[Spoilers] Shadowlands Alpha Thread

Sweet! :cowboy_hat_face:

Using Thas’dorah as BM is definitely a boon but, honestly, being able to use Mercer-on-a-stick in any mage spec might be the thing that gets me to roll a squishy again.

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I’ve actually sent a tweet to Warcraft Devs about the quiver thing; it’ll probably be glossed over but hopefully someone reads it.

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Oh man, I can’t wait to confuse everyone with the druid artifact appearances.

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I’m so excited to use the Holy priest staff on the Disp priest. :heart_eyes:


I want to use the disc priest staff on my shadow priest xD

Keen to be able to try other specs on Fal too. I’ve only ever played marksmanship because I want to be a good Farstrider with my awesome elfy bow and arrows!

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BM hunters get to use the bow/quiver models now <3


Random prediction here:

We kill Nathanos in pre-patch, he wants to die so he can be sent to the Shadowlands, it is all part of his plan. However, once he is there Sylvanas eventually betrays him, and/or we find out he has been under her thrall and been mind controlled by her since she gave him his new body before Legion which makes him decide to join up with the players to help stop Sylvanas and the Jailer.

Nathanos somehow gets brought back to Azeroth and becomes the new leader of the Forsaken because he got “redemption” by helping us kill Sylvanas and the Jailer. OR at the least he becomes the leader alongside Calia, in a new Desolate Council.

I just can’t see Blizzard killing off both Sylvanas and Nathanos when they are the most developed Forsaken characters that share the same plights of the Forsaken as a race.


It looks sweet as hell. My uhdk usues it alot.

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Cant wait to use that stained glass candle staff on my shadow priest

Sooo I can be a fury warrior with a shield?

Yeah, my main account is at 48 or 49 and it sucks. I wound up putting rogue alts on their own account to save space. I deleted a bunch and remade them.

The funny thing with taking names is that an account doesn’t need to be active to make a level 1, so I can reserve an absurd amount of names via my other accounts if I want.

With Korrak’s, I wound up hitting around 30 level 120s including 7 or so rogues.

My thing is that I don’t need to play them all each expansion. If I want to treat an account like a toy box or display case of dolls because I like collecting characters and mogging them to perfection then I’ll do just that.

Why not let people pay for more?? I haven’t seen anyone ask for it for free.

When Ion commented about the cap not being raised because people don’t play 50 characters I was so mad lol… seriously, I like collecting stuff and these days (after a purge of material things before moving countries) I like my digital collections.

All those characters That I play infrequently, especially the rogues, are extensions of my main, who can’t possibly wear all the clothes she collects!

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Another prediction:

They will mirror the “There must always be a Lich King” by making it so that “there must always be a Jailer” and Bolvar will end up becoming the new Jailer.

The Helm of the Lich King will also be reforged so that we can close the rift to the Shadowlands, and we will need a new Lich King, HOWEVER instead of a Lich King we will get the first official Lich Queen and it will be Taelia.

That’s right. Taelia Fordragon. We assume she has been introduced just to become Anduin’s love interest, but I don’t think so. She will want to get to know her father and talk with him. She will learn of him becoming the Lich King, and then becoming the new Jailer thus being stuck in the Shadowlands and she will volunteer to be the new Lich Queen so that she can stay in contact with her father as well as “follow in his footsteps”.

From the recent Danuser interview:

The way I’d put it is that in the past, especially in Battle for Azeroth, she concealed a lot of her motivations for things. We saw the actions that she made, but often we were left to guess at why she was doing something, and I think that’s one of the things that frustrated players in some ways - and we recognize that. So pretty early on in the course of Shadowlands, you will reach a point where Sylvanas frankly says, “No more masks. I’m going to tell you what I want, why I’m doing this.” She has some very frank conversations with one of our major characters in game that I think players will find illuminating.

I don’t think it’s as simple as saying will she or won’t she be redeemed? I think we will learn more things about her, and a lot of people might change their point of view on some of how they see her. Some people won’t, because they’ve already decided what they think, or what they want to be true, but our job as storytellers is to continue to evolve these characters and show new sides of them - and that’s something I’m very pleased with what we’re doing in Shadowlands. So it’ll definitely give fans of Syvanas is more things to think about, and that was one of the goals we set out to do."

I’m still not putting it past them to have Sylvanas come out of this alive if not she herself being the new Jailer or joining the Death Pantheon in some way.

I think we will learn more things about her, and a lot of people might change their point of view on some of how they see her.

I’m kind of thinking his whole “It’s not as simple as saying will she or won’t she be redeemed?” speaks of him knowing she’s not ~really~ redeemable but they’re going to do something most of us will hate and find confusing anyway.

Jailer sylvy and lich queen taelia seems to track with blizzards current style of “what if our writing and plots continued exactly the same but now all main characters are women” from bfa

Im still looking forward to shadowlands though

I am curious where they are taking her. I am honestly not sure what their plan is at this point. I also wonder how much of that plan has been re-written due to player feedback. Also also I look forward to mainlining that sweet sweet schadenfreude if they do end up redeeming her.

Eagerly rubbing hands together in anticipation.


Ayyy, some neat news!



######Shadowlands ending spoilers#######

Anduin: “Thank you Sylvy”
Tyrande: “I was so wrong to doubt you”
Thrall: “Lok tar Ogar Sylvanas”
Nathanos: “Goodbye my love, our child will lead the Horde when he comes of age and he is the new chosen one”

Horde and Alliance cheers and Sylvanas ascends into titanhood



We’re going to find Sylvanas’s actual soul trapped in the Maw, and find out that her body has been possessed by an unrelated servant of the Jailer since Cataclysm.


Okay, but hear me out on this one:

Pico: A clarinet player who toots as much as he hoots!

Pico is the best reason to join the Kyrian covenant.

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