Spoilers here don't open if that matters to you

So Ebyssian is to be Earth warder, Aspect of the Black Dragonflight. It was obvious that was gonna happen. But if he doesn’t get a model revamp that makes him gigantic like the other Aspects I’m gonna be so annoyed. Also there’s supposed to be a ritual to make an aspect. Kalecgos had one. If you have Tarecgosa you got to witness it. The Black flight better have one of its own. It’s not enough to simply declare him an aspect.


And the crowd goes mild.


I’m sure they’ll add that storyline at some point. It seems like each week they are adding a new questline, so maybe in one of those we’ll get to see that.

If you’ve seen the videos, Merithra is now at the Seat of the Aspects. And she’s a lot bigger than she was during the quest lines we did with her. So Ebyssian better be huge especially as a black dragon since part of his flight’s charge is to protect all of dragonkind. The Black Flight is the militant flight.

Yeah I have, and I’m guessing it will happen, they just haven’t updated his model or anything yet.

All hail the cow aspect.

Told you we should just be killing all these dragons…


“Aspect” at the moment is just a self imposed title for the various dragon leaders. Right now if the truly want to have their aspectal powers they need to deal with activating the mother oathstone:

Ebyssian played tauren for so long it became his real personality. He’s not remotely a threat to us.

The Embrace if I’m not mistaken. Something that happens once every 400-500 years. The last one just happened, that’s why Kalec became a full aspect (before promptly losing the power). I guessing once the Motherstone is activated it serves as that ritual to empower the Aspects and grant them empowered forms like Kalec got.

And this is a big question mark. Why won’t the mother oathstone activate now that all flights have their crap together

Well we need to wait till the end of DF to find out.

We should call the Titans and tell them to come fix their dragons. We know where they live!

I suppose we’ll be expected to grind renown with him now, too.

So, judging by the icon called “Black Aspect’s Favor”, I assume he will get a new model.

It’s probably just not ready yet.


Can’t. Too busy baby sitting Sargearas. Oh and Illidan is there too.

him and the new earth warder need model updates.
they probably will next patch I’m guessing.

I mean I know. I was there. I had to kill Argus twice. That second time made me feel bad about myself too. But they’re Titans. Surely amanthul can use one hand to make some device we can zap them with

Well hey at least it isn’t Wrathion or whats-his-name. Sabellion? They all sound the same tbh. I’ve been deliberately refusing to pick one of those two on every character I cap.

Dragon politics, I thought I wanted it but I really didn’t.

It must be ready if that icon exists, since many icons are just the models painted over, according to a former WoW artist.

However, it is possible that they chose to not have it be seen by dataminers yet. :]

Yeah dragon politics sucks. They all need to hush and bow before their Queen the way they’re supposed to.

The new aspects need to to take a bath in Tyrhold so they can get some of that order magic brain washing that keeps nozdormu and alezstrasza calm at all times.

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