(Spoilers) Ardenweald, Tyrande, Elune and Sylvanas

Well either of those would’ve definitely been better than nothing. I’d prefer Hyjal too but do we even have Night Elves left to fill the city? Not really. We also have the problem of Horde presence in Hyjal, and we haven’t heard about the Night Elves rebuilding anywhere at all.

At the end of the day numbers don’t matter in WoW. A prime example of this is Void Elves & High Elves. They’re supposed to be tiny fractions of the surviving Thalassian Elves who lost 90% of the total population. Yet Void/High Elves are still capable of fielding armies time and time again.

Despite that though, i would still like some story explanation to show how the populations of these races who have been ravaged can recover. It’s one reason im a supporter of the time skip theory post SL. How long could that be? No idea. But for me it should be long enough to realistically recover while not being too far removed from what we know.

Not just for Night Elves but other races in general need some time to rebuild and regrow. Especially with the territorial changes post 4th War.

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Even Night Elves can’t stand other Night Elves.

Do you just hysterically make up things?

Literally, only one of those things is true.

Pretty sure you’re misusing some of these words.

Yep. Positive. You’re misusing these words.

  • Done.
  • Done, mostly.
  • Done. Raid boss next tier.
  • Beat up Sylvanas in first half of tier - we’ll see how it ends.
  • Not sure how next tier ends so… maybe a bunch of wisps kick him in the head?
  • Seems likely, but I cannot say with certainty.

So… Most of the way there. Congratulations! You got what you wanted!

Wow. I’m going to go find Night Elves and put campfires under them.

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So few that they fill up all the empty places in SW and spill out into Elwynn.

You realize that “logic” (Blizzard’s penchant for ignoring numbers in this game) presumes that the Night Elves are no more or less “near-extinct” than any other race. Because numbers have not, will not and do not matter in WoW.

But keep flailing. I’m sure there are at least 6 people at Blizzard that sit down in a meeting every morning and ask “How can we make Night Elf players miserable today.” Yes, logic says that’s what happens. :rofl:


Can I have no bonfires? I’m already talking about a peaceful way of humiliation. Try to take revenge somehow peacefully. There are options?

Actually, that’s what you did say :point_down:

At least you’re consistent in your back-pedaling.




Wait until Hallow’s End to throw eggs all over the Undercity.


I think at this point, that would improve the smell.


No, just recap on the War of Thorns?

Nope, actually all of those things are true.

  • Nope
  • Nope, only a very small portion
  • She’s getting a redemption
  • Tyrande is sleeping for the rest of the patch
  • The night elf souls are kind of obliterated
  • All of those seem very unlikely actually

“Far too few”

Yea, none of that implies single handedly defeating the jailer, and I even pointed it out.

3 words that you’re clutching as tightly as your victim card despite the game and other material proving you wrong.

And none of what you keep screeching implies Blizzard has it in for Night Elf fans, yet here you are. Screeching.


For reference, here is an actual example of what “far too few” means:



What proves me wrong? Your Goldshire / Elwynn source included the “Far too few” statement

Actually quite a lot does, but you can see that in the other thread I made why writers intentionally do it and how, by only changing details, the story could’ve been much less tragic for Night Elves.

The story and the game.

Your assumptions prove nothing.



As a worgen player, I’m just sitting here shaking my head and chuckling. :wolf:

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How can a Worgen player know what it’s like to lose your home and have a large portion of your population killed?

…oh wait.



And than proceed to get zero story development for the next ten years(Besides the occasional Genn/Tess appearance) and the infamous Heritage armor questline.

But you know…night elves have it worse :wolf:


That’s because Blizzard (AKA the illuminati) are sitting around a large table, with video monitors watching Night elf fans, scheming about how to screw people over.



While eating waffles with artificial syrup, oh the inhumanity of it all :wolf:

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Nope, the “proof” you provided proves me right.

There are no assumptions as there are sources for everything I say.

Atleast you didn’t have to watch Genn lose to Sylvanas after everything, and you didn’t have your people obliterated in the maw after an eternity of torture. The only area where Night Elves are still ahead of the Worgen are zones since they have half of Darkshore.

If you honestly think there were no worgen being obliterated in the maw…like literally everyone else who died during BfA, than you’d hopeless elessana