Never played TBC, as I’m a Legion baby.
Sabellian is in Balde Edge Mountains, right?
Might fly up there later to check his quests and make up my mind
Whilst you’re down there, on an Alliance toon you should pick up the quests from ‘Samia Inkling’ too, since she’s a Black Dragon in disguise - working to help replenish her flight after the destruction wrought upon it.
The old gods in general corrupted the Black Dragonflight. N’Zoth was simply just a core-figure in the corruption of Deathwing, but even without his presence - those N’Zoth had ‘inflicted’ would still be under the sway of the old gods. Also mind you, it’s speculated that N’Zoth is still alive - Kept within the blade that formerly held Xal’Atath.
Although that may ring truth, it doesn’t hide the fact that Wrathion sought little to no means of finding ways to purify other Black Dragonflight eggs or save any of his kin, to the likes of what had been done to himself. He just outright orchestrated the slaughter of all of them.
Which was stupid.
- He was purified by a titan artifact (arguably more powerful than the one that purified Wrathion) so it shouldn’t had been set to a single zone.
- They made Ebonhorn portrayed like a clueless muppet, instead of an ancient Black Dragon steeped in knowledge & power — who ended up getting educated by Wrathion.
It would had been more fitting to have Ebonhorn save Wrathion honestly. However I can’t say I’m too surprised, since Ebonhorn’s visage is that of a Tauren — and Tauren are typically just pathetically weak pushovers who are there to get facestomped easily in various ways unless they’re a villain so
Yeah, I was hoping they’d reference that in Dragonflight beta with her encounter towards Sabellian. That’s perhaps also why she’s a bit stern with them however, given her former means to negotiate didn’t end so well + Neltharion’s betrayal would be a deep sting to her heart & becoming friends with his flight would had opened old wounds again.
He could had still done that with a more practical approach, such as taking out the major Twilight Dragonflight operations than that of the Black Dragonflight, or simply incapacitated them & held them prisoner (save some exceptions where we’re forced to assassinate for gameplay reasons) — Then with said-research use them to aid his flight & gain loyal followers from the thankfulness of freeing their minds.
I mean he was also like, 5 years old wasn’t he?
And he’s still a whelp as of DF if I recall correctly. That or when Sabellion calls Wrathion a whelp, he was using it as a insult.
But yeah, I think Wrathion is a teenager now. He’s still relatively young for a dragon
He’s friends with Rexxar.
Why? I think given the clear importance of mortals now, they should be making ties and be willing to pick a side.
Honestly? Since blizz is letting us grind renown with both Wrathion and Sabellion. This might be a situation where both of them actually split the aspect power 50/50 with one becoming leader and the other a advisor.
Which I think works better in the long run. But that’s me
I think the idea of them sharing could be neat. Not really something I considered before. Kind of a combination of brashness and caution balanced out.
The dragons should be above mortal affairs and polititcs. An actual noble force meant to protect the world should not scheme for the sake of the factions. Also it would be one sided and unfair since most dragons would certainly side with the alliance leaving the Horde in a huge disadvantage.
Wrathion sided with the Alliance because he believed the Horde to be a threat that needed to be contained. He was sort of vindicated in that outlook when later on down the road Sylvanas became Warchief and did Sylvanas things to Teldrassil.
He’s still a bigger welp than the Geiko Gecko and just as annoying and I’m glad Varian didn’t follow his opinion on trying to break up the Horde, but he wasn’t 100% wrong either.
EDIT: On a side note… Sylvanas becoming warchief was sort of partially his fault since he had a hand in re-opening the dark portal to the past and setting things in motion, right?
I take it back. Wrathion sucks.
Disagree, mortal affairs and politics seem of vital importance now. And this is something we’ve seen them do a fair bit. Some joined the Kirin Tor like Kalec and some other Blue I forget. Deathwing and Onyxia as Prestor.
The events of which included the defeat of the Legion
Legion never invades if Wrathion doesn’t stick his nose into the whole Garrosh stuff though. That’s the irony of it
I swear lore forums are the only place where it’s acceptable to legitimately argue that something that is like 3 or 4 degrees removed from a decision is also that person’s fault. Like saying someone should be put on trial for murder cause they sold a guy a knife once.
Legion is also not defeated if Wrathion doesn’t stick his nose into it, so I guess that’s a wash.
Is it though? Not like Wrathion had a hand in their defeat. It was the Order Halls, their champion plus the Illidari and Army of the Light.
The Legion probably still invades eventually but they have all the titan souls corrupted and Argus. Plus the Army of the Light is already wiped out and Illidan’s is never brought back because he’s been captured.
The argument would be that the Legion would have basically already won had the events of Legion not forced us into stopping Sargeras from fully incorporating the Titans strength into the Legion.
Army of Light also would have arguably been killed off without us appearing out of nowhere as well, and who knows if the Order Halls are formed if they weren’t in the middle of faction conflict between Horde/Alliance.
It’s a video game of course, and logically we win regardless. Not really the point though.
Sure, they would have invaded eventually. Just not in the numbers we seen in legion. Because Gul’dan wouldn’t be there to turn the Tomb of Sargeras in a juvenile Dark Portal that allowed the legion to bear down on azeroth in full strength to begin with.
That’s all I’m saying.
Probably even greater numbers.
The entire narrative was eventually they’d get someone or something to establish their foothold. That if we didn’t strike then, eventually we’d lose because every invasion we lose vital stuff and time is on their side. But with no Illidan, no Army of the Light, and the Legion has all the Titans. That’s why Illidan made us invade then, we’d be screwed if we didn’t.
Here’s an alternative:
Without Wrathion’s involvement and a more distant Legion invasion, it is just as likely that the Horde and Alliance, led by Varian and Vol’jin, would have built a stronger mutual alliance. With the advanced warning Wrathion had already provided (reported by the PC to their leadership), Azeroth could have been better prepared for the Legion’s invasion. In such a scenario, it’s possible that Vol’jin and Varian could have sued for amnesty for the imprisoned demon hunters to help pave the way for defending the world against the known coming threat. And without the distraction of the Iron Horde invasion, there would be more resources available to fight said threat. Such a stronger defense means it is entirely possible that the Legion is repelled quickly, with fewer lives lost. Sargeras never enters the field, thus no sword in Silithus and no re-awakening of N’zoth. Also, because Sylvanas’s ascension to warchief doesn’t happen in this scenario, Zovaal’s plans are likewise thwarted.
Playing the guessing game of what might have been and could have been means we have to also accept the possibility that things could have gone better without Wrathion’s involvement. Neither is more or less likely really.
I don’t really agree but I do acknowledge we’re just speculating. But my main position if we want to get away from it is we need to take the good with the bad. People only want to point out the bad. Ultimately the Legion’s defeat was a good thing.
Nobody is saying it’s not a good thing. We’re just point out that a lot of people want to ignore the messes Wrathion made by getting involved. Some have the opposite problem, they see the good things but refuse to accept the colossal mistakes Wrathion made