(SPOILERS) 9.1 Tyrande Cinematic

Being Horde doesn’t make you an underdog. That is just your assumption. But being Alliance makes you the hero of the story by default. So the night elves have no room to complain here.

and that is also a stupid argument “we have it much worse than you because I feel that way”.

Naa…everyone feels differently and many feel for example the night elves have it much worse then the horde, so sorry, but…This argument isn´t a smart move either and will leads nowhere.

A advantage that no longer exist…normal orcs can´t do anything against him.

The only thing you are accomplishing is ridiculing yourself if you go further on this way.

The “Blizzard hates us” argument has come up so many times, so many times.

Of all the communities…I don’t think blizzard really hates any people, some like them more, others less. The night elves are probably one of their favorites even…and do you know why?

They wanted an EMOTIONAL REACTION because of Teldrassil, and with the dwarves, with the gnomes, even with the humans it would have mattered less what happened.

Because most play humans because of racials, night elves play a lot out of conviction, more than most other races. Let not blizzard manipulate your feeling…to see the real reason for Teldrassil.

Even a broken clock…

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Except that the night elves are “the girl in trouble” and not the Alliance.

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My boy, Horde catapults can shoot for hundreds of miles and ignite the WATER on fire. Cenarius is screwed.

But where did you get the idea that your time is right?

Pallies=Paladins and what

Emnity in a video game would undergird a system of competition where the determination of whether you are better than I am is decided in a battleground.

What you want, and your comment demonstrates that, is dominance and for Blizzard to give that to you without having to work for it. That is evidently why you and your colleagues block any and all suggestions to end the Night Elves’ status as the Horde’s chew toy, or to allow them to hit you back.

You claim to have already defeated us, and you want to keep it that way. That is what your comment says loud and clear to me.


I’m not going to have a “who is more powerful discussion” here, I find BlizzardWriting’s ironic responses amusing too…but find them in particular even disturbing in this exact moment, nothing personal,korastros.

Um … and how does having paladins balance anything?

My dude, who do you think my colleagues are?

I would LOVE for you to hit me back, so I can finally have ANY moral ground to stand on, which I wouldn’t unless the night elves did a triple 9 11 on the Horde, and even then probs not.

I crave for you to look like a threat for once. I don’t want you to be my chew toy, you taste gross.

In that case I stand corrected.

At any rate, that is what I want. Just so we’re clear.

  1. The night elves have already defeated the Horde at Darkshore.
  2. Ashenvale is already been given back.
  3. you got Lordaeron on top of it decorated with Forsaken heads as frosting.

Hey this is not a shark vs bear match, I’m just saying by blizzards writing Horde catapults can do all that (which i said jokingly obviously enough), so however much demigod he is, when catapults, freaking catapults can destroy Tel’drassil in not sure Cenarius would make it

  1. Darkshore’s issues have been discussed at length previously. In summary, the presentation did not do an adequate job of communicating the victory to the playerbase in a satisfying way, and the event itself was marred with issues.
  2. Prove it to me.
  3. I don’t care about Lordaeron, at all.

Ik and that’s fine, but I just want you to know that blizzard doesn’t hate you, they like you way too much. That’s why it was Tel’drassil and not Ironforge. Nobody cares about Ironforge (I do tho, its cozy af).

You’re not convincing me off of this point. That’s up to Blizzard. I have seen them make things worse and deny any kind of resolution too many times in sequence to think that this is accidental. I am however glad that we appear to be on the same page as to what the issue is:

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Again your race has gotten to literally beat all of their threats no contest except the Horde, a playable faction, you can’t expect them to give you that, cuz they’re not.


I don’t see any real tension in big bad external threats. It’s one of the reasons I don’t really PVE. No one loses to them, they’re a participation trophy.

You should. All your fellow alliance colleagues do.

Shadow’s rising. Tyrande had the shot at killing Baine, Thrall and Calia. I am certain she would have done exactly that if Ashenvale was still occupied by the Horde.

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