SPOILERS New 8.3 rep factions

There are two new rep factions in 8.3 The Rajani and The Uldum Accord.

Not much on the Uldum one. Seems to be the Tol’vir and Wasteland bandits working together.

The Rajani are friendly Mogu. They appear to be new Mogu created by Ra-Den. There is even a female one amongst them. They also have White Cloud Serpents.


Friendly Mogu? This I like.



I mean, I like it but isn’t a friendly Mogu kinda antithetical to their entire race?


Something of value out of the garbage heap Blizz has given us at least.


“must not ask for allied race, must not ask for allied race”

I would love the mogu for an allied race


I mean I dont think it would be hard for a group of Mogu to exist that probably despised Lei Shen and its previous empire or were just cut off from them completely. Also its probably been several years since they had a ruler and probably split


Maybe they are new mogu?

I mean we’ve made new earthen before, why not new mogu?


I think you’ve actually hit the nail right on the head based on what I’ve heard. Apparently, these Mogu were made by Keeper Ra after we left the Throne of Thunder, given a new directive and a chiller mindset.


Not necessarily, I mean, much like the other titan forged Mogu were originally created to safeguard the world and faithfully serve the keepers.

It was only because the titans died and Ra-den had all but abandoned them, that they became the warmongering brutes that we’re used to.


I wonder if we get to tell Ra-den that the Titans are back?

They can’t do anything, but they’re back.


That be darkly hilarious if the knowledge that the Titans are once again alive is what gets him to fall to N’Zoth’s corruption.

The female Mogu is also currently using female Draenai voice clips. There is also a male Mogu wearing player gear. But it doesnt scale well with the model.


Can Mogu be an allied race?


If they can work out the models so the gear will fit, I dont see why not.

They mostly share the same skeleton from Draenei. Its just some technical hurdles and if the story makes sense.

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Possibly. A dev did mention Mogu back when they talked about allied races. He said he was refering to how Mogu show up in expiditions.

But now we are actually back in Pandaria with a good Mogu rep faction. Only thing is the other rep in this patch is humans and Tolvir.

The only reps tied to races are the two Najatar ones.

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That seems so pointless. If you’re literally building an army why bother deviating from the blueprints? It was explicitly stated the female mogu in Throne of Thunder were a vanity project.

I was actually hoping we would see some friendly mogu with Ra-den leading them.

Since the end of ToT actually

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You fool! You know not what you have unleashed!

I was happy to see the obsidian destroyer models. It looks like one model is enslaved by N’zoth, but maybe some of them are on our side?

the pandaren allied race.


A neutral allied race to match with the pandaren would make sense, though with Blizzard not being happy with how the neutral race worked with the Pandaren makes me doubtful that they would do another neutral race.

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