[Spoilers] Shadowlands Alpha Thread

Frankly, while I’ve not tested it myself, I love their idea that theoretically the completion of ONE expansion’s zones will get you from 10-50. It’ll make replayability a hell of a lot easier.

Maybe heirlooms could be purple quality by default or something - give those who are leveling a bit of an edge.

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I’m leveling Autai right now, I’m not even halfway through Shadowmoon Valley and I’m already 97. :rofl: I’m just about to reach the part where Y’rels sister is sacrificed, that’s how far I am.

It would be nice to increase their power, I’m not sure Blizzard wants to go back to that system because they apparently didn’t like that folks blew through dungeons. So if they don’t do that, this is where the request of Mastery comes in since we’re getting that as early as level 10 come SLs. Mastery is pretty important to most specs, so giving players and edge by giving them Mastery early would be ok in my books.

Heirlooms should have an edge, it’s why we bought them to begin with.

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I am on the flip side of that where I primarily use heirlooms to get my character to look how I want them to look. I would be more upset if they just straight up removed them, the XP is whatever for me.

My characters have a specific look I go for. And I will legitimately switch appearances around immediately after I get an item _or rage when a WQ gives me a one handed axe instead of a 2hander my monk can mog into her IC quarterstaff) juat to preserve it.

So in my mind, in the grand scheme of it. Losing XP is the lesser of two evils. Especially with sped up leveling and far far fewer levels to have to attain.


Gotcha; sorry if I came across as angry.

I’m just annoyed that all the gold I’ve spent on these is about to make them more useless than my appendix.


It’s possible to want to understand Sylvanas without wanting to sympathize with and/or absolve her. Probably nuance we won’t get, but worth a thought.


I was never a fan of hers even prior to the burning of Teldrassil. She was interesting up until the ending of Wrath to me and every time she’s on screen I groan. It’s only gotten worse with this whole “4D chess” they’re trying to push.


I agree with this, however I think Blizzard has written themselves into a corner where if we finally learn her motives and understand Sylvanas it will boil down to:

  1. She really is just a cartoon villain that is all “Mwhahahahaha I am evil! You will all die and serve me!”


  1. Some convoluted nonsense where she has known about something we haven’t and has been playing 4D chess and chose to tell NO ONE anything… you know instead of potentially getting the aid of her allies in the Horde, and potentially Alliance.

Both of those options really suck in my opinion, so either way while it will be cool to finally understand Sylvanas and her motives I think it is going to be disappointing no matter what.


Omg I’ve spent so much gold on heirloom upgrades for the XP.

I do like having them so I can mog a character (in this case, if they are cosmetic, they need to add belt/gloves/boots, too) but UGH.

I don’t care if leveling is already changed. If it takes 10 hours to get to max, I want heirlooms to make that 5-7. If it takes 5, I want to do it in 2. Hell, if took 30 min, I want to do it in 10 min.

I 100% agree it should scale based on the amount of characters you have, and take classes into account too. If I’m levelling my 20th rogue (and I have more than 20 at this point, they have their account ffs), boost the living hell out of it if I choose to wear them.

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In regards to leveling speed and the removal of Heirlooms’ exp bonus I’m a bit dubious about the former. On one hand I quite like questing and was among the folks who liked the previous level scaling changes, in so far as it allowing me to finish questlines in zones without out-leveling those zones first. On the other I can certainly understand wanting to get through it all and into endgame as well, as I too have had that feeling time and again.

I suppose my concern is that I want the leveling experience to have a good pace in its progression but I don’t want it to go too fast. I’d overall rather not be able to go from new character to max level in less than a single day without help or intent.

That said the exp boost heirlooms provide is such that I can’t imagine what they could offer in replacement that most folks, myself included, would deem worthy, regardless of how fast leveling will be by then; especially not without just making them stupidly op. Granted I’ll continue to use them regardless for the aforementioned boon to mogging; and I suppose if leveling does end up taking no longer than an afternoon to complete then it would hardly matter anyway.

I would prefer a toggle or adjustment option of some sort; let the individual decide whether or not they get that bonus from heirloom gear, and/or how much. A small but very significant adjustment to the leveling experience, and I assume likely easier than trying to replace the feature altogether.

I mean, we already have the option to just not use the heirlooms if we want the full leveling experience, I just don’t because I’ve been playing since the game came out and have done every quest and dungeon ten billion times. I would like to keep my XP bonuses.

I’m really apathetic about the heirloom thing.
They’re nerfing leveling speed massively. It’s just a perk where you don’t have to swap your gear out anymore, which, with enchants and what not, will give a pretty decent benefit still. If anything, I’d be more likely to enchant my gear with the squish.

I’m more concerned about the lack of expanded character slots.
I’m up to 37 characters right now, and I haven’t actually started the full Allied Race grind. (…too many void elves…)

They had a double reasoning of “people reserving names” and data infrastructure, but like… with the leveling speed changes ontop of customization, people are going to level alts like crazy. People are already paying additional for extra accounts; why can’t we just purchase more character slots instead of having to do a stupid work around?

I’m at 37 characters on my account right now, and this sounds more insane than it actually is, but I am playing almost every single one of them.**

I do a lot of leveling battlegrounds and premades for them. The alts are practically like a MoBA selection for me at this point, especially with how more simple and laid-back leveling battlegrounds are compared to max level. These characters all see play and are rotated on depending on what I feel like playing.
That, and transmog.

Most of these alts are starting to creep towards 110+ due to the EXP bonus.


I’m dying at the most meme-y line from this. Just perfection.


If they didn’t include a setback line, I would have rioted.


I’m personally happy they actually decided to give a major lore character personality.





Mostly neutral on this because most artifacts look ridiculous, but the Silver Hand may just be a ret weapon now.

I’m just excited to be able to use a quiver when I shift to BM for whatever dumb reason.

Can’t really say the same for SV.

As for the rest, we’ll see how it goes. It will be nice to see some mix and match variants without having to go a spec I don’t like to use the look (such as healing appearances when I hate healing).


The quiver thing is super dumb, I remember all the way back to vanilla having my quiver show as long as I didn’t have a 2H melee weapon equipped. The technology for that has been in the game literally since day 1.


Yeah. I look back upon this and sob for what could have been, while remembering a certain dark mirrored a hole has one.



I love this, the unholy weapon was amazing. I want to use it as Blood and 2hand frost.