[Spoilers] Shadowlands Alpha Thread

I just wanna see Corki in Maldraxxus and him be like, “oh hey, I remember you from Nagrand! As you can see, I didn’t escape this time :D”


I understand the impulse to get defensive when someone says your waifu is trash, but pre-dismissing criticism of the story as nothing more than…pre-dismissal of the story strikes me as a little, dare I say, childish.


It did feel like we were missing a lot of Sylvanas’ story. Her motivations were never clear with her actions in BFA and some of the things she talked about in cinematics. I will say that for the mystery of trying to understand what the end game was alone I am invested in that story. Tyrande as well because she is clearly one of the few Alliance characters that seem to have agency, she is not bound by Anduin, she is clearly acting in her own interests.


I get being curious about her motivations, the issue is with all she’s done? There’s no way she comes out looking like anything other than any of the 2479853621 villains we’ve had in WoW.

We’ve murderhobo’d characters for FAR less than what Sylvanas has done.


My thoughts exactly. We are at a point now where yes it would be kind of interesting seeing her motives, however, said motives are not enough to excuse all she has done.

I would actually like if we, the players and other characters in the story, learn Sylvanas’s motives and then the other characters basically don’t care and kill Sylvanas anyways. To me that sends a good message of the end doesn’t justify the means.


It’s the exceedingly flippant

Some people won’t, because they’ve already decided what they think, or what they want to be true,

that really irks me, like no *&%$^ Steve, we watched her send a bunch of Civilians and Children to Super Hell, what did you think was gonna happen when you turned Sylvanas into poorly written Arthas?


“All you players are just haters. There’s a perfectly understandable reason behind everything Sylvanas has done.”

“Yeah? We’d love to hear it.”

“It’s something truly awful.”


“The worst thing that can happen to a woman.”




“Infertile :pensive:


I don’t think a redemption arch is possible but I do want to understand why it went that way. Being totally biased as she was my favorite leader since I started and she had a spooky nelf model. I wanted to know what the pact was with Helya, what size means by "This world is a prison " and why she did what she did. She is honestly the most interesting part of the story

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Totally get that, she used to be one of my favorites as well. I’m still bitter because I watched the BfA opening cinematic I don’t know how many times, seeing Sylvanas yell For the Horde is my favorite part.

That’s the Sylvanas I wanted, it’s the Sylvanas that got me kinda hyped to enjoy Horde this go around, then we were completely lied to.


I was disappointed with that cinematic because I was like Sylvanas has never cared about the Horde, even going back to Vanilla it says it is an alliance of convenience, so her screaming “For the Horde” felt so fake and out of place that I knew it was just a “cool moment” in the cinematic and nothing more. And I feel bad for the players, like you, who saw it and were inspired by it.

Frankly, it was much more compelling then Anduin crying and yelling “Stand as one for the Alliance.”

When Sylvanas became Warchief I was really, really hoping we’d see a Sylvanas that was going to grapple between her darker nature and instincts and a growing desire to actually lead the Horde.

I felt like it would have been an interesting story and an interesting direction to take the character.

Instead we got literal Arthas 2.0


That would have been far more interesting. Also the story they have forced on us since putting Sylvanas as Warchief honestly just makes me mad because they completely screwed over Vol’jin, who had so much potential, just to end up giving us this crap story.

It is a double slap in the face.


So I get these, but honestly mog is a non-factor for me. I enjoy it, but I can do without it (see Classic). But without XP there’s not really a point. I’d rather they removed them entirely then (and refunded our gold spent on them).

I’d rather go back to getting gear and using upgrades as I get them. Yeah the heirlooms scale with level, but I didn’t get them for that or mog. I got them to grind through levels quicker.

Whatever bonus they give in replacement of XP better be good.

While transmog and having a character look like ‘themselves’ as early as possible is important to me, I was being facetious and, broadly speaking, I agree with you.

Taking exp bonuses off of heirlooms is ridiculous. If anything, I feel like the exp bonus should increase based on the number of characters you’ve leveled to max already.

I’ll probably still use them – while cursing the fact that there aren’t any heirloom boots or gloves to make the transmog application complete – but nerfing them is dumb.


Yeah honestly I’d prefer they stick with the status quo a bit in this case, even as someone whose main love of heirlooms comes from laziness and transmog.


It is hard for me to be too upset about the XP removal when they’re chopping leveling time by like 2/3rds anyway.


I mean yeah, true enough. Ultimately it’s not gonna be something I’ll rage about, even if heirlooms ARE downgraded.

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I really need something ultimately inconsequential to be angry at right now.


I’m not too worried about it tbh. Dude hit level cap in 7 hours in the alpha so I think they’re just buffing leveling speed in general to get folks quicker into the end game content asap.

I really hope in turn that they; 1 add mastery to the gear, 2 they complete the sets, and 3 they make all heirloom weapons swap between int/strg/agil

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I agree with you, in many ways BFA was not the expansion we were sold.

The evil of her actions never really bothered me. It is fictional and the city or people do not exist, so it allows me as it is totally make believe to like an abhorrent monster character and find them better or more interesting characters than the hero. In a way I want her to win, I know people will be furious and people are entitled to their feelings its not wrong to do so either. Sylvanas to me has just sort of reached a point where I see all of the other characters as so uninteresting or bland that I just don’t have any emotional investment in them. Her being currently more interesting is just making me cheer for the obvious villain but I just don’t care about the hero.