LOL agreed…
Blizzards story-telling is worse than 20th Century Fox’s X-Men universe…
LOL agreed…
Blizzards story-telling is worse than 20th Century Fox’s X-Men universe…
What is “god like” about the eternals? What level of power have they shown to be even close to something like a Titan?
Nothing, that’s what. They, AT BEST, have shown power comparable to the watchers(Odyn, Tyr, etc.), and Kyrestia seems almost weaker than a dragon aspect in all her displays of weakness(BTFO by Anduin, roughed up by her own minion, could have died to Lysonia and a handful of her minions).
So no. Elune being an eternal is not “god like” in anyway, it puts her as a mid-tier minion.
The whole point of Elune is that she wasn’t some low-tier Troll god. She was a “Real God”. Existing in some far off place, granting favors on a whim based on the prayers of her subjects.
It’s weird to me, because Shadowlands clarifies Elune’s reach is to numerous worlds, and she’s shown to be able to do feats without needing to be present, so she’s clearly a “Real God” level in demonstrated power in the past, so why are they trying to force her to be on the same level as Winter Queen? Anything less than how she’s been portrayed in the past is kind of absurd to be quite honest.
People are so sensitive lol…
Points towards that one item from archeology that hints to Elune being a Loa
We secretly switched Elune with a female dwarf that has a long moon beard. Lets see if anyone notices!
goes out with the hidden camera
People barely gave a damn, the original Draenei lore snippet was a part of one comic and had literally existed less than a year by the time BC came out.
It’s a consequence of the writers lacking the talent to utilize the existing lore to create compelling narratives. They don’t know how to create smaller-scale threats anymore, so they just expand on the cosmology to create new god-like universal threats for us to fight. This of course requires them to retcon the lore to explain that the threat they’ve come up with was always there.
When the writers first created the Jailor, they of course had to come up with an explanation for why he didn’t try to do anything before now, so they came up with the concept of him being imprisoned. This of course required them to create new characters since he had to be imprisoned by someone. What they came up with was a death pantheon, which naturally required the writers to come up with their opposites, a life pantheon.
This all would have been fine if they had stopped there, but they also needed to somehow link the night warrior storyline to shadowlands since they made Tyrande’s entire motivation be stopping Sylvanas and they couldn’t just leave her in darkshore for the entire expansion, so we ended up with the night warrior powers being unstable (so Tyrande couldn’t instantly solve the Sylvanas problem) and Elune being related to the Winter Queen, the most incompetent covenant leader who almost let her realm get conquered by a bunch of Vrykul who only discovered death magic a few thousand years ago.
You’re really gonna hate how she’s portrayed in the cinematic:
There’s no fully set definition of a god, real or otherwise. As I said before no amount of nonsense from writers who are steeped in cultures that would reject most of the world’s gods as gods will change my mind that Elune is still a goddess and a real one in the ways that matter.
Also like, as much as I hate that Elune rumor, a lot of people are dipping in territory that feels Fandralesque to me, which I find worrisome for the rp scene.
Which artifact? The only one I know of is the Necklace with Elune Pendant. And that reads:
They’ve created things, been involved in complex morality plays, they’re technically eternal, the myths of the three races the watchers spawned kinda seem to revolve heavily around them. They’ve blessed and cursed mortals. In a lot of earth cultures they’d qualify despite being significantly less powerful gods than Elune.
(editing this: I keep mixing up the watchers and the titans, my bad)
Crumbling Ceremonial Vestments
“The markings on this robe resemble both the sign of Elune and several venerated Loa spirits.”
My bad, is not from archeology, it’s just a drop.
You may have taken that incorrectly. It has symbols of Elune and loa spirits on it. Meaning, two different sets of symbols from two different types of beings. That’s not hinting at being a loa.
Why would a robe with signs of Loa would have a random diety supposedly not related to them?
We don’t really have solid proof either way but considering bwonsamdi and the various lesser loa, who seem to be on the same level as elemental lords at best, are on completely different power levels, both interpretations seem possible
The watchers created infinite demi-planes, races, endowed our characters with power that let us trash through small armies of mobs, all that crap.
They are far more similar to the watchers than the Titans themselves in everything they have done. Aman’thul would not have been almost killed by a some random minion. Sargeras cut through whole worlds(a feat which caused a spirit of Ardenweald complete disbelief that a being could be that large and powerful).
Well, first, let’s not forget that Nelfs were Trolls. And also that Wild Gods and Loa are the same thing. There’s also this:
The markings on the [Crumbling Ceremonial Vestments] resemble both the sign of Elune and those of several loa, likely dating back from the night elves or dark trolls’ early days.[8]
The fear is that this will lead to Elune being nerfed. Like, Anduin walking up to Elune and stabbing her in the chest levels of nerfed. Saying Elune is the “metaphorical big sister” of Winter Queen is totally fine, as long as they don’t try to drag down Elune to her level (barely clinging to a small plane).
See, I actually kind of liked this idea. That Elune had adopted the WQ as a sister for some reason, or even created her herself.
IF that’s what this is, I’m fine with it.