[Spoilers] female and male blood elf customizations

Those eye colours have to be fake… Ion confirmed there were no high elf customization but those are definitely blue eyes (NONE THE LESS THOSE RED ONES LOOK AWESOME).

I really hope that ends up and option for players.

And I don’t remember who said it but I agree that some of these baseline options like earsize should apply to allied races too.

Same goes for draenei tails and any other what I call “generic” options.

So those 3 blue options and purple are confirmed NPC/void elf options. The red is also npc at the moment, not sure if black was but probably.

I’m hoping we get the red black and purple, idc about blue other than to troll alliance fanbois.

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Impossible! How dare they! We had such a good thing going…

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Thanks but I at least wanted the AR not customization.


/whistles :sparkling_heart:

Oh ok that would make sense but seems a bit misleading by wowhead.

Some of the male elf pics of eyes make him look like a zeus or triton type figure lol.

Also was anyone else hoping for more then 3 hairstyles? It seems like…not enough :stuck_out_tongue:

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Yeah they should really have that in an npc only article to be honest.

I’m keeping hope that “npc only” is their attempt to hide the fact players are getting it. Trying to do a surprise kinda thing. Like they do with boss models on ptr sometimes.

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i’m an alliance fan girl. haha. i think its great they are giving everybody more options. belfs should have blue, purple, red.


With all these new hair options I hope to hell they give Velfs long hair that doesnt have those stupid damn void tentacles in them or that damn half shaved head skrillix crap

You are absolutely not wrong. More customization the better.

But I can understand blizzards…hesitation, to be nice about it, on doing it.


I don’t know. The red eyes look different than the current NPC option like they’re still a work in progress. The ones in game glow as opposed to looking so solid and note the green lines under the eyes in the NPC labeled eyes. I’d assume they’re not finished. Blood elves are supposed be getting at least 40 new customization options. We don’t have that much yet.

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That link also says that there were blue eyes tagged as blood elf assets, just that they didn’t think it’s likely they would be playable.

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I’ll be honest.

I’d rather have the red and purple eyes than the blue or black or even the gold.

Heck I’d say give normal skintones to void elves if it means I can have a red eyed blood elf fire mage!

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The same here. I’m just baffled by the black option. As far as I know no one in the Belf community has asked for black eyes and we’ve never seen lore for them or any NPC in game. The basis for this choice is confusing. Why black instead of red?

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My assumption was a dk only option for sunken in dead eyes kinda thing.

Honestly black eyes would be a middle finger nelves, its supposed to be their special moon power up.

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It wouldn’t surprise me if Blizzard gave the Nelf players another middle finger at this point. BFA and the past few expansion have sucked for them.

That’s why, as cool as they are, I hope its not the case or that it’s a dk only option (which is more forgivable imo).

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If anything, DK would get the red eyes, not black.

Ion said these are NOT for players, but for npcs in interviews. Don’t get hyped.