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Sylvanas: Break his hold, Anduin! The strength lies within you!
Sylvanas: I submit to the judgement…
Sylvanas: …of Tyrande Whisperwind
I’m already seeing Tyrande forgiving her
Or maybe she dies right there
Have you on ignore [for obvious reasons]
But won’t do a new thread on this but I’m really over all this big evil mastermind and sylvanas stuff. The dialogue is laughably predictable and meh at best.
If she dies to Tyrande then she has learned not to make the same mistake she did in Edge of Night where she failed to acknowledge why she was sent to Torment.
She had once acted as if she was unjustly punished and now is accepting that Tyrande’s punishment is just.
I mean, we knew it was going to happen, but still…
The writing is so awful. Just say this was a dream and we wake up during Legion/MOP I won’t even be mad.
This is what happens when you have multiple people writing sylv’s story and coming up with shadowlands lore at the same time while working from home.
It is what it is, go next expansion
i say we turn Sylvanas into a tree. Like a really big Zelda Deku tree and put her in the lost forest
They could surprise us after all, Tyrande just might behead her on the spot.
Yeah I don’t know why ignored users’ threads still appear, only for the post to say “Ignored content”. But i’m confident my forum browsing experience is still much improved over what it was a few hours ago.
And they tell you for how long you can ignore said person, but always wondered why it didn’t just remove the thread
It’s so funny how people long since gone, have been calling out this crap since late BFA and were absolutely right. Sylvanas being completely diabolically evil, only to be set up for redemption with deus ex machina levels of plot contrivance with the soul splitting garbage and Tyrande’s sudden change of heart for the literal extinction of her people. Turn over a new leaf garbage. I can only imagine Danuser laughing at his own brilliance as they discussed how they’d use the night elves as a doormat to tell their poor war story, only to redeem their waifu to avoid all the consequences years down the line. Maybe we should’ve forgiven Gul’dan too for the Broken Shore.
This garbage tier writing can win awards for the worst writing in a video game in recent years. It’s so bad it’s hard to fathom, the cheesy childish dialogue between Anduin and Sylvanas, the story that is so cliche it feels like fanfiction. It’s hard to believe. With Danuser at the helm, 10.0 definitely won’t fair any better narratively.
So that’s why you gave up debating
Such terrible writing lol.
My hope is Tyrande goes, “Okay!” And then slices her head off. But I know they’ll do some stupid “Elune showed me a new path and it’s all unicorns, butterflies and you’re made from pure sunshine!”
My take on it. See its not just Sylvanas’ head I want. BFA was a leadership failure. Again…same nitwits who let garrosh get stupid too. A reorganization at management level needed. A bloody reorganization…
Not getting that…time to move on. hope that turalyon started a nice war for us.
typical failed judicial system.
Your punishment is you must take the jailers place.
that’s my bet.
the writers?
yes, but she chose renewal. I think it was for Sylvanas not her people.
Writing is on par with a rotting trashcan