[Spoilers] Castle Nathria ending



Slightly disappointed that it wasn’t an actual cinematic, also kinda happy Denathrius can come back but that’smeh all around.


I quite liked it. It’s fitting for Revendreth and Ray Chase is too good an actor for his character to die so soon.


Sire Denathrius is now kept in endless pain due to having the Light focused upon him at all times from every side!

If all goes well he’ll be as insane as the Ash Ghouls he created!

Lothraxion will probably be the only Dreadlord capable of releasing him!

Agreed, my main gripe is it’s not an actual rendered cinematic lol.

Wowhead has a writeup for the follow up to the cinematic:


It will take time. Time the likes of which your kind have yet to measure.

But in that time, I see my oldest friend, my closest confidant, and my greatest Master stepping forth from this pinnacle of lecture, his true purpose once again affirmed.

Nice to see they aren’t just going to kill him and be done with him forever. Though I’m not sure how I feel about chucking him to a naaru to redeem him. They’re more about retribution than redemption, especially that specific one.


To quote Denathrius “Pain cleanses the soul.”


Now there is but one path before me. To ensure the Light is felt here. That justice is rendered. And that Death is made to know its place.


So Z’rali got revenge, at least for now.

…how long before the Dreadlords show up to free him, though.


the light isnt set up as a villain guys.



Sire Denathrius and the Jailer are both of Death and I’m sure Z’rali would love to make both of them and their Dreadlords know their place!

I liked the callback to Mal’ganis (“I am eternal!”), and the callback to earlier in the campaign (“Remember this lesson.”). But I’m still… underwhelmed, I think, probably because it’s not a cinematic. The Light prison was nifty, though. I honestly expected Z’rali to scamper back off to Naaruland, and that be it.


Dreadlords dont serve the jailer.

Denathrius joining with the jailer feels quite recent too tbh.

Right, of Death. Capital D. She’s not just talking about Denathrius and the Jailer.


This suggests he was on the jailer team at the get to, and probably felt forced by the other eternal ones to imprison zovaal

No it does not. It implies he got corrupt/trick or something like that. They were close and Renathals amulet of dominion gave him the purpose of “he who watches the watchers” etc.

The rebellion itself is quite a recent development. Possibly happening post Garrosh death etc.

You’re disappointed something that’s never happened before didn’t happen?

in what context?

I think he means like one of the rendered, in game cinematics, like when Denathrius sent all that anima to the maw, not a full blown trailer cinematic, but something more polished than NPC /talk animation.


An opening raid never once had a rendered cinematic so you have no reason to be disappointed.