[Spoilers] Alexstrasza and the Dream

Honestly I don’t get it. Part of me hopes that it’s in Ashenvale due to the cinematic being shown but it looks like it could be on the dragon isles. Which yea what a slap in face to those who wanted to have their lands back since warcraft 3.


Blizzard ignored and shoehorned in a lot of plot contrivences to make the burning happen. Or really, I should say the Afrasiabi faction in the dev team, as making Sylvanas Arthas 2.0 was done purely out of spite by him.

This specific tree is a bit special, as it was created by a goddess of life and death, and is a manifestation of the cycle of life and death itself. Its existence is something of concern for the red and green flights as a result, and because it matters to Alexstrasza it matters to all dragons because… dragon queen.


And likely Vyranoth wanting to take the seed and use it to empower some nefarious plot that would be bad for everyone, so everyone will have to help keep that from happening, and growing a new tree for the Night Elves being a convenient way to deny her said power.


in warcraft 3 malfurion says “for kalimdor”.
he didnt even sail once to the eastern kingdoms in thousands of years.
so why would night elves want to go over there?


Just retcon all this nonsense. The Night Elves being forced to leave because of the Horde feels so bad from an out of universe perspective, and let’s not forget the Horde villain bat this reinforces.


Forced to leave? No.

They’ll still maintain all their holdings in Kalimdor.

They just won’t have their world tree home there anymore. Which IMO, is fine. People need to stop getting their knickers in a twist over something that actually makes logical sense.

For the record, they still have full control of Mt Hyjal, which has become the Night Elves temporary home since the destruction of Teldrassil. So Mt Hyjal will likely continue to serve as the Night Elves major home in Kalimdor along with Feathermoon Stronghold to the south.


That means nothing until it’s reflected in game. In the meantime Hyjal is Neutral Territory with free pass for any Horde all while being stuck on Cata era.


There is just some pure practicality here, too. If we wanted it in kalimdor we would be waiting until the next revamp of the continent. That could be years. This let them fold development into the zone design budget and thus economical on their time budget.

I was nice at least to see Tyrande and Shandris at Nordrassil during that early Shadowlands cinematic.

Though, obviously, yes, people would like to see a version of Mount Hyjal that isn’t riddled with Ragnaros’ forces. But obviously Blizzard would need a gameplay excuse to deliver on that, which there hasn’t been any indication of them planning on.


Yes well, this is a forum about the lore. Not how things are represented in-game.

I agree that the world needs a major revamp to bring it up to date with everything that’s happened since the end of Cataclysm, but we’re not likely to see that. Especially not with the forced RTO bleeding talent at Blizzard which is causing the developers to cross out things they want to do, but can’t, because they don’t have the folks to do it.

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Isn’t the whole Neltharion Labs including the whispers below the isles? Why would you plant a tree there, which will grow its roots deep into the earth?


That does unfortunately feel like a direction Blizzard is going in with the Old Gods being involved, yeah.


I still do not see why would that make it any more special to be honest.

Its existence isn’t instrumental to life nor the afterlife itself, regardless of how it was originated.
So I don’t get why key neutral third parties should be that involved in its protection.

Also, on a more meta level, I get the impression that the story tends to turn any/all night elf issues, into something that should concern everyone else.
And I honestly do not see why should it.

It’s not as if the losses of Worgen, Gnomes, Darkspear, or Forsaken cities, had all this spotlight and focus. No one seems to flock to their plea, in the way the story does for Night elves.


Gnomes and Worgen do indeed keep being strung along for getting Gnomeregan and Gilneas back. But the Darkspear did get the Echo Isles back, and I helped the Forsaken remove the blight from their home in turn for Dark Ranger customization options for my Night Elves and Void Elves.


The cavern don’t extend that far south, it’s presumably just rock below that area.

The burning wasn’t something most of the current team was onboard for. So they are going out of their way to undo it as part of the larger effort to roll back Afrasiabi’s bfa impact. They have also said they have plans for Gilneas, and surely do for lordaeron as well.

I just hope that includes bringing Ursoc back to life as well, and not just as a store pet. The quest designer for Val’sharah had mentioned that the Queen’s Conservatory in the Night Fae covenant was meant for that, but said quest designer left Blizzard before Shadowlands was completed given everything that had been and was happening within Blizzard.


It straight up is, it’s the very same trees that were added with DF and are present in the western parts of the plains.

So, now Night Elves will live with Dragons and Centaurs?
Why the hell than we were fighting and dying in Kalimdor?
Just to gave away Night Elves lands and move to the different continent, defeated?

And why Forsakes got their lands and city back, while Night Elves have to live elsewhere?
This Horde Bias from Blizzard makes me HATE more and more that game.


Oh stop being so overdramatic.

Trust a Night Elf player to go way over the top on something like this.

You’re still holding onto all the territory you had in Kalimdor. You’re not ‘giving it up’ or ‘forsaking your lands’ or any of that overdramatic garbage.

Your capital, assuming it even becomes your capital (because it might not) is just going to be in a very protected location where no one will dare to try attacking it because it will have the protection of the races of the Dragon Isles, including all the Dragonflights, most of whom have an extremely strong bond with the Night Elves (only the Black Dragonflight doesn’t).

Hell, it’s going to be right next to a massive portal to the Emerald Dream, meaning that it will be a hop, skip and a jump to get over to Mt. Hyjal, so it’s not like you’re going to be inconvenienced too much to get from the (rumored) capital to Kalimdor.


Ill bet Tyrande will say something like:
“Ok Horde, you can have all our lands in Kalimdor, but none of your orcs should ever come even close to the new tree.”