I would never have thought of that, but now that I think about it, it makes a lot of sense.
That’s what it looks like, especially with the prototypes we fight in the Sepulcher. They’ve only had the outer later partially applied, so glowey machine bits are still visible.
Why go through the trouble of all that? Why not just create an actual living creature thats immortal?
The reason we all age and die is that our system degrades over time. But in this magical world they create a being whose cell division doesn’t degrade, then you got a perfect immortal being. Robots walking around in skin suits don’t make any sense to me. Just leave them as robots why the charade?
Ever see the movie Terminator?
Robots are scary.
You are on thin ice son.
EDI from Mass Effect is a national treasure.
The (seven?) cosmic forces cannot be fighting against this force, because they are all aligned with it. Narrative Discombobulation is the source all (seven?) cosmic forces spring from. It’s why whenever the Warcraft Universe sees a greater concentration of one of these cosmic forces, the narrative discombobulates.
When we saw the rise of Fel energies overtake the narrative, suddenly Illidan’s ripping spacial gateways into the skies over Azeroth. The Exodar, which was being repaired and nearly complete is suddenly unrepairable and we need a new space ship to fly through the open gateway right there. Sargeras becomes a fart cloud to take out Azeroth instead of stabbing it right from the get-go.
When we saw the rise of the Void, all the Horde leaders follow Sylvanas into an extinction war with little more than a passive whine or attempting suicide by Alliance. The Zandalari, Mag’har orcs and Vulpira see the decimated reputation of the Horde and think now is the best time to ally with them. Thalysra sees Sylvanas behaving worse than Elissande and just goes with it.
When we saw the rise of Death magic… Just fill in everything in Shadowlands here.
They are all in cahoots with the force of Narrative Discombobulation, trying to spread its influence along with their own. They are not afraid of it.
“When in doubt, touch ANYTHING that glows…”
Was this discussed earlier?
Теперь это ранние прототипы сосудов для духов Вечных, которые давным давно создал Первый Архитектор Лихувим, но раньше их даже не включал. Новое описание гласит:
“'Лишенные космических духов Вечных эти незаконченные тела-носители способны лишь исполнять свои базовые директивы без толики сострадания и жалости. Теперь, когда враг у порога, у Лихувима нет иного выбора кроме как активировать эти опасные прототипы.”
Получается, каждый Вечный является духом, помещенным в подобный манекен, который оброс магией и плотью благодаря аниме. Аналогичным образом Пелагия сделают Арбитром: поместят его душу в специальный пустой сосуд, подготовленный на такой случай. Этот же трюк попытаются провести натрезимы с Аргусом, но герои им помешают.
Таким образом, что это тогда получается за обгорелая модель Зоваала из нового билда тестовых серверов? Судя по дырке в груди и рунам, которые на теле Зоваала оставил Примас, когда первый стал Тюремщиком… это тело-сосуд Зоваала, которое останется от него после смерти. Скорее всего: поживем-увидим.
Кстати, описание самого Тюремщика в Атласе Подземелий тоже переписали: его больше не называют “космической сущностью, которой неведомо поражение." Ибо его, как минимум, в свое время побили остальные Вечные и бросили в Торгаст.
Automatic translate
These are now the early prototypes of the vessels for the Eternal spirits, which the First Architect Lihuvim created long ago, but did not even include them before. The new description reads:
“'Deprived of the cosmic spirits of the Eternals, these unfinished host bodies are only able to carry out their basic directives without a bit of compassion and pity. Now that the enemy is at his doorstep, Lihuvim has no choice but to activate these dangerous prototypes.”
It turns out that each Eternal is a spirit placed in a similar mannequin, which is overgrown with magic and flesh thanks to the anime. Likewise, Pelagius will be made the Arbiter: his soul will be placed in a special empty vessel prepared for such an occasion. The Nathrezim with Argus will try to perform the same trick, but the heroes will prevent them.
So what is that burnt-out Zovaal model from the new test server build then? Judging by the hole in the chest and the runes that the Primate left on the body of Zovaal when the first became the Jailer … this is the body-vessel of Zovaal, which will remain of him after death. Most likely: wait and see.
By the way, the description of the Jailer himself in the Atlas of Dungeons was also rewritten: he is no longer called “a cosmic entity that does not know defeat.” For, at least, at one time, the rest of the Eternals beat him and threw him into Torgast.
Bulleted lit, numbered list… To shrug.
The Eternal Ones existed before being placed into Robots!?
Why did the First Ones seek to bring Gods of Death into the Shadowlands? Did they want the Pantheon of Death to bring Wonder and Mysticism to the Machine of Death?
The Titans on the other hand seem to be imitations of the Gods created by the First Ones it seems. Fitting how the group associated with Order would create it’s own Pantheon after summoning the other Pantheons into Robots under it’s control!
How much control did the Machine Bodies’ programming have on the Pantheon of Death for the First Ones to bind them to The Purpose?
Was the Archon’s actions due to her Robot Host’s programming that could not be subverted until the Anima Drought and Maw Walker showed up rescuing her causing the programming to break down?
The Winter Queen and Primus seem more free yet Rebirth and Defense aren’t strict protocols unlike Collecting Souls, Forcing Atonement and Arbitrating the Dead.
Needless to say all those actually shackled by the First Ones’ Programming in the Pantheon of Death shall be freed from the chains the Machine of Death forced on them.
For the Archon it was by completely causing a “Does Not Compute!” reaction in her Host Body’s programming, for Denathrius it was by killing his Host Body and allowing Remornia to grab his Spirit while for Zovaal it was by straight up killing his Host Body releasing his Spirit back to whence it came.
Speaking of whence they came: Where did the Gods come from? Could Denathrius have come from(or even be) Nathreza and have been grabbed from it by the First Ones just as the Winter Queen was grabbed from the Blue Moon while Elune was grabbed from the White Moon?
Furthermore are the Old Gods truly servants of the Void Lords or are they Gods they summoned into Void Vessels and tossed into the Great Dark Beyond? Yogg-Saron seems the least Void-tainted so did he manage to manifest in Full Glory?
“Before the last shadow falls, the father of sleep shall savor his feast.” - Il’gynoth
Is Zovaal’s goal to summon Yogg-Saron the True Leader of the Pantheon of Death into Azeroth? Are the Naaru prepping AU Draenor’s World Soul for possession by Yogg-Saron as a backup should Zovaal fail? Is Mueh’zala a Troll vessel of Yogg-Saron with Vol’jin serving as a means for Yogg-Saron to arrive in Azeroth in some form when Vol’jin revives?
Could the Dragon Isles Expansion hinted about lead into Yogg-Saron using the Emerald Dream to enter Azeroth through Vol’jin while using the Bronze Dragonflight’s Home Zone to access AU Draenor turning it into his new Body?
Thats most likely. Everything being a machine at one point, is just a disappointing reveal.
I agree. A souless mechanical universe is not what I invisioned. It almost makes the Old Gods right for giving us Flesh, or we would just be free will less automatons.
To add on to this: Mueh’zala uses Blood as well as Necrotic Energies and Shadow…
Is the God of Death also the God of Blood and Shadow as well?..
What does the notion that the Pantheons of Life, Death, Shadow, Chaos and Light are Gods summoned into Machines mean for Elune?
Elune, the Blue Child and An’she are stated to be children of the Earthmother… Was she a Planetoid just like the 3 of them?
And what of the Naaru born from the Great Clash of Light vs Shadow who are claimed to have been created by Elune?
Did Elune’s healing of An’she leave her vulnerable to Yogg-Saron & C’Thun’s corruption causing a backlash of Light vs Shadow creating the Great Dark Beyond and Twisting Nether(born from C’Thun’s Chaos) as well as the Naaru leaving Elune with Arcane Light and the Darkness of Night(Night Warrior) both freed from Shadow and Chaos’s influence?
Did the First Ones stuff Elune’s Darkness of Night into a Robot in the Gardens of Life because they saw that the Darkness of Night was benevolent?
Did the Naaru always have the Void Phase or was it a result of the one who mastered the Arcane Light of the Moon(I.E. the Light of Lights, Light of the Moon & Light of a Thousand Moons Azshara) being empowered by N’Zoth’s Void Host and thus becoming subject to him and his Void Lord summoners granting them a connection to the Light side of the Moon?
What is Elune’s true personality outside a Robot designed by the First Ones?
“The fall of night reveals her true face. She will bring only ruin.” -N’Zoth(Uu’nat Encounter)
Could Azshara’s claim of being the Light of the Moon and the Light of Lights be secretly true? Could she be the chosen Host of the true Personality of Elune not shackled by the First Ones’ machines I.E. the White Lady? Could she be WoW’s Queen Nehelenia(who claims in Sailor Moon to be the True Queen of the Moon)?
This sounds very Yogg-Saron-ish like if he was originally a robot and then given flesh, then the Curse of Flesh comes to mind, that means that the Old Gods have a much bigger reach into the cosmos then JUST where they stay on Azeroth