(SPOILERS) 9.1 Tyrande Cinematic

The orcs have nothing to offer the night elves. The ongoing issue with kaldorei-orc relations is that the former run an entirely self-sufficient, basically benevolent natural utopia with no grand designs beyond their borders, while the orcs covet everything they have and have shown a repeated willingness to wage genocidal war to get it.

They don’t need to be on friendly terms and nor should the story be written that way. The Army of the Black Moon should be an ever-present threat to any orc who strays into Ashenvale.


Nah. There’s a reason not even Azshara would dare mucking around with Hyjal. The gods that live there would dump nelves so fast their heads would spin.

I already wrote this proposal once yesterday in Discord and still think that a little realpolitik and stone-cold pragmatism is required to make this problem work at all.

This contract must contain conditions like:

  • The Horde recognizes the inviolability of Nightelf sovereignty and its lands.

  • The Horde accepts the loss of Ashenvale and all territories occupied in the WOT.

  • The Horde accepts a limitation of its troops and a disarmament

  • The Horde has to pay for the reconstruction of the Night Elves. (in goods)

  • The Horde accepts the loss of Arathi.

  • The Alliance recognizes the inviolability of Forsaken sovereignty and its lands

  • The Alliance accepts the loss of Lordaeron with the exception of southern Silverpine, western Hilsbrand and Gilneas.

  • The Alliance immediately halts all aggression against the Horde and officially abandons the southern Barrens.

  • The Alliance disarms against the Horde.

  • The Night Elves must trade valuable resources from Ashenvale, such as food and wood, with the Horde. (This is to create mutual dependencies, so it is not profitable to attack the Alliance or the Night Elves and visa versa).

  • An anti-military zone will be established between Ashenvale and Azshara. Neither the Horde nor the Alliance may position troops there.

  • The night elves will be handed over the prisoners of war of the WOT and will be allowed to accuse them in front of an international tribunal. The judges are bound to neutrality and come from neutral factions (Argent Dawn, Irden Ring, CC, such examples).

PS: Here are some tough ones that won’t please any faction, none, but I think a treaty that truly satisfies everyone won’t happen.



We’ve already seen how this game ends. The orcs have nothing the night elves want, hence at the first act of aggression the kaldorei have a free hand to cut trade.

The orcs, whose mud hut economy has now been made dependant on Ashenvale lumber, decide that the night elves must be exterminated.

No treaty that makes the Horde dependant on Alliance generosity to survive is going to be long-lasting. The Horde (mostly just the orcs) needs to stand on its own two legs (knuckles can remain dragging if they wish).


Idk man our shamen DID burn Darnassus

NO! Finally night elves could look like a night elves…:confused:

It took europe almost 2 centurys to reach an Order that was stable enough to really stand the test of time. In this time were multiple threatys.

So, i don’ think that premature abandonment is the right way. An mutual dependence that makes war simply too costly to make profitable for one side is the price of peace.

The only way the orcs will ever learn is if they get their teeth soo thoroughly kicked in that they genuinely fear even THINKING about being aggressive towards the Kaldorei and their allies. :wolf:

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Or the night elves give up Ashenvale. That would settle the problem the right way.

All of Lordaeron belongs to the Forsaken. If Night elves get to keep all of northern Kalimdor(Darkshore, Ashenvale, Hyjal, Felwood, Winterspring) then this is a horrible trade.

Here’s a somewhat unrelated but tangential question. The “fire” was okay with being lit by the shamen to burn Tel’drassil. Does that mean the element of fire hates the night elves?


It more means that Blizzard does - which is something you missed on your way to dredge up Teldrassil again and use that to “get” at me.

Blizzard doesn’t hate Night Elves. Blizzard just loves humans and orcs far far more.

Come to think of it. It does come across almost like an abusive relationship regarding many of the other races.


You saying that other races are hated does not undo my impression that Blizzard appears to hate Night Elves. I’m not sure why people keep making this error, frankly unless there’s some internal medallion that they give to the one and only concept that they don’t like over in Irvine.



Ok, so you’re dropping the later point and pivoting to the first one. Very well.

On the subject of hatred. Hanlon’s razor asks that we never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity. It’s that italicized word that gets left out in most conversations about it, and I no longer believe that the consistent treatment of the race, such as their repeated selection as the Horde’s punching bag, can merely be explained by a few mistakes here or there.

Do I possess a manifesto written by the devs on the subject? No, but I also see no reason to give them the benefit of the doubt until they shape up and fly right on this matter.

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No, just correcting an error you made.


You’re going to have to be more specific. If we’re digging this up for consideration again:

Then this is the error you appear to be making:


Here is what happened.

This is your opinion here (Blizzard hates Night Elves) as a response to the post by Korastros.

Here is my opinion (Blizzard does not hate Night Elves but loves/favors orcs and humans)

Here is your response to my post incorrectly saying that I think Blizzard hates other races.

Nowhere in my post did I mention, hint or insinuate that Blizzard hates any races. Only that they play favorites with a couple in particular (orc and human).

My post here :point_down:

was merely correcting what you stated regarding what I stated.

That’s all.



Here is what I don’t understand with this logic.
Why in the world would Alliance show any mercy to the Horde that immediately didn’t break away from Sylvanas’ Horde?

All this talk of Alliance attacking the Horde eventually or not giving the Horde the benefit of the doubt is now a near certainty thanks to Saurfang and the refusal of the Horde to stand against Sylvanas when it mattered.

If the idea is “The Alliance lacks the strength to attack the Horde” um alright… but thats just for now. Alliance seems to have a much stronger economy than the Horde, they will be ready for the next war much more quickly then the Horde so… whats the plan? Another quick deadly strike to make the Alliance bleed?