SPOILERS New 8.3 rep factions

There were female Mogu created by Ra’den. There was a quest…lore quest?..that mentioned the last queen of the Mogu. Once the Mogu discovered how to be stone again they decided they didn’t need females anymore and unfortunate immplications ensued. This went against their own creators logic since stone females existed previously but I think the males must have viewed the females as weaker and unworthy. Part of the whole being evil thing I guess.


I mean when you’re made of stone a thin, lithe construct isn’t really useful for too much. It’s not like Mogu were needed for their agility or ability to go into small spaces. They were fighters. It’s sexist but understandably so.

Females could have been spies, archers, magic users, etc. Being a good warrior isn’t just about being super strong.


It is to the Mogu. Did you ever do Mogushan Vaults? Most of what they value is brute strength and a little bit of magic.

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It is for the male Mogu…or the corrupted ones we fought. Perhaps the females were the magic users/DEX based fighters.

I wonder what Mogu society was supposed to be like before they got corrupted? I hope we get to find out.


There wasn’t one was there? They were like every other mass produced titan construct, built with a purpose they never deviated from. Their culture, such as it is, is what we see in MoP.

I mean there was…all the Titan forged have different cultures. I mean, what was their society like before they spiraled into corruption? I’m not talking about they curse of flesh but the corruption that made them cruel and uncompromising tyrants.

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I think the Mogu archaeology says they were always like this. After the titans left they wanted to do what they thought was their will and it led to them trying to impose order on everyone around them. Basically a whole race with daddy issues.


The Mogu wiped out the original Pandaren culture entirely, I’m sure they could destroy evidence of a gentler, more compassionate yet still lawful society.

Also, the Mogu weren’t designed to be warriors, they were created to dig the waterways and rivers of the world. Giant landscapers I guess.

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They also fought off the Mantid.

There was no corruption. It was generations of fighting among themselves during what was known as the reign of a 100 kings. And afterwards, the Mogu believed they were superior to the “lesser races” (aka Pandaren, Jinyu, Hozen etc) as they were titanforged (so basically Odyn’s line of thinking when it came to the aspects) thanks to Lei Shen.

That is the reason why Lei Shen offered the Tol’vir a choice to join his empire or not, as the Tol’vir were titanforged. Meanwhile Lei Shen and his empire imprisoned the “lesser races” through force. Iirc, the only time Lei Shen gave the “lesser races” a chance to remain free was when he wanted to challenge the greatest fighter the Pandaren had. (Lei Shen did want to test out his new powers after all)


Ok next allied race announced? :joy:
Let’s just hurt the fan base further with not giving them Ogres, High elves, Broken , Naga , Taunka, Arrakkoa, WH dwarves and etc. Just go ahead !

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High elves are blood elves are void elves are high elves
WH dwarves are not relevant

No. No one wants to play these. There is no demand for further large races that will contribute nothing that isn’t already there from orcs or tauren.

There is next to negative zero desire for a race that has no female version and no customization options.

Pure nonsense. They have no legs, this was thrown out in vanilla, its not happening…ever.

Ya those 3 polygon heads are in high demand. HMT already exist as an alternative, and a better one at that.

Absolutely zero reason for these to join the alliance or the horde. Again, no one seriously wants these.

Certainly will, over you garbage list


Rofl … something else it’s garbage but no my list .



The Mogu were indeed hit with the Curse of Flesh so their culture was infact distorted!

If you actually read the quote i was responding to, they were not talking about the curse of flesh.

Reading is hard mode for some people these days


And yet Galenar says the Mogu were always like this despite https://wow.gamepedia.com/The_Curse_and_the_Silence claiming that their current culture is a result of the Curse of Flesh.

Despite returning the Mogu to stone Lei Shen failed to restore their original culture…

I think you need to re-read what they are saying.

The mogu didn’t suddenly go “me tyrant” because of the curse of flesh.

The curse of flesh was a catalyst towards their downward spiral. it was more a combination of the curse, Ra-den refusing to communicate (because he found out the Titans were killed), the now mortal mogu splintering into different clans, the reign of 100 kings and Lei Shens own ideology.

Returning to the original culture was never his goal, considering the Mogu God (Ra-den) said “screw duty, the titans are dead”. Besides, the mogu culture prior to the curse of flesh was “listen and do whatever Ra commands, also fight off evil flying bugs”

There seemingly pretty much wasn’t a mogu “culture” before the Curse of Flesh made them into approximately what they are today. One of the major premises of their collapse into infighting comes from them being basically automatons without agency who, once Cursed with flesh, didn’t know how to cope with suddenly having free will and no master telling them what to do.

They weren’t like the vrykul, who were built to be very individualist and had a bunch of preexisting societal dictates and traditions - like their propensity for hero worship - to continue steering them along and giving them a sense of purpose even after the Curse made them flesh and the Keepers fell silent. The mogu - described as “heartless and obedient” legions of stone - were more like robots who were only made to act in response to their master’s commands. So when they were turned into free-willed people of flesh with no idea what to do with themselves or each other and no sense of purpose in the absence of their maker, they split into warring clans, each with its own ideas of what their purpose should be and who should be dictating that purpose to them.

Being essentially stone “robots” on standby patiently waiting for their next commands, they didn’t have a real “culture” until the Curse of Flesh changed them, and that culture was itself the resulting collapse into warring clans under various warlords. It was only when Cursed - and consequently, divided against each other - that they gained the capacity to differ in position and ideas enough to be considered a “people” and not just a legion of emotionless constructs silently awaiting new orders from a Keeper who’d abandoned them.


Not going to lie. As terrible as the Mogu are it’d be pretty interesting to get them as an Allied Race Horde-side.

Imagine a Zandalari, Mogu, and Pandaren trying to work together. Talk about awkward!


Well we might kill spoilers

Raden in the raid.

They will probably be without guidance again. Perfect time for the Alliance or Horde to offer them a place in the world. If they are still similar to the current Mogu personality they might go Horde due to their past alliegence with the Zandalari. But if these new ones serve the keepers and Titans they may get along better with the Dwarves and go Alliance.