Honestly? I always thought of saurfang as a hypocrite. Dude talked about honor when it’s works in his favor, but whines when it doesn’t. Siding with sylvanas is something I totally would do again
I’m not saying nobody was against him. I understand some people were supportive of the villain. Most average players I knew (not mega into the story) were like ‘yeah, she’s blatantly evil’.
Oh, she was evil and completely in the wrong for what she did. I just couldn’t side with saurfang the hypocrite
sometimes i get the feeling the support of sabellian from some here is only because sabellian leans more toward the horde then wrathion
I wholeheartedly agree with this sentiment. But you have to keep in mind, for a long, long time now, WoW has been a single player, linear narrative game with multiplayer elements (pvp/pve/rp). The story itself is a roller coaster; it’s on a track, it goes around and around, and you either ride it or you get off - but you can’t choose its direction.
WoW players need to bite the bullet here and just accept that there is only the illusion of choice in WoW, even when it comes to PVE/PVP. Specs/class balance has always come down to flavor of the month, and people largely play what performs well, because that’s how you stay competitive. You can choose to pick the weaker talents because they’re fun, but if you have aspirations to compete at the high end, you need to roll with what the numbers say.
More of a personal thing here, but my encouragement is to not pigeon hole yourself into an “us” or “our” situation. There will never be “balance” between the factions because when it comes to the narrative it’s all subjective, and staying so close to the losses and wins is just going bring upset or frustration.
E.G. Some people will view the loss of Theramore, Gilneas, and Teldrassil, as being more of a gut punch to the Alliance than something like Lordaeron was to the Horde, or Kezan for that matter, simply because in all three of those Alliance situations - it was the other playable faction which took something away, not an NPC.
We humans, as members of an audience, react much more passionately to a story when we: a) have a connection to what was lost, b) feel it was unjust or unfair, c) are given no reward for our patience or enduring the angst in the first place.
The fact that it’s been a group of other “people”, real people, who are in some way “responsible” (even in a fictitious world) for us losing things we a) have a connection to just makes it hurt that much more.
Distancing yourself a bit from the source material, trying to look at WoW a bit more objectively at times, can really help lessen the impact of that. Viewing it all from the perspective of someone who is Horde, or is Alliance, rather than as a player who enjoys that faction, can lead to a lot of blinding rage and frustration.
It’s largely why I stopped giving two craps about the game - the community had become so toxic and cruel because they can’t get their head out of the sand far enough to realize Blizzard thrives on putting its players against each other in really unhealthy ways. They seem to think that stirring hostility in the community is the same as generating passionate engagement.
How is it a fake choice if the outcome doesn’t swing the way you want it to?
Sorry but complaining about having to go Team Saurfang in the end is silly since going all the way with Sylvanas would have made the player into a Mawsworn which obviously wouldn’t have happened. Personally I thought it was cool that they gave the option to stay loyal to her for as long as they could just to create some variety in the matter.
Uhm… Wut?
But like, no he doesn’t. He has nothing to do with either at all.
Tell that to Swtor and ESO. Those games allow you actual choice. Especially Swtor since it basically has no MP outside of the raids. You can finish the entire story without ever having to find a group of other players.
Well too late for that. Bfa ruined my fun. All I have left now is spite.
I really don’t care for Kezan, Lordaeron and Zuldazar. But the latter was special because there was an actual loss recorded. Rastakhan. Troll fans just can’t catch a break. Blizzard will always take their stuff away.
Wrathion is a close friend of Anduin and brings the Alliance Dracthyr to Stormwind. So there is that fear that he will urge the black flight to aid the blue team against the Horde if there shall ever be another faction war.
Wut? The Horde never interacts with him outside of some side quests.
That’s not the fakeness. The fakeness was acting like it would ever go different than it did.
I’m not. I like Saurfang.
Because the choice didn’t matter. Saurfang still died and Sylvanas was forced to abandon Orgrimmar. An actual choice would be if Sylvanas killed Saurfang and urged her own forces to repell what was left of the rebells.
Then you do not understand the purpose of an RPG. Try some Skyrim or Dragon Age. You will see how a good and organic story actually works.
So veering away from any faction-related discussion for just a second. Let’s say for a moment that by the end of this expac, the powers that make an Aspect are fully reclaimed. One of these two can truly ascend into the position.
I have no doubt that Sabellian would be a good leader for the Black Dragonflight. He has the benefits of wisdom and experience, presumably has a personal connection with the ones that come with him from Outland. He had a hand in Deathwing’s crimes, but turned over a new leaf when it became clear that his evil was self-destructive.
Compare this to Wrathion, who at first glance doesn’t seem to be exactly the best candidate leadership-wise. He’s pretty young, brash, impulsive and frankly doesn’t have the best track record. What with the domino effect with WoD leading to Legion, which then led to BFA, and so on. He was free of the Black Dragonflight’s crimes at birth, but despite his willingness to commit crimes that are all his own, he was one of the key reasons we managed to defeat N’zoth.
Lining the two up side by side, it seems like Sabellian is the more natural leader for the Black Dragonflight. But on the other hand, Wrathion is the only one of the two that has a connection to Azeroth and its people. He’s proven that he can be trusted with power and has quite a rapport with a good number of NPCs. The same can’t be said of Sabellian.
So I guess the question is, what’s more important overall in being a Dragon Aspect? Is it tending to wants and needs of their own flight, or is it guardianship of Azeroth as a whole? If it’s the former, I say Sabellian, if the latter, I say Wrathion.
Yes, I get it, those are games with lots of options with multiple story paths, none of which are more canon than the other.
This is an MMO where you’re a character taking part in a story that’s already set, you just get to take part in it.
Maybe they could have given you that option where you fight off all the rebel Horde and the Alliance but it wouldn’t have been the canon story anyway so, again, you’re back at your version not mattering.
It’s been that way since Warcraft III incase you haven’t noticed.
If we are starting to hold Blizzard to a higher standard then they are might going to change their ways.
I think Blizzard forgets that tyranny is possible with a council just as much, or even more, than with a single ruler.
I agree; Sabellian should lead them. Wrathion is too reckless and inexperienced, Ebyssian is too unfamiliar with the black Dragonflight’s history and Sabellian had a good counterargument for Alexstraza’s remark about “his part in (his) father’s legacy.”
It is not tyranny if the population of the nation/faction actually support what their leader is doing.
It depends on what it is you’re asking of them.
If you’re asking for a higher quality story then yeah that sounds reasonable.
If you’re expecting them to outright change the design philosophy of their games then you’re likely going to remain disappointed.
Wait, what now? He’s had ten thousand years to observe and keep track of everything going on. I doubt he’s spent all that time doing nothing but babysitting the Highmountain as Ebonhorn.
vs Wrathion who’s been on the scene for…what? Ten years? Twenty Azeroth time? And other black dragons are actually taking his bid to lead the flight seriously?
Who are you and what have you done with Erevien?
Considering that leaving Highmountain at all would make him an easy target for N’zoth, as seen in the Highmountain recruitment chain, yes he probably did just babysit the Highmountain Tauren.
He is not a leader. He is an advisor. He never lead troops into battle. Or made decisions about stuff like food production or other politics. Unlike Sabellian who aided the adventurers from Azeroth against Gruul and his sons.
Oh don’t worry. I will still crap on characters like Jaina and Vereesa until they are executed for their crimes against the blood elves and Zandalari.