[Spoilers] Shadowlands Alpha Thread

New class changes:



Demon Hunter:


So yeah, Demo Warlocks get an interrupt with their felguard.

Blizzard: rejoice DKs! You can choose between dual-wielding and two-handers again!
DK: thank u sir we love you

shaman: hey can we–
Blizzard: no.


Since, to my knowledge, a Belf’s eye color is representative of the flavor of magic they’re juicing on, what would be the source of the red eyes?

tomato sauce.


I can’t believe that they’re giving Holy Power to all paladin specs again, but not giving back Eternal Flame, which is all I’ve wanted for my holy paladin since they took it away after WoD.

It’s possible that I’m missing whatever its application is supposed to be, but Bestow Faith is the most useless ability I have ever encountered. It’s like someone looked at Eternal Flame and decided to deliberately make its successor as worthless as possible.

Basically, I want Bestow Faith to go away and see Eternal Flame put in its place, and if holy power is back then I see no good reason for them not doing that.

Red eyes on Belves seem to indicate they are undead of some kind. Like Forsaken undead, not Death Knight undead.

What Dardillien said. Red eyes belong to dark rangers (and presumably other banshees), as well as being thematically appropriate for San’layn. I have both, and I want them to have their proper eye color.

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As much as a fan I am for the red eyes on BEs. I doubt it’ll happen because that would reflect that they are indeed undead but BEs can be Paladins so it’s pretty conflicting.

WoD Paladin was so much fun :frowning:

It’s weird to me that outside of the special model San’layn the rest of the Dark Fallen have Death Knight blue eyes. Yet, the human pirates in Stormheim that are Vampyr, which is the same blood curse as the San’layn, have red eyes.

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We can already put golden eyes on a belf warlock (and soon, also blue ones), so red eyes on a paladin doesn’t seem unprecedentedly weird to me. We know there are undead that can use the Light, too, so it’s even ICly workable (aside from the fact that one could use a paladin to portray a non-Light spellblade or whatever).

I think it’s basically just a quiet cosmetic retcon. The mobs were created many years apart, after all.

Like I said, I support it, but there is a conflict with it. But Blizzard doesn’t really need to explain everything anyways.

I mean, I want Man’ari customizations, but I don’t expect it for conflicting reasons.

I could see both being ARs.

Gotcha, just was curious.

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What I mean to say is that, while that conflict does exist, I don’t think that Blizzard would actually care or avoid making red eyes available as a result. There’s already a conflict between gold and blue eyes and the existence of warlocks, which they don’t seem to be trying to avoid, and they don’t have to explain why an undead character could play a Light-wielding class, because that has been explained already.

Basically, this would be no different from things they’ve already done, so I don’t imagine that they’d see it as an obstacle this time.

We’re in agreement.

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I’m sorry if I’ve been misinterpreting you.

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Nah, I was probably presenting my point poorly.

Can’t decide if hitting the heart button is an appropriate response to this. Not sure if it would communicate “All good!” like I want it to, or “Yeah you typed bad” which is not what I mean.

I will debate this for several hours longer than is necessary or reasonable.


Just to add to your internal debate…

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I absolutely despised this, especially with how short the Order Hall quest chains were overall; combined the almost unanimously unsatisfying cliffhanger endings across the board, because of the tie into the Broken Shore, and mission table seemed like a tool for pure padding.

What I’ve always hated most since then is how the scenarios of the missions often sounded like they’d make good content on their own, but instead they’re just used for a passive Facebook game.

I would say that I don’t know why they insist on keeping it around, but a very cynical part of me prevents me from doing so.

