[Spoilers] Shadowlands Alpha Thread

I’m not surprised Blizzard people are completely out of touch with how people who care about the storyline and aren’t clued in to the story 3 expansions into the future feel.

We’ve already made up our mind? Yeah- because Sylvanas looked at a tree full of civilians and children and set it on fire. There’s not much mind to make


So how much money are we all putting on this being Nathanos?

I feel like it might not be. It’s too obvious, wouldn’t they just say it? I mean, maybe not, if it is I wouldn’t be surprised, just disappointed. Does anyone really enjoy him?

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Calia. It’s going to be her ‘passing the torch’.

I am willing to put my money on Nathanos or Anduin.

One will be a cringey scene with Nathanos and them confessing their love.

The other will be a cringey scene with Anduin where she explains her motives and everything, and Anduin being the dumbass he is will be like, “Wow what you did was horrible, I can’t believe you had to make such a choice… but I see now you did it for us all. To save us.” And because Blizzard can’t have Anduin be wrong we will all be shoehorned into following his mindset.

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I’m going to laugh my rear off if they try and paint Sylvanas as sympathetic in any way.


Calia takes Sylvanas’ dying hand, begging her not to leave her and how she’s not ready to lead the Forsaken.


:nauseated_face: :face_vomiting:


I mean there’s a lot of Shadowlands that, frankly, looks fantastic.

Which makes it a shame that whenever I end up thinking to myself “maybe I’ll buy it” Danuser kicks in my wall like the Kool-Aid Man to remind me how the people responsible for how dung tier the story was for BfA are still in charge.


See, if they really wanted a finale cinematic to involve the player character, it should have been us caving in Sylvanas’ skull with our boot.

There’s a new 6+ month subscription mount


We’ll see dude. Everything is up in the air at the moment LOL

I demand a conga line with every player character in the game.

They didn’t add the fruit hat for nothing!

Just finished the Hazel interview with Jon Hight. Sounds like no Allied Races are coming in Shadowlands.

It ruins my dumb theory about egyptian-afterlife style death lore, where you sorta take a version of your possessions in life with you beyond the grave :sob:


I mean, they kind of, sort of still do. Just in their ownish way. The Ashbringer was important to Mograines character to the point that he will replicate it within Maldraxxus and Maldraxxus actively supports doing so…apparently.

The whole snippet kind of hints to it at little:

One of the storylines that you’ll see as you’re playing through the different Covenants… in Maldraxxus for example - that is a culture that celebrates who you were in life and the accomplishments that you had - Maldraxxus is all about striving to climb this pyramid and become the best that you can be. And so it was natural for Alexandros Mograine, the original Ashbringer, to fashion himself a sword that recalled the blade that had made him famous long ago. There are some questlines that people haven’t played yet, where it calls out the name of that sword, but it is not the Ashbringer. It’s something that he had forged for himself in Maldraxxxus.

So what’s the point of heirlooms without XP?

I guess they vaguely prevent you from having to change your gear all the time. That’s part of why I like heirlooms - puts me in a nice happy no-thinking mode when grinding dungeons :stuck_out_tongue:

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Heirlooms allow you to immediately mog your gear, as long as you’re willing to take off your white-quality boots and run barefoot through the forest.


This is all absolutely amazing! The more I read into this the more pumped I am getting. SL might even top BC for me.

And that’s hard to do. BC is my all time favorite expansion.

So pleased with everything Blizzard is doing.