I mean I also dont think it would ever happen with Kael’thas either, but here we are.
If he is in the Maw, someone judged him. He was probably judged unfairly, like that guy from the quest when the Accuser gets in the way, with the result decided without even looking at the guy’s sins.
But it makes no practical difference. As you said, even if he had been judged fairly, it he wouldn’t have repented.
That is…
A really good point lol
I guess Blizzard can afford to redeem Kael’thas because people like him because he is cool and he has a phoenix, not because he is proud and angry, unlike Garrosh.
Take Kael’thas’ pride and wrath. He is still cool and he still has a Phoenix.
Take Garrosh’s pride and wrath. He is nothing.
What makes you think the Venthyr threw him in there?
How do you know he wasn’t thrown in there when Denathrius unleashed that huge stock of anima to The Maw?
Players free Garrosh
Garrosh: “See, I didn’t do anything wrong. I also told you she was a clever #####”
Garrosh walks back to Orgrimmar and continues leading the Horde to victory.
That would be incredibly funny lol
That’s his ground mount. I bet my collection of Demon Hunter skulls that if you do that quest with flight enabled his Flying Mount is a ghost Phoenix lol
Garrosh died in WoD and they said the Machine of death didn’t break until after Ysera died in Legion because she was one of the last ones to go to her designated covenant zone. . So he wouldn’t of been sent to directly to the Maw because he died before Ysera did .
Yes, but if you do Venthyr questing, all of the Venthyr souls have been condemned to the Maw for god knows how long.
Denathrius’s loyalists condemned all of them.
Thrall appointed Garrosh as warchief even after he was unhappy with his conquest in Northrend. Thrall knew about Cairnes disagreement with this but went with it anyways which ultimately got Cairne killed. Every wrong Garrosh did is because of Thrall. Thrall is a coward that couldnt accept that the Horde under his leadership was weaker.
Just as Garrosh was about to admit his regrets, he stunned the room by shouting he regrets nothing and would do it all over again
In the War Crimes section.
Honestly, yes. It felt like he knew he was messed up when he had his final fight with Thrall.
I think Arturas was pointing out that he jacked Kael’s pheonix lol

I think Arturas was pointing out that he jacked Kael’s pheonix
Kael had lots of Phoenixes. One is a boss (and a Mount). One is a pet. He summons many others during the fight against him.
I myself got his big Phoenix, his smol phoenix, his chicken, his orb and his dress.
And he can’t complain.
Because if he does I’ll just beat him up again and take more stuff lol

I myself got his big Phoenix, his smol phoenix, his chicken, his orb and his dress.
Sounds like a bunch of…
After Cairne died and Garrosh learned, eventually, of the poisoning of his weapon and how he was inadvertantly tricked into cheating he sent Magatha this letter. This is IMO the best portrayal of Garrosh ever.
"unto elder crone magatha of the grimtotem,
Acting warchief of the horde Garrosh Hellscream,
sends his most sincere wishes for a slow and painful death."
"it has come to my attention that you have deprived me of a rightful kill.
Cairne Bloodhoof was a hero of the horde, and an honorable member of a usually honorable race. it is with disgust and anger that i discover you have caused me to bring about his death through accidental treachery. such tactics may work well for your renegade honorless tribe and alliance scum , but i despise them . it was my wish to fight Cairne fairly and win or lose by my own skill or lack of it. Now i shall never know, and the cry of traitor will dog my steps until such time as i can sport your head on a pike and point to you as the real traitor .
So… no . i will not be sending any truehearted orcs to fight alongside your treacherous, belly-crawling tribe. Your victory or your defeat is in the hands of your earth mother now . either way, I look forward to hearing of your demise.
you are on your own Magatha, as friendless and disliked as you have ever been. perhaps more, Enjoy your loneliness."
Garrosh was a very VERY honorable orc.
He did some stupid things, and yeah he was prideful, but I don’t think he was ever irredeemably so. He would have definitely gone to Revandreth. He would probably stay there a LOOOOOONG time. Some of the souls there are put into vaults for “a few hundred years” between purge sessions… and he died like what… 6 years ago?
If he’s not STILL in Revandreth then it’s because he was taken from there against the “rules” or “purpose” or whatever you want to call it.
this is the scariest thing ive seen all year

Why? Because the paying customer doesn’t want to see Garrosh say sorry. They want to see Garrosh being mean.
So yes, Garrosh was doomed regardless. Because the powers that control the Warcraft fiction want and need Garrosh to be proud and angry and mean. Redeeming Garrosh would strip those things from him.
Except that does not mean there might not have been a chance. You can tease that someone could change only to double down. Consideing that the Arbitar send Garrosh to Revendreth means that the old robot believed there was a chance. Besides, we don’t know what happened to Garrosh under the Venthyr. To say that he was sent to the maw because he was unredeemable is just speculation. Considering there is evidence of Venthyr sending souls to the maw regardless if they repented or not. There is still the option of Garrosh being sent down to the maw as he was no longer useful to Revendreth since Denathrius fell. As a major source of Anima (given that Daddy D referred to him as such indirectly. Referring to him as an “old reliable”) he would’ve been used by the rebels to help repair Revendreth. So clearly someone, most likely the Tithelord went for a full scorched earth policy after his boss was defeated. To which most of that anima was given to Kel’thuzad, as necrolords and Sinfall forces found out. Just saying that what I just mentioned could be a possibility, and there is evidence to support it.

that’s the problem: venthyr can’t judge anyone with neutral decisions. So…
Garrosh for the win !