[SPOILER] So, about that Patch 8.1.5?

Just know, I’m crying of laughter atm.



I’m gay, but not for Anduin. There really isn’t a WoW character I’m gay for.

Oh watch me get banned for that meme because it has the F word in it.

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“Ironically” being a racist, sexist, homophobe, etc. is one of the oldest cover stories people like that use.

If I light your cat on fire as a prank, I’ve still lit your cat on fire.


Lothraxion. The answer is always Lothraxion.

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You might want to remove that link if you ever want Trust Level 3. Pretty sure that’s something one could flag.

It’s only a prank if people are laughing. When they’re not, it’s not a prank.

Not my type either. WoW does not have a character I am gay for. And I don’t mind that at all.

Tangent, there are fan theories that Elsa will get a girlfriend in Forzen 2 and I want that to be true so badly for two reasons.

  1. it will be great for the purposes of representation, the more this is shown as not a big deal in mass media the better

  2. The social media meltdown will be legendary


Legally, nothing is punishable by law if you say “it’s a prank bro” after.

I know what I’m talking about, I’ve seen Law and Order.


Considering the vast majority of the shipping for Elsa tends to either be her sister or the snow golem, that can only be an improvement.


I wonder why they never brought back Uncle Gao.

He was great.




“…I think the brewery is on fire.”
“Yes, yes, that happens…”

Edit: Not sure why it made me quote you Aunatai. Stupid forum.

You had my curiosity, but now you have my attention.

The part that makes me laugh is that his supreme disinterest in the brewery being on fire.

Like, we’re told Pandaria’s settled areas are havens of tranquility and culture.

And yet having a sprawling brewery larger than most castles in the Eastern kingdom being on fire, especially considering how explosive alcohol tends to be in this setting, barely makes a social leader of the local region bat an eyelid.

How wild was Pandaria before we got there?


I mean, it’s Disney. Disney does what Disney wants. Won’t be surprised if Elsa gets a girlfriend, or a boyfriend.

Still I do like the conspiracy theory that the movie Frozen was only made to push the old rumors about Walt Disney being cryogenicly frozen off of Google Search.

Before that movie came out, if you typed, ‘Disney Frozen,’ in Google Search you got all kinds of hits about how his head was severed and is in ice beneath some attraction at the park. Now all you get is endless stuff about the movie they made.

I mean, they did have negative emotions just waiting to burst forth and ruin people’s day if you so much as sigh the wrong way. Soooo…

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Oh god, we’re the party poopers…

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