[SPOILERS] Possible Non binary NPC

Nah, the inevitable storm on the forums right now is about the Slimesaber mount.

I’m sure intersex people will be very interested to know this.

Sure you can.

Those aren’t pronouns. Maybe revise basic English.


Intersex are like 0.04% of the population, and they are not non binary… they have mutations, etc. But at the end of the day are female and can concieve, or male and can impregnate a woman.

And if there is a single being who could concieve and impregnate at the same time. THAT SINGULAR BEING, would be something else, and would be called non binary or whatever new medical term to describe that reality. And even then, a plural wouldnt be used, its grammatically stupid

Not whatever person wokes up one morning and say, “Now i feel im not a man/woman anymore, but something else entirely”. Thats not how the world works. And urging everyone else to accept that as reality is just being mentally dishonest.

But hey… the world is full of that nowadays, my previous post already got flagged.

Truth hurts i guess


They/them have always been used in the singular form as well. It’s not some new “woke” phenomenon.


You are reading way to much into this, remember Michael Jackson named his kid blanket, which was also definitely not a norm for naming.


Bye Felicia.

Not the first time posts restored later… wont be the last …


Where? I read it and saw they…

Although i don’t have my glasses on so if i missed it i apologize.

Neither is ze/zie, ve, ver, xe, xem and all that crazy stuff popping up …


The earliest recorded use of “they” as a gender neutral personal pronoun was in the 14th century in a French poem called William the Werewolf. Xe Ze Phe Er Ou And ne. There was a brief attempt to use one gender neutral pronoun in the 1880s called “thon”, but it didn’t become popular.

This isn’t anything new or modern


Now you going into french ?

Because the terms “Elle” (instead of “ellos” in spanish) going farther, plural and gender neutral, or “loro” in italian, are absolute trasvesties, and both the “Real Academia Española” and “Accademia della Cruzca” have said, both doesnt make any sence grammatical. I’d guess Oxford school hasnt pronounce on english (although, it kinda sucks not having a single ultimate authority on english), but do not involve other languages, as i can make a case for Spanish and Italian, making absolute 0 sence, yet, you will see them pushing the same agenda, no matter the language.


I can’t do either of these things. Guess that means I’m neither? :face_with_monocle:

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Whose looking to keep going.As I said I was simply providing some information nothing more.

Oh and I see partiarachal groups forcing agendas more than us.

Only agenda I have is to play,live life,occasionally have fun.

No, it means you may have a medical condition which prevents you from it. But im not interested on that. Nor should you feel obligued to share any of that info…


I need to turn on the pc so i can access my bingo card

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Said what exactly.I have nver called anyone a transphobe here.Nor have I ever had reason to,dont pull straws where there aren’t any.

But that’s the issue with your statement. Only females can conceive and only males can impregnate.

Anyway, I’ve read the rest of the thread now and you’re being purposefully obtuse. Whenever you don’t know the gender of someone, you talk about them using them/they. It’s a very common use of those in the singular. Asking to only use those even after you meet the person really shouldn’t be this hard.


again, i didnt say you did …

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Cool. and?

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It is, if you care about being mentally honest. (You may even be wrong (not talking about this), but if you believe something, you cant be forced to acknoledge it just to please)

I am sorry but i cant call a female a he/they or a male a she/they. And that cant be taken as me being aggressive.