[SPOILERS] Garrosh

At least he kept the game interesting.

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I hate this game, I’m done.

I don’t know the page number because I don’t own the novel myself, but it’s there. I found the paragraph on google by searching “garrosh regret nothing”.

If I told you the page number, would you blindly trust me because I have a number?

If yes, then… ok?

If not, then would you check the novel? If you would check the novel with a page number, why not check it without the page number? The novel isn’t that big. The scene happens at the end of Garrosh’s trial, so there isn’t a lot of ground to cover.

I mean, she said she believes Garrosh would have been a different person if Kairoz hadn’t interfered. Maybe she was right. Maybe she was wrong. But you will notice that she herself doesn’t put any certainty on that by saying “I believe”.

Well, I don’t believe Garrosh would go “I’m so sorry, I was wrong, I shouldn’t have been bad”. Simply because, as I’ve said before, redeeming Garrosh in Revendreth would strip Garrosh of every characteristic that Garrosh fans like about Garrosh.

Garrosh fans would never want to see “apologetic Garrosh that regrets being mean”. And so the plot won’t allow Garrosh to repent.

If Garrosh would have regretted his actions unless Kairoz interferes, then Kairoz has to interfere. Nobody wants to see “Garrosh say sowwy”.

Because I can then look it up myself…

Sure Sure.

Page number makes it so I can go straight to the source. Not scan every page because you are lazy. It is common practice to supply page numbers when you use a direct quote anyway.

It still creates doubt in your “he was doomed regardless” statement from the Author of the novel you used. I say Christie has greater authority on what Garrosh would’ve done and could’ve became than you. Considering she wrote the damn novel.

I love to imagine Denathrius was just “Hey this thing is a really good battery you should have it” to the jailer

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Yeah, excuse me if I give little credence to some proto-Titans’ sorting hat.

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I would say the gear is more Frost Wolf colors

I can totally see Gary being way too proud to admit he did anything wrong…

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Didn’t they say that Shadowlands wasn’t going to be a greatest hits of wow dead characters?

They’re putting Garrosh, Sylvanas, Ner’zhul and Kel’thuzad in the same raid, along with all those that came before.

At this point literally the only one left from that Greatest Hits is Arthas, and we know they’re not gonna not use him at this point.

I dunno. Feels like a “break in case of emergency” gimmick.

As I said, I don’t own the novel, so I can’t give you the page. If I had the novel, I would look it up. But I don’t. That doesn’t mean I’m lazy. It just means I can’t just materialize a novel that I don’t own.

You’ll notice that Christie couldn’t redeem Garrosh, even if she wanted. Blizzard gave her directions of major plot points that had to happen and let her take care of the rest. Back then she wasn’t a Blizzard writer, but rather an independent writer hired by Blizzard to write novels. Blizzard wouldn’t let her redeem Garrosh.

Why? Because the paying customer doesn’t want to see Garrosh say sorry. They want to see Garrosh being mean.

So yes, Garrosh was doomed regardless. Because the powers that control the Warcraft fiction want and need Garrosh to be proud and angry and mean. Redeeming Garrosh would strip those things from him.

There’s no market for “apologetic Garrosh”. If you take away Garrosh’s Pride and Wrath… he just turns into another Thrall lol

Do we have to save him, though…?

Just asking…

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Mortis, you’re more patient than I am. I’ll not comment further. But you’re a good, patient person. :grin:

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Neo Hellscream

…did you not do the Venthyr storyline?

They were sending ALL souls to the Maw. It didn’t matter if they were redeemable or not in the eyes of the Venthyr. Denathrius damned them all.

The Accuser had to save one of the souls that she believed had a chance to be redeemed.

The Venthyr loyal to Denathrius have just been judging all souls as irredeemable and sending them to the Maw. You see that in one of the sidequest chains in Revendreth.

Not to say Garrosh isnt the worst, he is.


id wager garrosh was just sent there and wasnt given much of a choice even if he did repent


There’s been a long and exhausting back and forward about this already.

I don’t want to repeat it all, because honestly I’m exhausted.

I’ll just ask you to try and picture this scene in your mind:

Garrosh accepts redemption. He lets go of his pride and wrath. He is sorry for all the bad things he did to the Alliance and the non-Orcs of the Horde. He regrets everything.

You think that would ever happen?

Garrosh believes he did nothing wrong. So no, it wouldn’t happen. But the fact remains, every soul was being sent to the Maw. He hasn’t had a chance to be judged yet.


tbf garrosh was sent there because the arbiter saw his soul still could be redeemed

there is a chance that he COULD have repented everyones missing the point of why he was sent there in teh first place

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