(SPOILERS HERE) It's Sunday, so these are my inflammatory hot takes

I’m on the fence about Tyrande and Shandris trash talking the Horde PC, but on the whole… I think I agree that she shouldn’t have.

A lot of Horde fans didn’t support the War of Thorns, and especially not the Burning of Teldrassil. They spent 2 years being told how trash they were for a decision they didn’t make. However… There were certainly Horde players (and some Alliance players, and not just because of NEFPA hate, like one of my Alliance-main friends has the burning as their background???) that were all about burning Teldrassil.

One thing that might have been nice is if Tyrande/Shandris told players that sided with Saurfang, “I hate the Horde, but you were one of the good ones”, effectively separating the player from the actions of their factions. So, the player could still be acknowledged as a hero without washing out the Burning. Then, if the player sided with Sylvanas, they could have gone full, “wtf is this trash doing here?” They would have had no way of knowing that ICly, but at least it would give those who chose to spite Night Elves acknowledgment. Because, it’d also feel weird if a Horde player really did like the Burning, and Tyrande/Shandris were nice to them.

EDIT: I mean, ideally, it’d have been nice if Horde players worked exclusively with Bwomsandi/Vol’jin and Alliance players worked exclusively with Shandris/Tyrande, but… That was a no-go.


In an ideal world horde would get to work with good ole Bwonsamdi exclusively, but the alliance may get jealous due to how great he is.


For all of his glory, they can have Bwomsandi. I just want to stare longingly at Tyrande’s stellar back/shoulder muscles help Tyrande and the night elf souls.


In all honesty Tyrande needs to do more pull ups/lat pull downs and rows if she’s to ever have a truly great set of succulent back muscles lol.

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Get Tyrande a liftbrul trainer then she’d get Stacked

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Nah, man. The Night Warrior’s true blessing is those back muscles. Sure, summoning eclipses is great and all, but like…


Damn, that's something divine.

The levels of thirst I am emulating for this meme could not be quenched with an entire ocean.

EDIT: I mean, anything more, and they’d actually have to put muscles in her model, rather than just painting them on. And like… That’s not feasible for a small, indie company.


Indeed, blizzard being the small indie company they are we are lucky enough to only have them airbrush muscle definition onto her back lol.

Also how do you add images?!? And search swole Tyrande for a good flex.


You gotta be trust level three by sacrificing a non-insignificant portion of your mental health to Blizzard forums. Here’s a guide on how to supplement actual social interaction with forums PvP, just so you can have a greater probability of having your posts liked because you can post images directly:



Well I’m sick enough to not actually be socializing atm.

Also, if you go to your character’s profile, then type .json at the end, it will take you to a page that shows some meta-data about the account. You can [Ctrl] + [F] search for “trust”, and it will show you the trust levels you’ve unlocked.

EDIT: Also, I hope you get to feeling better!


Appreciate it my dude, it seems to be a bug that’s just been annoying. But hot take the only races with females with truly succulent backs are the orcs, cause they got dat meat.


Well, I don’t know a single person who plays a vulpera who is a furry. And I know quite a few people with vulpera characters.



That’s some weird way to phrase “I like to take away candy from kids”

I’m the only person I know who plays a vulpera and isn’t a furry.

I only unlocked vulpera because all my furry friends were like, “Hey, we’re gonna do some caravan RP, wanna come?”

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No, to say that I’d just be my most honest self. “I am teaching them how to share.” Very simple. I would then demand a thank you from the parents of that child.

More like your honest self.

My most honest self is absolutely my elfself. I guess that makes me an elffy?

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I don’t know, man, I just work here.

Your Elfsona s as it where. . .


Yes! Yes, that is it. My truest elfsona.