[SPOILERS] Garrosh

So you’re absolutely clueless to the state of every soul in Revendreth at the start. Good to know.

Garrosh got cheated in life, and he’s being cheated here as well by this hack writing team.


Except we saw the depraved Venthyr under Lord Chamberlain attempt to send a soul that had repented for their sins to the maw regardless. The Accuser had to take off her disguise to stop such injustice from happening. So who is to say that Garrosh was also unfairly judged?


What makes you think so?

I’ve analyzed every single time we saw the process of redemption in Revendreth, and there’s something in common with all of them.

The guy gotta want it!

Garrosh wouldn’t ever.

“Oh, yes. I know full well how much blood is on my hands. I know exactly that magnitude and the consequences of what I have done. And now, here at this moment, when I am free to speak my mind and heart, I tell you true: I regret… Nothing!”

“Yes! Yes! I would destroy a thousand more Theramores, if it would bring the Alliance to its knees! I would hunt down every night elf whelp that bleats on the face of this world and silence their mewling forever! I would banish every troll, every tauren, every simpering blood elf and greedy goblin and shambling waling corpse if it were within my power - and it almost was! The only atrocities I regret are the ones I did not perform! The only thing that preys on me is that I stopped before I could see the true Horde live again! Nothing - nothing in this world can stop me!”

Garrosh would never be like “oh, I see the error of my ways now, I regret my sins. I want to be better.”

He would choose oblivion.


Talk to any of the souls lining up for their sinstone.

Yeah, but then we taught him personally that all his problems could be solved through murder and provided him the lessons he would need to become the great leader he was.
Done and done.


I’m well aware most souls arrive there super proud and regretting nothing.

But Garrosh is a big name character, and Garrosh fans wouldn’t want to see apologetic Garrosh that regrets everything. Garrosh would never beg for forgiveness because nobody wants to see that.

Redeeming Garrosh in Revendreth would mean breaking Garrosh out of every characteristic that makes his fans like him.

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I like how Mortis has ignored my post. Typical Mortis. Cherry picking as always.

Your post adds nothing to the discussion as we’ve moved past that point a while ago.

Not with “our” Garrosh. Our Garrosh is perfect just as he is and sacrificed everything for the Horde, right up until he was corrupted by an Old God and nothing after that was his fault.

BUT I would like to see Exarch Hellscream from AU draenor as some Holy Priest.

Return Garrosh as undead(?) warchief!


I cannot possibly express with words how amazing of an idea this is.
10/10 Would upvote again.

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Sounds like a lame excuse. Sad that the example I listed does show that souls could be (and probably were) unfairly judged after Denathrius revealed his loyalty to the Jailer to everyone in Revendreth. This could apply to Garrosh also. Who might’ve been sent to the maw following Daddy D’s defeat.

But of course, you do whatever makes you sleep well at night. If ignoring an actual lore event makes you feel happy, you continue to do it.

On post #4 Porschea said that Garrosh didn’t get proper judgment because Revendreth was corrupt.

On post #8 I said that Garrosh would be judged irredeemable anyway even if Revendreth wasn’t corrupt because Garrosh was too proud and stubborn to repent.

Then on post #22 you came and said that Garrosh didn’t get proper judgment because Revendreth was corrupt.

It’s not an excuse. I just don’t like going around in circles.

Also: Nobody owes you replies. I’ll reply to you when and if I feel like doing it.


Except we saw in War Crimes that he was on the pathway of doing that with his talks with Anduin.

More like you don’t like admitting that you are wrong.

It does make you look sus when you intentionally ignore a post that directly counters your argument though.

No, he wasn’t. This is from War Crimes:

“Oh, yes. I know full well how much blood is on my hands. I know exactly that magnitude and the consequences of what I have done. And now, here at this moment, when I am free to speak my mind and heart, I tell you true: I regret… Nothing!”

“Yes! Yes! I would destroy a thousand more Theramores, if it would bring the Alliance to its knees! I would hunt down every night elf whelp that bleats on the face of this world and silence their mewling forever! I would banish every troll, every tauren, every simpering blood elf and greedy goblin and shambling waling corpse if it were within my power - and it almost was! The only atrocities I regret are the ones I did not perform! The only thing that preys on me is that I stopped before I could see the true Horde live again! Nothing - nothing in this world can stop me!”

Garrosh is proud of all his sins and no one would ever convince him that he was wrong.


What an absolutely unexpected development!

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Interesting that you don’t list a page number. So how can I be certain that it is? Also you are probably cherry picking again.

Garrosh was about to admit that he was wrong when Kairoz busted in and used time magic to suck Garrosh to AU Draenor.

In fact Christie Golden (who wrote War Crimes) says that Anduin was actually getting through to Garrosh and Garrosh might’ve actually repented due to Anduin saving his life if it wasn’t for Kairoz providing another option.


inb4 you say all of that doesn’t count because of some BS reason you made up.

I agree with you while laughing because your statement reminded me of when people preferred Basic Campfire over Garrosh for Warchief. (But that may have been partly due to his model getting changed that spurred the preference too.)


I think, all kidding aside, Garrosh was probably en-route to the start of a redemption story had they not pulled timey-wimey things at the end of War Crimes. Anduin and the celestials seemed pretty sure he COULD do it if he could be talked into it.

That said, he never really followed through with that… First thing he did was enslave the Shadow Council, build a new dark portal++ with time travel, and try to conquer everything again. That was kind of a dick move.

He was a good character, and I’m glad he’s back, hopefully he will get some good writing this time around. He was MEANT to be a somewhat complicated figure that made hot-headed decisions and was prone to corruption.

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