Draka looks alive because they want her to seem as cool as Arthas/etc who never rotted.
she looks the way she does because she chose to appear that way.
seems that those in maldraxxus generally have a choice, or maybe the exceptional ones at least. there’s dialogue between mograine and vashj, where he asks her why she chose to appear as a naga when her original night elven form was restored in death, and she asks him why he chose to just appear as a feeble human.
That’s the in character reason. But the ooc one is:
Then they should’ve given her a unique model instead of a crap death Knight reskin.
Same with Alexandros. Atleast they gave him a nice sword.
I mean, this was always known. We’ve had screenshots from beta about people who said they’d like to explore other worlds once their training is complete. I can understand how people who always figured it was just Kyrians aren’t happy with this, but anyone who considered races tied to the Covenants for Allied Races has been thinking that anyone from the Shadowlands is basically just the undead version of a demon anyways, so there really isn’t any reason for them to come and go from the material plane.
Doesn’t he have an ashbringer skin?
I just realised something- what if Draka left the Shadowlands using a Legion portal instead of a Maldraxxus one?
If the legion invaded the Shadowlands, and opened a portal to the living world after carrying out their mission/failing in it, then they may have created a portal back to their own world using Maw equipment.
Draka could’ve followed them through the portal and returned soon enough before the portal was closed. It would make sense to me if she couldn’t linger long enough to find out about Azeroth, for example, due to her very nature as belonging to the realm of death.
I guess the first question would be, what can travel through a portal? If anything, I suppose it could work. But aren’t the denizens of the Shadowlands just anima in the form of a being?
Would that hold when going to another plane of existence? Or would it just be a pile of magic goo. Probably not really something worth thinking into and “it all works out.”
My understanding is that the forces of Maldraxxis are Undead and use necromancy. That might be intentionally so they can deploy outside the Shadowlands if necessary. I wouldn’t be surprised if there were issues with it though, like the need to return to the Shadowlands to access an anima supply.
Yeah, that would make sense. If they are truly created by necromancy though, I would expect them to have to fish physical bodies from living worlds and then shape it to their desired form, rather than “I raise this soul from soul-death!”. How would that even work?
Whitemane would like a word with you.
Whitemane was the exception then, not the rule.
Also she brought him back instantly after he died. Much different from Shadowlands people travelling to the world of the living on a whim.