[Spoiler]Judgement of Sylvanas

Well not just me.

I think you and him are arguing around a hang up.

I don’t think he is comparing what Sylvanas and Jaina did on some order of magnitude or “evil equivalence” - but he is comparing two evil actions and mitigating circumstances.


He literally began this derail when I said “nobody can compare to what Sylvanas did” and proceeded to list people whom he said did things that were comparable to Teldrassil. He objectively is making that comparison by saying they are comparable. In his own words.

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Yes he is comparing them, but not in the way you are. Which is why you chose to only quote half my sentence.

Just because things are compared in some aspects does not mean they are entirely equal in every aspect. You said nothing could be compared, and he disagreed.

But you seem to be stuck on some “evil equivalence”, and he was comparing the reception and what some consider mitigating circumstances.

It depends on what you are comparing.


Y’all get really hung up on silly things. I’m quoting so you know the part I’m referencing. So, if it’ll help, I’ll go ahead and start quoting your entire post for each bit and just boldface what I’m referring to.

I very specifically said no one’s crimes could be comparable in scope and scale to Sylvanas’s. This is what he disagreed with.

It was very specific. Not “some aspect”, not “every aspect”.

Scope and scale.

At no point in the many responses did he mention how it was recieved by the playerbase. At no point is he mentioning “the reception”. We’ve both been discussing mitigating circumstances, and while I’ve acknowledged the mitigating circumstances of both characters, he seems largely intent on ignoring those mitigating circumstances for Jaina.

I hope that helps.


The complete sentence would show some intent of goodwill. Just quoting half a sentence, when the other half you omitted answered your attempt at snark, is a sign of bad faith insincere trolling.

Welcome to the Story Forums, I know.

Right here he is comparing the fans reception of both, and how fans consider mitigating circumstances or not in either case, depending on their perspective :

So while you seem to be focused only on the incomparability of the size and scope and “evilness”, he has been comparing many aspects, such as what fans consider mitigating circumstances, and how they apply them.

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“My point”, “to me”. He’s literally only talking about his own interpretation of events. Not fan perspective. And done in response to me questioning what his moral stances are.

You should go back and re-read the conversation. Taking it all out of the actual context it has existed in is a sign of bad faith insincere trolling.

Now, actual snark aside?

No. He is not, in fact, discussing fan response beyond his own personal feelings on morality. This is clear given he has only made references to his own feelings on the moral matters.

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In the post right above yours, where I quoted him, he discussed how others feel differently. He acknowledges that there are other perspectives. That the fan reception is similarly varied depending on where folks draw their moral lines.

It seems like a good point.

Jaina tried twice but she failed and was thwarted and turned good again after a talking to.

Well, now Sylvanas had a talking to. And even though she failed a lot, she was just more successful at the mass murder than Jaina.

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My. You. I. You. My and you.

No. He’s talking about his perspective and mine. Once again, after I questioned his moral views.



That’s all.

You should have read the conversation, because you are grossly misrepresenting it.

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I see a guy who acknowledged differing opinions but disagreed rather politely about how those Characters and their actions were received, and how they can be compared.


You know I’m not Smallioz, right? We’re like… Different people, having different discussions?

You are aware of this, correct?

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But he didn’t limit it to himself. Or you. He mentioned others, that they have differing opinions, and he was discussing it with others, as you point out.

People say the actions of Jaina and Sylvanas can’t be compared, but they might be the closest thing to compare. Working with Azshara for a fight in Nyalotha would come close to comparing to working with Sylvanas and Jaina, except Azshara was never a member of the Alliance or Horde.

Funnily enough, Blizzard chose those 3 to be their “Warbringers.”


In a different conversation with a different person.

I get things are slow today, but this is just a bunch of nonesense, Curse. His seperate conversation with a seperate person is seperate from our seperate conversation.

This is not unusual, abnormal, or poor forum etiquette. This is the norm.

Y’all just trying to start a thing here for the sake of it because things are slow today.

Not having it any further.


No, it has nothing to do with any of that. I do feel that he made a good point. I agree with some of what he said. He acknowledged possible misunderstanding.

I don’t need to stoke drama for any reason. The best stuff usually happens while I’m at work, and is resolved before I am off.

Some people who like to stir drama have screen shots of discord chats, old tweets, and all sorts of stuff. I am just replying to what I am reading in the thread.


To be fair, the ONLY person who comitted crimes on par to sylvanas would be arthas. He destroyed one kingdom, killed 90% of another and ransacked dalaran.

Only difference is he’s dead and sylvanas is getting somewhat of a redemption


Cassandra from Greek Myth.

Oracle but nobody would believe anything she says.

While Ethriel’s constant carrying on about the Nights Elves being finished and their souls obliterated are overblown, her steadfast stance that the Night Elves won’t get justice is constantly proving true.

Blizz pushed blame from the Horde in general to Sylvanas specifically, then pulled the Jailer from out of nowhere, retcon’ed in all into being his fault, and further pulled the split soul thing out to absolve Sylvanas (despite how the entire thing has serious issues from Uther’s history in the game, meaning his appearance from beyond the grave).

They are in the middle of spending an entire x-pac devoted to saving this character from their own idiocy. They have undeniably made Sylvanas a creator’s pet and are rapidly putting her in Mary Sue territory in order to save her from themselves.

And Elesana/Ethriel called it years ago. And most everyone scoffed at the notion (myself included).


Hell Sylvanas herself tried to deny that she did those things but later accepted that yes, she did. She did those things.

So I have no idea why people keep spreading the misinformation that her soul was split into good vs evil.


I know that this Sylvanas was a separate entity and I’m arguing about that Sylvanas alone. Which is why I do not think whitewashed nuSylvanas needs to be killed as a punishment.

But I like the argument someone gave before that both Sylvanases are infact the same person, that RG Sylvanas would infact become the BQ Sylvanas if under the same circumstances. That splitting a soul doesn’t split them into unequal personae, but equal versions of the same person who undergo different paths. (In the case of Uther and Sylvanas, one part was frozen in time)


It is because that is how the devs have presented it. A good half (blue) admonishing an evil half (red). If they wanted it to be interpreted differently they needed a different presentation. One where the banshee queen comes to terms with her actions from the perspective of the banshee queen on her own terms.


It’s easy for people to see it that way, or as a jekle and Hyde situation.


Not counting cosmic forces like the Burning Legion and Void Lords the First Horde has to be up there too. Surpassing the scourge if you count what they did on Draenor. I suppose that Gul’Dan gets the most personal credit for that one? It was Gul’Dan/Blackhand that wiped out the Draenei and wrecked 90% of Stormwind, Doomhammer who finished the remaining 10% then went on to inflict massive damage to the dwarves, elves, and other northern kingdoms. Though it was Ner’zhul that actually blew up his own planet.