*Spoiler* Patch 10.1.5 Cinematic

Yeah, he hasn’t been trapped since we killed Helya. it is really stupid that this character they are trying to paint as some overly authoritarian character is just chilling on his throne with his storm forged army while old gods, Death gods and rebellious dragons blow up the world soul.

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I think you might be misremembering events. That or the wiki is not up to date.

Helya wasn’t killed, merely banished back to Helheim. Nor is there any reference to Odyn suddenly being free. He’s still trapped up there, apparently.


Odyn yells: My ancient nemesis has been vanquished! The curse that bound me to the Halls of Valor is broken at last.
Odyn yells: Revel in the spoils of victory, worthy champions! The day will come when I have need of your courage and skill once more.
Odyn yells: Hmm… Many ages have passed since my eyes looked upon the halls of Ulduar. Perhaps I should visit my watcher kin… We have much to speak of. Farewell!

Seems Helya was killed breaking the curse she cast upon Odyn, sentenced to the Maw then teleported back to Helheim by the Primus via a tap of his staff.


Thanks for the source.

Surprised it’s not on the page for Odyn or Helya. That said, that’s dialogue from the Trial of Valor (I actually never did that so, this is news to me). So, Helya wasn’t killed. Although, “Killed,” is subjective I suppose, when the Shadowlands isn’t exactly hard to waltz out of, apparently.

[Edit]: Actually, it IS on Odyn’s page. Just under the Legion section. I was checking Shadowlands.


Trial of Valor is the Raid while Halls of Valor is the Dungeon.

Helya leaves a corpse after being defeated so her Soul did infact go to the Shadowlands the old fashioned way.

Too bad the Primus judged her more suitable for the Realm she was initially killed in.

That means she is practically for all intentions and purposes resurrected and still a threat.

As for waltzing out of the Shadowlands you need a means of exit into Reality and only the Brokers, the Maldraxxi(which of course include the Primus by the way), the Nathrezim and the Kyrian seem to have any idea of how to do that besides the Portals used by the Ebon Blade.

Even in the case of the Maldraxxi the House of Constructs apparently haven’t the slightest clue how to get back to reality outside using their original corpses(I.E. how Players revive themselves provided they get power from a Kyrian) as a means to manifest.

Since Helya if slain again would likely be sent to Revendreth(or even one of the nastier places of atonement) she will likely be forced to repent even if it takes an eternity and this time have no means of escape.

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its funny how this apparently never happen, Blizzard really has a real bad habit of forgetting their own story.