcrap if it’s the real Tyrande going full villain.

My guess? Tyrande’s Night Warrior power will end up being used to bring back all the dead Kaldorei who died in Teldrassil. So while the power will be useless in regards to getting vengeance I think in the end it will pretty powerful because it will revive thousands of Night Elves.

I wouldn’t say that is worthless. But this is just my speculation.

I can’t be the only one who hears Sylvanas in Tyrande’s last lines, can I?

I’m calling it now, Sylvanas is masquerading as Tyrande to entrap/kill Shandris.


mag’har orcs can now select eye color separately, meaning that the glowy orange blackrock eyes can be used by any skin type and you can create a more perfect garrosh knockoff than ever before



A minor note, but humans can now customize eyebrows and are now able to choose sideburns as an option.


Maybe they can customize their eyebrows off and donate them to the orcs.


I’m going to toss in my two cents here for there to be some hope…

I feel like those lines are when we’re making sure the nastier side effects of the Night Warrior don’t overtake Tyrande and are likely in a finale to the fey zone quest line. My personal hope from this is we get to keep some of Tyrande’s edge with it, but throw her into the villain train.

On a less pleasant reason for why I think this. Turalyon got a promotion and Blizzard has a habit of throwing the pending faction villain into a seat of power at the faction capital the expansion before they get villain batted; Garrosh in Cata, Sylvanas in Legion. It’s why I am very convinced Blizzard is actually gonna give us a Tyranny of the Light expansion after SL (more so when increased antagonistic behavior by those using the light so far shown)

Tyranny of the Light would be an awesome subversion. I would love to see us return from Shadowlands, the world being fixed, and peace finally fallen, and we’re rebuilding.

AFTER Shadowlands, we can handwave the one or two year skip, the world can be updated, and revamped.

Just as we have our happy ever after the dark portal erupts again, this time with a blinding yellow light.

Through it steps Yrel, and her Lightforged.

Reckoning has come.

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Not quite Sylvanas-like, but if I had to guess?

It sounds like she’s in pain. A lot of it. Sounds like she’s been gargling razor blades.

Edit: No, strike that, because I just realized something that makes it so much worse.

She sounds like someone who’s been breathing smoke.

And lest we forget, one of a Banshee’s most powerful abilities?


Tyrande might be full of rage, but she’s also lowered her spiritual defences by allowing the Night Warrior to fuse to her psyche. Who knows what kind of horrors await with that kind of gaping hole in her defences in the Realm of the Dead, full of souls that may or may not blame her for being there and may or may not be under the sway of the Jailor or have just been driven insane by the time-distortion effect the dead experience in the Shadowlands?

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Sylvanas possesses Tyrande. Make it happen blizzard

TBF, that would make a horrendously metal cap-stone to Sylvanas’s and Tyrande’s story.

Sylvanas possesses the High Priestess, fully under the assumption that the Jailor has her back.

Tyrande has the Night Warrior spirit possessing her, the ritual to which was conveniently found in an undamaged scroll in a place where nearly every Kaldorei building was razed or set on fire and is full of minions of Sylvanas and, presumably, individuals working for her agenda and bargain with Helya and the Jailor, and is even more rabid and zealous than ever and doesn’t even think of tactics anymore.

Jailor is nobody’s fool.

Sylvanas slips into Tyrande’s body, finds the Priestess is too strong-willed to be controlled, tries to escape … and she can’t.

The Night Warrior has them both. Two strong, powerful warriors obsessed with vengeance and death, now sharing a single vessel.

Tyrande and Sylvanas scream in horror and rage as the boundaries between them start to slowly dissolve, and the Jailor laughs softly, mockingly, as the champion he has long desired is finally born.

The Wailing Wind, an immortal warrior possessing the corrupted abilities of a Priestess of Elune and the anti-magic capabilities of a Banshee, neither living nor dead but trapped in a horrible state in-between, with the implacable rage and mutual hatred of the two beings who share the vessel empowering the Night Warrior, who now controls the shared body, to heights undreamed of.


How did you write all that in 2 minutes

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In all seriousness, I may have been shoulder-deep in fantasy and horror tropes longer than some of you have been alive, so … just kinda grab a random thought and roll with it.


Yeah I’d rather Blizzard leave Tyrande, Night Elves, and their fans the *#&^ alone thanks.

I’m tired of one of my favorite races be Blizzards punching bag because they inexplicably hate the race.


The golden one claims a vacant throne. The crown of light will bring only darkness.


I’ve never really understood this line of thinking. If anything, what happened to the Kaldorei in Battle for Azeroth gave them their teeth back that they inexplicably lost in Vanilla WoW.

The Kaldorei were never supposed to be a proud and ancient people. They’re supposed to be savage. They were supposed to be such that Old Horde veterans were scared of them. They’re the Wood Elf analogues but up to BfA they were aggressively cosmopolitan.

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