[SPOILERS] Possible Non binary NPC

“55 replies” do I want to even read what’s happening? Feel like it’s probably just Transphobes getting mad or somethin


LOL… didnt take long eh ? Nericaryn …

No, it isn’t about being mentally honest. It’s about not caring or respecting the other person due to your own perception of the world. You’d rather make someone else feel bad than reconsider your views, which is why you’re seen in a negative light. It doesn’t affect you whatsoever, but you calling someone else by their preferred pronoun might make them happy.


Why would i reconsider my views if i think they are not wrong ?

Should i just ignore my reality, and acknoledge something as such, at the cost of betraying what i believe in ?. Sorry not going to happen.

And this is worse than asking something passively, as this require from me something actively. For example.

Lets say i dont agre with a subject being discussed, i can passively ignore. Thats somehow more acceptable.

But this requires me to actively do something against what i believe.


I wonder how this is gunna play in China?


These people want to deny reality and make up a reality that is false, and want to force people to believe something that isn’t true. Right is wrong, left is right, up is down, down is up, and the sky is green not blue. And if you don’t believe this or think like me you’re a whateverphobe! These people are whack!


Honestly, I was taking time to really try and put into perspective how honestly selfish this kind of view is, but at this point it’s just not worth the effort. You aren’t interested in adjusting your world view for others and instead prefer to focus on yourself and your comfort, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing but still shows that you have restricted care for your fellow human beings. That sort of mindset is something I used to have (in particular, I thought it ridiculous that they/them could be used to describe a single person) and after speaking with someone else who has it, I’m really happy I broke free of that.

You are absolutely free to do what you think is right. But when in a public setting, you’ll be seen in that light and you really can’t complain about it given you’ve chosen this stance.

Good day.


Im really sorry if you feel that way, but please do not see it as if im unwilling to adjust my view for others.

Its just the fact thats the way i percieve reality, its not that i choose to do it for my own… for example im Atheist… i would love that there was an all loving being out there, but i just dont buy it. It would be nice to, and certainly would make me confortable thinking it.

But same way im not willing to compromise on that, i cant do so to please others view.

I really believe a correct statement that there are only 2 sexes on human beings, and unless someone brings me evidence (not sentiment), that, that view does not conform to reality, i cant change it.

Its not a view to please myself or others, its just reality.


I love the trend of labeling a thread [spoilers] and then just … listing the spoiler right next to it. In what way this qualifies as a spoiler, I don’t know. It’s not relevant to literally anything.

The singular they/them has existed since before you were born. There’s evidence of it going back to Shakespear, meaning it predates the English language as we know it. Recognize that your grasp of English is nowhere near good enough to warrant this amount of confidence and adjust your attitude appropriately.

…To be fair… they probably are trying to capture a teenage audience.

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Something the two of us can actually agree on.

The problem is, the evidence you’re looking for in all of this isn’t something that will be founded by science. The reality is formed by the human mind, and the genders we talk about were created by the human language. Language does change, and it’s changing now. People are finding that the labels we’ve created don’t fit them, and they’re seeking ways to describe themselves that don’t cause body dysmorphia. Being called their dead name or the incorrect gender will only make them feel wrong or unwanted, which is a feeling people like them have grown up with. I just can’t agree with people who are so willing to continuously hurt people who have already been hurting their entire life.

I’m asexual. I grew up believing I was broken and wrong, and that psychological damage has absolutely crippled me as I’m nearing my 30s. But that barely scratches the surface of someone who isn’t comfortable in their own skin. So if me calling them a different pronoun can help alleviate even a little bit of that discomfort and pain, then I’m happy to do it. I wouldn’t wish the pain of being unwanted or believing to be broken on anyone.


Kinda funny how half this thread is one person crying after saying they’re leaving


I already love her for that.

Well, I’m close to having a bingo.


Nice to see a Dragon with a Vulpera visage form, looking forward to meeting/questing with them in game.


and maybe that’s the clue that someday we might have other visage forms to our playable dragons too!


We truly live in a bizarro world now.:crazy_face:


Yeah tell me about it
Men wearing dresses wasn’t a problem in America till the 1950’s


Don’t forget about women wearing pants too!

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So this Dragon could have picked ANYTHING and they went with a Vulpera?!??!

Something is not right in their head. Who picks a Vulpera, honestly?

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Everyone knows life is just an elaborate prank being played on us by aliens anyway.