Zovaal was a prototype of the Arbiter this whole time!
Zovaal was created as the Arbiter in a lab, and was too zealous in his judgement of souls. When we defeat Zovaal, his skin burns away to show his true robot form beneath!!!
Zovaal was a prototype of the Arbiter this whole time!
Zovaal was created as the Arbiter in a lab, and was too zealous in his judgement of souls. When we defeat Zovaal, his skin burns away to show his true robot form beneath!!!
your theory or…new datamined spoiler?
My theory, but why would a robot have the marks of domination on his head and chest?!
Robot Zovaal confirmed.
I don’t get this theory.
Flesh is his gift. He is your true creator.
Why would others be flesh and bone? Why wouldn’t everyother Pantheon be robots?
1,000 truths is just 1,000 scenarios… they’re all robots!
They’re all robots. All the Eternal Ones were 3D printed.
The model looks super old though. Like it was a prototype that was never used, or hasn’t been active in a really long time. It is interesting that it does the share the same exact markings and hole in the chest like Zooval does
What if the primus is lying to us about creating domination magic? If he did, why would a abandonded robot have domination runes on it, long before domination magic was supposedly created?
I just thought it was kindof silly, having 3D printed pantheon… but then it just hit me. Everyone else is 3D printed, we would be too, had it not been for the Old Gods.
“It’s a condition that affects titan creations. Th’ titans fashioned their creatures with stone, mostly, or other mechanical means, so they could carry out their assigned duties tae th’ world without fear o’ deterioratin’ or gettin’ weak. But there are beings o’ great magic an’ malice that hate th’ titans, and they sabotaged these creations by turnin’ their bodies tae flesh like th’ other creatures o’ Azeroth.”
his skin and everything that made him (his anima) was given to Azeroth in the hopes of awakening her to become a death titan…
Apparently decline into flesh is a natural tendency of titan forged etc. The old gods just sped up that process.
I was just super late to the party in realizing that all titan constructs are stone/robots.
At best they are “souls” just looking for vessels capable of housing them, ala Sire Denathrius not being “actually” dead.
As for Azeroth… she just needs a giant robot body…
It is said by Al’firim(now just Firim) that the 7 Cosmic Forces all fight over the Great Dark Beyond out of fear of an unknown Force.
I suspect that Force is Spirit.
Zovaal was working to fight against the taint of Flesh and was brought to his end returning to the Machine he originally was.
The Naaru of AU Draenor are probably working against Flesh as well.
Incidentally the Fleshy Devourers start rotting the second they start eating Automa and Ephemera so Decay seems to be the dominant Element of the First Ones.
Fun Fact: Decay plus Earth equals Metal, Rust and Sand. Spirit plus Earth equals Rock, Flesh and Soil.
Incidentally even the Titans are Metallic so their creation by the First Ones is hinted at even there.
I am sure you are right…I am saying by Zovaal sacrificing his own anima to awaken Azeroth in the hopes she is a death titan.
I suspect that Force to be Time.
Not trying to speculate too much on spoilers, but if it is true that we are going to a more time theme’d expansion in 10.0, I would suspect that Azeroth has strong ties to that force, more so than Aman’Thul. (Which would explain the Caverns of Time)
Her wakening is causing the Time Rifts.
It’s funny that you say this because I always think about this Old God Quote:
“The Light has struck a bargain with the enemy of all.”
Death is not the enemy of all, it is a part of life… however, Time is…
I could definitely see the Army of the Light toying around with Time in a new expansion.
…Old Man Withers, who runs the haunted amusement park!
Personally I suspect it’s Narrative Discombobulation.
What if Zorvaal was just one of many of the same 3D printed prototypes and there is nothing special about him.
Didn’t they say there were other, as in past, Arbiters?
Time Decays.
Time is part of Decay. Decay is the 7th Cosmic Force and is aligned with the Light. Infact it is aligned with Fel, Zovaal, Dimensius, Time and the Light!
Time is Order mixed with Decay, Ephemera and the Sins dumped into the Endmire are Death mixed with Decay, Blood is Life mixed with Decay and Fel is Chaos mixed with Decay.
Void and Light mixed with Decay are the Cosmic Forces in their rawest form.
The 6 or 7 Cosmic Forces are working with Decay to fight Spirit in fear of it destroying the Purpose of the First Ones.
I see Decay more so like rot, almost like an infection, more so than time based. As time can move forward and backwards-- decay cannot.
The “great cycle” is Time- the 7th cosmic force.
Decay, Spirit, those are listed as part of the cosmic chart… but how do they interact with time?
God, this game friggin’ sucks now…
So they are all terminators with fake skin and blood on their steel exoskeletons?