[Spoilers] Shadowlands Alpha Thread

Good to know there’s still hope for my 3 characters not going Venthyr.

I play both Horde and Alliance, though Horde is where I’m more geared, but I’m always looking for more people to do content with on either side. :slight_smile:

Agreed. To be honest, I would have a VERY hard time believing that, in a combined Horde army, the only catapult engineers are Forsaken. Woulda been a whole bunch of them, I reckon. Nathanos gave the order, they may have been Forsaken-style catapults… but personally I reckon it’s totally feasible for Altielle to have been one of the Catapulters, if that was what you had in mind!

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This is random, but I am really hoping we get to see more of Delaryn Summermoon in Shadowlands. I felt she was such a great character and was a good example of how to introduce a new character for players to get to connect with. I loved working alongside her in War of Thorns and was sad to see her die, however I really enjoyed the parallels between her and Sylvanas.

Then when we get into the Darkshore warfront we find out she gets raised into undeath so the parallel between her and Sylvanas was complete. I was hoping they were going to have Sylvanas be to Delaryn what Arthas was to Sylvanas. But instead we get her joining the Forsaken willingly (this will forever baffle me).

My hope is they continue Delaryn’s story with Calia or see her rejoin with the Night Elves, or joining Tyrande to help hunt down Sylvanas. Something.

If all the souls were being fed into the Maw, then Delaryn was revived from her experience in Super-Hell with no sight or hint of Elune. Shadowlands may make the Night Elf Forsaken angle make a lot more sense.

im just gameing

bastion gang where you at

I am seeing a lot of speculation about the Jailer might not be the real bad guy. Some interesting possible motivations for Sylvanas and things not being what they seem. I am holding off on getting too excited for the story but it would be nice to see a deeper story and something that makes BFA make a bit more sense.

But people don’t remember their time in the Shadowlands when brought back to the realm of the living. Cenarius says this I believe. So with that in mind, I could see why they would willingly choose to come back as an undead instead of going to the Maw, but they wouldn’t remember going there once they were raised. Which is why it makes no sense that they would then willingly join the Forsaken who just killed them.

Dev interview soon!

As I remember correctly, in the early versions of the Darkshore quest line, the idea that they were being raised willingly wasn’t there. This prompted outrage that had Blizz add in some text for the Val’kyr specifying “raise the willing” but otherwise leaving the quest unchanged.

So the idea was they ultimately had no choice in the matter.

Releasing Fall 2020 and beta coming next week btw

What I would do to get a beta invite… I’m itching to feel how my chosen characters play.

Time to continuously refresh my email next week…!

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Also… did I hear that right? No barriers such as keys for running Torghest— including the progression side of things?


Abomination build-a-bear workshop confirmed


New build has dropped with suggestions that Vulpera will be able to select their eye color separate from face.
…My girl can have her proper brown eyes!!! YES! Oh my goodness that would make me so so SO happy…


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The fall release is a little nebulous for me, I am just going to guess November for black Friday sales and such.

Agreed. My guess is either the Tuesday right before Thanksgiving, November 24th. Or the Tuesday before that November 17th.

New Orc customizations inc!

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Recap of the interview:

  • Shadowlands will definitely be releasing this fall.

  • The Shadowlands Physical Collector’s Edition will have a reflective surface.

  • There will be a full-color art book, covenant pin set, soundtrack, and mousepad in the physical collector’s edition.

  • Shadowlands will enter beta NEXT WEEK with the release of the Maw to test as well.

  • The Alpha has been a true Alpha. It is an evolution of feedback and sometimes new builds are only 5 days old.

  • Torghast will be completely ungated and have no currency system to run it.

  • The character artists are listening to feedback and wish lists for further customization.

  • Beta will be feature complete, but work still remains.

  • You will be able to level to 60 in beta and test endgame.

  • Beta will send out a lot more invites! More will come out over the summer as well.

Endgame in Shadowlands

  • You will choose your covenant at max level which will unlock a lot of new endgame systems.

  • Form Soulbinds - Bind your soul to a member of your covenant and unlock new abilities with a new talent tree that you can customize.

  • Empty slots in the tree will be for conduits. These are similar to relics in Legion. They are spec specific and will drop from all content. There are types that are utility, defensive, and throughput.

  • Conduits are customizable and you can switch them out for a small cost.

  • You will gain renown with your covenant to unlock new features, rewards, and cosmetics, and such. This is done by collecting anima. This is not an open-ended grind. There is also robust catch up systems for it.

  • Each covenant has a sanctum which functions like the class halls in Legion. Each one also has upgrades that can be earned through gaining anima and rescuing souls from the Maw.

  • Every covenant has a unique transportation network for their respective zones.

  • Every covenant will also have wards you can activate to restore the flow on anima in the zone. Restoring these will activate quests and other activities for the area. Eventually you can unlock these permanently. It will also physically change the area.

  • Each covenant has a scouting map called Adventures which is the new iteration of the mission table. It no longer has a central importance, but it’s an outlet for storytelling and offline progression. It is turn based and you will level up your soulbinds, create parties, and send them out on missions for loot.

    • The mobile app will support Adventures.
  • Each covenant also has a unique feature:

    • Venthyr - Ember Court. You will have a self-contained mini game to seek out guests and set up a party, play through it in real time, and maximize the happiness of your guests for rewards.

    • Kyrian - Path of Ascension. You inhabit the consciousness of one of your soulbinds and take on trials to recruit powerful allies. It is focused on combat.

    • Necrolords - Abomination Factory. You can build fleshwork creatures to be the perfect housing for a soul in need of a physical form. You can adventure with each of these unique souls out in the world.

    • Night Fae - Queen’s Conservatory. You will tend to a soul garden, similar to the farm in Pandaria. You will nurture souls back to life.

  • The Theater of Pain Dungeon will be available soon. It takes place during an important battle royale event. It is a non-linear dungeon with different choices to progress.

  • Early on in our adventures in the Maw will will find Vinari, one of the only souls in the Maw that doesn’t want to kill us. She will improve our experience in the Maw and help us with Torghast.

  • There will be a lot of discover-able gameplay in the Maw. You won’t just be able to bring up the map and see world quests. Everything you do is under the eyes of the Jailer and you are not welcome here. Eventually you will have to retreat after gaining too much ire of the Jailer.

  • Castle Nathria raid testing will begin later this month.

  • Shadowlands Mythic+ testing will also start later this month. They want early feedback so they can make sure they can improve the experience before launch.

  • The new seasonal affix will be revealed later this month as well.

  • Legendary Runecrafting will be testable soon as well. They are similar to Legion legendaries but the way they are obtained is controlled by the player instead of RNG.

  • You will find a runesmith jailed in the bowels of Torghast. This smith wields the power to forge items similar in power to the Helm of Domination or Frostmourne. They will make the legendary slot of your choice with enough currency earned through Torghast.

  • A lot of the legendary abilities are influenced by old set bonuses or legendaries that were popular.

  • Covenant Campaign testing will be available soon as well. These are unique story campaigns linked to your covenant that will unlock rewards and cosmetics.

  • There will be focused PvP testing soon as well. They want to have the pacing of PvP fleshed out better going into the expansion.

  • They also want to test the pacing of character progression. Characters will probably be wiped at the end of the month and character copies enabled.

  • The months ahead are focused on polish, iteration, feedback response, and tuning.

  • Tuning is the last thing that the team does during beta. They look for outliers that are out-of-whack right away, but make sure the conceptualizations are there before they dial them in.

  • Stuff that looks over or underpowered on the Alpha right not have not been tuned accordingly yet.


Y’all, if I can put a tophat on my abom…I’ll lose it.

The character artists are listening to feedback and wish lists for further customization.

The heroes of the expansion. Orc eyebrows pls. Pink or purple yes for Draenei pls.

Every covenant will also have wards you can activate to restore the flow on anima in the zone. Restoring these will activate quests and other activities for the area. Eventually you can unlock these permanently. It will also physically change the area.

They’re doing an Suramar? Though at the same time, these sound like they’re temporary?

Is this as dark as they’re willing to go with the Void Elves because I truly would love to see something darker


SLs is shaping up to be so damn promising.

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Demonology warlocks get an interrupt in the form of their Felguard’s Axe Toss! Huzzah! I’m so happy about that, it has felt so strange running through content without one on mine.