(SPOILERS) 9.1 Tyrande Cinematic

I don’t think you do know. You talk like someone who knows very little about anything you decide to assert your authority on, this included. Plus that little… spiel you just did about Germany and all that.

I think you actively make any conversation you enter objectively worse, and I think you do it on purpose.

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rom and kyalin are the ones who brought up ww2 today not me

So? Doesn’t mean your take on it isn’t absolute garbage.

Also, own something you said for once rather than pointing the finger at someone else. It’s cowardly of you.

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you are the only person in this thread that said the word germany

Good god, it’s like talking to a pile of damp socks.


I tend not to remember every argument I take part of.

I don’t remember every interaction I’ve ever had, and given that arguments are just that for you, I can’t say I blame you.

Also you remembered it enough to try and pin the blame on Rom and Kyalin. So… pick a lane, damp socks.

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Please anomaly, get real.

We both know the devs will retroactively put the blame of her “attack” in both Thrall AND Baine´s shoulders -yes, they would be retroactively made the ones to “provoke” her-. And we both know the Horde will get their next iteration of the villain bat and who knows which racial leaders culled in raids as consequence.


You know roms like my friend right, such a wonderful chickenman

I’m sure you THINK that.

Also again - still has nothing to do with it.

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I like what Shandris says about Night Elves.
But damn, how I hate her poor ugly painted model. :disappointed_relieved:

Scourge invasions happened twice. In Classic and WotLK pre-patch.

gl hf

Maaaaybe they’ll allow for cross-faction PVE, but I can’t picture WoW ever fully divorcing race from faction like that. Isn’t the entire questing system set up to consider your race when deciding if you’re allowed to take quests or not?

Right now, Blizzard probably already has the “best of both worlds” thanks to the elf swap they did targeting two of the highest player populations. I don’t think diluting the race-faction distinctions further would offer as much bang for their buck as what they’ve already done.

I don’t see how this connects one bit to whether Tyrande would attack Thrall and Baine in that situation or not. I don’t think the character is running an internal monologue about whether an unknown disconnected malicious god would paint her as evil for it.

Actions speak louder than words, Erevien. She’s not content with the peace treaty in its current state, but her actions in Shadows Rising prove that she’s willing to honor it - to the point at which she’ll allow the Horde to make up for it in some degree.

Try to keep up.

It’s hard to say, frankly. The genesis of the argument though was an attempt to say that Tyrande’s actions here were proof that the Night Elves had Ashenvale.

Which they are not.

As for why it’s hard to say - recent events tell us that we don’t know how much of her character was being driven by the Night Warrior and how much is her. Her character is further, so malleable and inconsistent that it’s impossible to draw a bead on her in the best of circumstances. She does what the story tells her to do, be it making terrible decisions to make a given story beat work, or ignoring things that a reasonable person would consider because the author needs certain events involving her to happen.

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Are you talking about kyalins discord or the Tower of Azora?

Thrall’s are fairly convincing though. From the snippets I read, he was practically begging Tyrande to give him some way of setting things right, because he was petrified of the possibility of the night elves doing to the orcs what they had attempted to do to the night elves.

Handing back Ashenvale would be the obvious first act if they hadn’t already withdrawn from that front during the Siege of Orgrimmar.


Why do I reject this? Because it’s the use of headcanon and speculation to fill a gap that the writers should have filled, and which they are perfectly capable of clarifying (or not) in any way they wish for any reason (no matter if it makes sense or not) they wish. Thrall’s demeanor nor Tyrande’s is itself proof of any kind of a handover, reconquest, or other status change of Ashenvale, whose last known updates were the BFA mission tables.

Speculation is not proof - and should not be used in the place of fact. I don’t care how much you are personally convinced that your prediction is right, it is still just that.

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You don´t see that connection cause that was NOT my point.

My point is the current lore dev team has a perchant for retroactively put the blame of ANY Alliance act of aggresion exclusively as the passive response of Horde active aggresion (ergo, if Tyrande hypothetically comes and kills both Baine and Thrall by no clear reason, the devs WILL concoct a scenario in which these two WILL act in some rando stupid evil way that retyroactively justifies Tyrande murdering them, protecting this way the “moral highground” of the character and the blue faction).

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