I’m not saying that’s not feasible.
I’m saying it’s not satisfying. It’s contrived.
I’m not saying that’s not feasible.
I’m saying it’s not satisfying. It’s contrived.
Then again, all of Shadowlands is contrived, so I don’t know why I’d set the bar any higher for Elune lol
Would it? Is it confirmed that the universe was spontaneously created or are you going by Chronicle?
Your playing a fantasy game, magic is contrived
To be honest I do hope they never touch Elune anymore. The more they try to explain her the more I feel it’s screwing Night Elf lore.
I’m still not happy about the whole Ardenweald thing. I do love it in pretty much all aspects but somehow I feel cheated on because as far as I knew, we Night Elves, were promised an afterlife in her presence but it seems that we can get to go to a super cool place where I can become an animal. We should’ve had an afterlife similar to that of Bwomsandi’s. I mean, if he can create one for Trolls even fighting their souls with The Jailer then why can’t Elune have her own afterlife where with can end up being with her?
Unless Elune comes by to say hello everynow and then but we’ve heard nothing about that.
So what I’m trying to say is that things have gotten bad while looking for ways to get her into this new game we have today (WoW has changed a lot) and judging base on what we currently have I’m sure most Night Elves fans will be disappointed.
headcanon, its not stated anywhere how nelf afterlife is only that elune takes them there.
Bwomsandi’s afterlife isnt only for trolls and all trolls dont go there, btw the same for nelves not all nelves go to ardenweald, some are in bastion, some are in maldruxauss
I know but if Bwonsamdi can indeed creat one then why can’t we have one Afterlife run by Elune?
I’m gonna have to find something about Night Elves going to Elune in their afterlife so I can cite.
If you read WoW Chronicles Volume 1, you know that the world(of Warcraft) was created because the "Mounting tensions between these two opposing yet inseparable energies energies)AKA light and void(eventually ignited in a series of catastrophic explosions, rupturing the fabric of creation and birthing a new realm of existence.In that moment, the physical universe was born. Meaning, their was an original creator of the universe. Also, the night elves worshiped Elune,who they believed was bound to the well of eternity. But,the well of eternity was created when the titans ripped out Y’shaarj from Azeroth. Soooooo, if Elune really was bound to the well of eternity that would probably mean that Elune is connected to Y’shaarj in some way. And Y’shaarj, along with the rest of he old gods, was created by the void lords,who were also created by the tensions between the light and void. That is why i don’t believe this theory.
We already know this is false
Like what?
fighting another creator god
I wouldn’t be surprised, but I wouldn’t be happy either.
Elune has been said to be one of the only true deities in Warcraft, but that doesn’t mean she needs to be a creator deity. Many pantheon based religions had multiple gods that were very powerful and had their own domains but didn’t create the world.
Moreover, ‘god’ really doesn’t carry much weight in the setting. While certainly it means she has to be powerful, in the upper tier of the cosmology, Warcraft is a setting where planet sized beings make entire races. I’d certainly put her below the Void Lords in power, or any ‘Light Lords’ that might show up later on.
She made the naaru So i dont get how she’d be below them
Titans were the end-all-be-all, then I’ve heard tell that the Jailor’s a being stronger than the Titans! Next thing, we’re going to go fight an Ubergod, stronger than the Jailer! Then, we’re going to all join in some giant mech and fight on top of galaxies against the anti-Spirals.
Khadgar said she might have made the naaru. Khadgar is a mage and while certainly learned, isn’t exactly a major educational force regarding religion. Lore characters are allowed to be wrong, too… otherwise they just become mouthpieces for the meta.
Him saying such was basically like a Physics professor giving advice on heart surgery.
Okay, but that doesn’t mean their is an original creator
She made the naaru So i dont get how she’d be below them
Who said she made the naaru?
Khadgar said she might
and then khadgars theory worked, which is literally more proof than anyone else has in game or out of game about elune