[SPOILERS] New Mourneblade

From Wowhead:

Bolvar: A weapon… forged in the fires of Torghast. A mourneblade is born.

That is either Shalamayne (Varian’s sword) or a new blade forged to be basically Shalamayne.

But the question that arises is: What is a Mourneblade?

We’ve heard that word before, during the Runecarver Cinematic. The Jailer calls Frostmourne the Runecarver’s “finest Mourneblade”.

Looking at “Varianmourne”, the significant differences between that sword and Shalamayne are basically two things:

1 - The Maw Runes.

2 - The saw-like jagged edge near the hilt on one side.

Frostmourne also possessed these characteristics.

Is this what a Mourneblade is? A regular blade with magic Maw Runes and a serrated edge on one side near the hilt?

What else is there to it?


If it has to do with the blades ability to consume souls that would make sense.
Let us not forget Shadowmourne, a blade that we had to consume souls to forge.

So my thought is a mourneblade is a soul consuming/controlling type of blade.


What ever they are, they are not very poggers.


‘Mourneblade’ is something the writers invented so it sounds better than it actually is.

That whole cinematic is terrible. From the clunky dialogue to Blizzard desperately trying to make Sylvannas seem redeemable.


In all fairness, she’s talking to Anduin, who’s never not been able to turn his captors into allies thus far.

Kidnaping Anduin basically guarantees that you’ll be friends with him in the near future.


Frostmourne’s big party trick was devouring the souls of the slain to empower the wielder. Shadowmourne did this as well.

My guess is Shalamourne does similar and Sylvanas is tempting him with power. Which would make more sense if he wasn’t written to be more pure and virtuous and perfect than Jesus Christ himself.

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Rewatching the cinematic, it seems to me that, rather than adapting Shalamayne, the smith in the vid is forging a new sword, and the Jailer hands him the icy crystal thingy to reforge that new sword into a a ‘mourneblade’. We don’t know exactly what it’s powers would be, beyond the fact that it would obviously take control of the user. It could be to consume souls, or it could have another ability because would seem to be rather obvious, and I’m not sure what turning Anduin into a new version of the Lich King would do. I mean, the forces of Azeroth would take one look at him and attack him.

I just keep thinking…sword smiths, runeblades that absorb souls…that great big sword stuck into Azeroth… Could there be any connection?

Or perhaps Anduin taking the new blade to the Heart Chamber, shoving it into Azeroth’s heart in an attempt to channel it’s soul to the Jailer…


Plz just kill off Anduin already. Being blonde and a prince turned king doesn’t make you Arthas.

No it doesn’t, because Arthas was an idiot who willingly chose to do what he did. Anduin is a lot smarter and much less of a puppet. After only a couple of conversations he managed to psych out Sylvanas, revealing something of her personal motivations beyond the obvious. I think the young man is very bright.

Maybe if he’d had black hair like his father and a square chin people would be less dismissive.


Pretty much all the lead characters in the game at this point are terrible. Minus perhaps the Jailer.

He’s also much more of a Disney cartoon character. It’s funny how the WoW playerbase keeps getting older, but they keep making the game kiddier and kiddier.

They create some very nice characters for Disney movies, whatfor you dissing them? How about Elsa? Or Mulan? Or the Lion King? And we aren’t playing in a Pulizer Prize winning play here, we’ve playing a very cartoony looking MMO fer gawdsake.


Stop, stop, stop… Don’t give these writers any ideas, especially terrible ones.

The dialogue… so awful. ‘Why give me a choice if… It is the choice you never had’. Friggin’ Jake Wrynn over here.

Sylvannas Windrunner is the cause of all your misery since you became King, you long-haired corn muffin. Why are you trying to give her any redemption after all the :poop: she pulled since Wrath?

Stop being woke and punch her in the face already, you weeping man-child.


You are correct and I can hardly tell the difference between BfA/SL and a Disney movie. Compare that to TBC when the Black Temple had NPCs explicitly named concubines in it.

It’s a T-rated game. They can’t bring the “maturity” level of the content up too far, and I don’t expect them to go into depth in-game about certain topics.

For example, knowing how Jaina, Thrall, and Baine were all terrorized and tortured in the maw makes it obvious to most that they’ve endured some lasting and extensive psychological damage. But the game isn’t going to go beyond the surface level on-screen, and probably for good reason. It’s not the right genre for that, it’s not the right rating for that either.


i really hope we get a better looking weapon than that…

anduin dont wanna be arthas!

Too much blade, not enough, haft {wink}.


A sword wielded by Yyrkoon, brother blade to Stormbringer.

Now that that’s out of my system, I reckon it’s probably just a weapon that devours, fragments or otherwise damages souls. The runes and materials used in its construction are probably more important to that task than the overall design of the blade, which I think is made so to emphasize its use as an implement of torture: The way most of the teeth are angled would make them drag on their way out if you thrust it deep enough, which sounds grisly and befits the realm whence it came.

In reality they would probably just get caught on a bone or scrap of armor and force you to reach for your sidearm, but that’s beside the point.

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Concubines, right. Did they actually do anything concubiney, or did they just lay around eating sweeties and dance? I mean, today we have male characters in relationships, if you want to talk about the game maturing beyond the silly.

You leave my gorgeous boy king alone, I’m sure he’d like to punch her in the face if were not the bright ring thing on the floor making that idea a no go. I guess he could just stand there and pout…