[Spoilers] Shadowlands Alpha Thread

Its either this or Farmville 2.0 for me I think.


That collector’s edition looks pretty nice ngl. Feels like $120 is a little bit much although seeing as I haven’t gotten a physical collector’s edition since Mists, I can’t say as to if it’s accurately priced or not.

I am pretty happy with everything that I am seeing. Hoping there will be another pass on Frost DK. I would like to see something like in WoD where 2handers did big obliterates and dual weild was more Frost damage. It is kinda unsatisfying that currently my biggest damage is all passive effects like Frost fever and remorseless winter

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Oh you know that Art Book is going to have some great pieces in it. Shadowlands ingame art looks so amazing. Imagine the concept art of it :heart_eyes:

Frost needs more niche buttons.


I would like a mortal strike pvp talent. Having Chill Streak in pve with the essence makes the rotation feel better too.

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So it’s pretty clear that they reused the Nightborne Manatree here…


But it still looks Nightborne inspired in an artistic way. Y’all think Ardenweald will have Nightborne lore or am I reaching?

Also, Blizzard give players that bipedal Faun to play as :japanese_goblin:

I read that as Nightborne Manatee and was confused for a moment and slightly disappointed because manatees are adorable.


After playing around with the new eye color options, I’m kind of bummed there’s no brown to match Maggie’s IRL eyes, but happy the option to select an eye color is there at all.

Judging by Edge of Night, Sylvanas does remember her time in superhell after being rescued from it. I’m pretty sure at least one of the risen night elves in Darkshore claims that Elune has abandoned/betrayed/forsaken them, so they must remember something.

If it’s true that people were said not to remember their time in the Shadowlands (I’m not trying to say you’re wrong, I just haven’t seen the reference), then it seems that either something about the Maw and/or about being rescued from it changes that, or they’ve forgotten the detail about people not remembering the Shadowlands because it’s not convenient anymore.

Where do I make my wishlist I will go do it right now.

So it is important and basically required to use. I don’t think I’ve heard anyone say they love the mission table system. I mean, I guess maybe people liked it when it was generating them obscene amounts of gold in WoD. But really, just wish they’d remove it. It’s pretty much the epitome of timegated content in WoW.

On a lighter note, I really like this. Love it when the world actually changes when I do stuff in it.

This is definitely one of those things where YOU are correct in that Sylvanas remembers her time in the Maw, however with Edge of Night being retconned to being the first time she meets the Jailer it is possible that she was shown the Maw by the Jailer and then he sent the Val’kyr there to make the deal with Sylvanas. So she never actually went there, or that’s what people theorize since the Jailer was doing it to manipulate her into working with him.

For all we know those who go to Shadowlands don’t remember their time there. And the reason the Night Elves felt abandoned/betrayed/forsaken was because Elune didn’t seem to do anything to save them. I don’t think it was because they went to the Maw, just my opinion though.

The whole thing is a mess lol. Wish Blizzard would give us a straight answer.

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The one nice thing is that they are adding it to the companion app thing come SLs. I know it’s not perfect, but it does sound like you’ll have to do the missions.

Btw guys. Kaelthas… he says the thing.

As you can see, Magister’s Terrace was merely a setback.


The app is nice for people who have any interest in it, I suppose. I won’t be installing it. Zero interest in mission tables. I’m still bitter about the fact I couldn’t keep going on the class hall campaigns and had to put in 10 hours of mission tables just to advance a central story.

Sounds like that’s not going to be a thing anymore, but I’m still pretty darn bitter about that. It’s a poisoned system in my eyes.


I believe that her pact with Helya will play heavily in this story. What I suspect is when Genn broke the soul cage Sylvanas was using to enslave that Valkyr (I forget her name) it was the act that broke the Shadowlands/Arbiter. This is why souls are going to The Maw. Now how this plays into her motivation of why she knowingly started the war to send souls there I am unsure of but I also suspect that the Jailer is not there by choice and that perhaps the Shadowlands are not the real afterlife but a purgatory of sorts.

Totally agree. That wasn’t fun at all, I can say it was a good attempt at making it a bit more immersive due to “we need to go on an expedition and find this thing” but we did that for years with just a questchain. Folks want to play out the scenes, not go afk.


BEs are potentially getting more jewelry for their arm.

Them getting more stuff really makes me excited to see what the other already datamined races will get as well. Tauren tail jewelry maybe?


<-------------------------------- Is hoping for Kaldorei Worgen customization or just a straight up solid brown fur the way we got the solid white look like Greymane has.

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Orc customization still is either just okay or underwhelming or just outright bad. Why are two of the three tattoo options (not warpaint) just stripes? Why’s the scarification on the face look so off?

And, are orc women going to get customizable tusks too? I sure would hope, or I’ve a friend who’ll be very cross if they don’t.


I want a ton of things for blood elves, but if I just get red eyes as an option I will be satisfied enough.

It would be great, though, if male blood elves could get in on the ear jewelry, and if we could get a couple more options there. I want some leaf earrings for Eledris. Also, I’m hoping that we’ll get a short eyebrow option like the night elves have.

Speaking of night elves – is there any word on whether death knights will be able to choose their races’ standard eye colors? I have a nelf DK with Night Warrior eyes, and I’d really like to keep them.