[Spoiler]Judgement of Sylvanas

Nope, it’s in the story.

And in interviews that the night elves were nearly completely wiped out.

We haven’t heard about it because it literally doesn’t exist.
It’s stated that the Night Elves are far too few in numbers to even be guarding those zones (Ashenvale, Darkshore).
That’s what the entire book’s premise is about. That the Night Elves are too few left and that they can never heal.

Again, the only hope I saw before Shadowlands was rescuing and reviving their souls, but then I quickly realized that Blizzard was going to obliterate them, and so they did.
They also made our own goddess force us to forgive our abusers promising us renewal, then never giving us renewal and watching as the souls are permanently obliterated.

Ah yes because the answer to this is more of piting women against eachother. So feminist! /s

Tyrande can’t possibly mature or evolve as a character… how terrible would that be?

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Your women argument doesn’t work when it was Nathanos who raised the Night Elves.

Now we also know why they immediately joined Sylvanas, because domination magic was used on them.

Or when it was the Horde who helped Sylvanas wipe out the Night Elves and to torture and obliterate their souls.

Just because Sylvanas is a woman doesn’t mean she shouldn’t face consequences for her actions, I’m not sure what you’re on about. If you actually cared about this you’d be okay with Tyrande bringing her to justice, or with Tyrande bringing the others to justice that inflicted this unending misery upon her people.

Maybe the story is so hateful and gross towards Night Elves because they are a matriachial race (or “were”, before their extinction and obliteration).


That was part of it, the other part of it was that they felt betrayed by Elune for allowing the Burning of Teldrassil to happen and we found out it was because she was trying to help her sisters realm, we saved NE souls and they actually did help bring an end to the anima drought.

As much as it sucks to have the narrative flip that Elune was using Sylvanas as a vessel to help her sister, and Zorvaal was also using Sylvanas to beef up his own power by sending those souls to the Maw to empower him, the real villian here is Zorvaal, not Sylvanas.

Tyrande allowing Sylvanas a chance at atonement is not weakness. Mercy is a hard lesson Tyrande has struggled to learn. Tyrande showing Sylvanas mercy is character development and I’m sad you don’t see that.

There is no “part of it”.

We have seen exactly how domination magic works, and how Sira didn’t choose to come back. It controls you, we have seen it with Anduin.

We saved a handful while like 99% or more were obliterated.

Zovaal couldn’t have done anything to those innocents if it wasn’t for Sylvanas, Nathanos and the Horde.

Atonement? How is looking for Nathanos atonement? It only benefits Sylvanas, nobody else. Why would Tyrande or Elune care about that when it’s already too late for the Night Elf Souls?

Do you know what atonement means? It means making up for your wrongdoings, not doing something that benefits yourself and nobody else.

You mean the mercy Sylvanas had with all the innocent Night Elves? That mercy?

Teaching the leader of the matriachial race that she has to forgive the abusers of her people isn’t character development, it’s gross if you put it in contrast with the things going on at Blizzard.

“The victim mustn’t pursue justice” is the lesson that Blizzard is trying to force upon Night Elf Players.


Untrue. Elune did not allow anything.
“In the wake of tragedy” she said.

There was a tragedy that she could not stop but used the opportunity to send the souls to her sister instead of doing her usual thing.

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But in the end even Elune was made a pawn of the jailer because she didn’t know they were being sent to Zorvaal. Which is where renewal comes in…

The Night Elves will have divine intervention and be restored. That’s almost a sure thing. The Alliance never gets to lose anything for real.

The Night Elves will be restored. Tyrande is not dead. She’ll rejoin the Alliance, make peace with the Horde and nothing will have ever mattered.

How does this story not make you happy? You never get to lose /s

Maybe that’s why Ethriel clings to her delusions, being the justified victim is what the Alliance really want. Suffering is cathartic. Sorry I was just now rambling to myself like Shernish does…silly me.
… mda


Did you miss the part where the Night Elf souls were obliterated in the maw?
The renewal part was about forgiving Sylvanas because the victims mustn’t pursue justice.


You have to be kidding. If not I wonder what PTR or story you were looking at because it certainly wasn’t from WoW

  1. The Horde is still attacking the few remaining Night Elves
  2. Signing a peace treaty with the blood and soul dust of her people is not a good thing.

Except that the Night Elves are dead as a people.

Hey, I called it.

Thrall didn’t genocide humans and completely dumpster their entire civilization though


Pat pat there there.

That’s all I can offer, I’m sorry.

Thrall and the Orcs’ escape allowed for the Horde to eventually become what it is.

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Not nearly the same thing. Thrall wasn’t directly responsible for a human civilization ending. I don’t know anyone who is an Alliance fan, the six of them still left, who even cares about Thrall at all.


Ikaar wants Taretha Foxton tortured in the Maw and permakilled in front of Thrall for helping him escape.

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I’m not sure why I should care what a random crapposter on this forum thinks. Next you’re telling me I should take anything Erevien posts at face value.


Well, you know one now.

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Let’s all take a moment and realize that Steve Danuser… A professional writer currently writing for a multi billion dollar, AAA company, basically watched Infinity War and thought “Yeah, let’s do that.” Totally removing all of the motivation, personality and 10+ years of foreshadowing and buildup for who would be his version of Thanos. AND thought this was a brilliant, morally grey, multi-layered plot that the playerbase would be engaged with.

But what is even more insulting is, this Sylvanas redemption and forgiveness plot has been speculated since BFA. We all knew this would happen, we all knew this is where it was going.

But Blizz told us “Wait and see” all these years KNOWING that what was planned to happened was what everyone FEARED would happen. They told us “Just keep coughing up that monthly subscription, you wont be disappointed in the end.” KNOWING FULL WELL THAT WE WOULD BE DISAPPOINTED IN THE END!

To hell with this company, dude. The absolute upper echelon of trash.


Well, they did say that anyone hoping Sylvanas would die would be disappointed. I’m really not sure how anyone thought they’d kill her off or make her answer in any meaningful way for what she did. It was pretty obvious to me they’d pull another Kerrigan.

That means Nathanos is Raynor.


Even I didn’t think that they’d go this far and obliterate the Night Elf Souls in the maw when during beta, there were actually hints that maybe we could save them.

But Blizzard needs to double down on the Night Elves misery no matter what I guess. I quickly assumed it was going to happen quite early and now I’m once again proven right with it looking at 9.2.

But it’s fine because Tyrande can just conveniently forget about the entirety of her people being burned alive, tortured and obliterated in the maw.