*Spoiler* Patch 10.1.5 Cinematic


Iridikron made a bargain with the Infinites. I do believe Nozdormu’s fate is sealed after all.




no yellow, only monochrome.


I see this plot heading in 3 possible directions :

  1. The united Dragonkind, with the help of overpowered PC, manages to save Nozdormu and prevent him from turning into Murozond
  2. Murozond is inevitable, he’s evil and we must put him down
  3. Murozond is inevitable, but it is revealed that he is just a version of Nozdormu that came to realize that the One True Timeline is Titan BS that would actually be detrimental to the people of Azeroth and ought to be fought against ; the reason why Murozond is inevitable is that in every timeline, he finds out about the Titans’ true intentions, one way or another. He may or may not lose himself in his rightful crusade against that One True Timeline, and so we may or may not have to oppose him, depending on the turn of events

Among those, 1) is lame and shouldn’t happen ; 2) would be okay but it would need to be really fleshed out in a surprising way that still catches us offguard despite the long-known fatality of it all ; 3) would be the most interesting scenario imho, as it would pave the way for many other potential storylines related to how the Dragonkind must reassess their relation to the Titans and the place their Titan legacy should occupy in their culture and mindset going forward (since the point of Dragonflight as an expansion is to tell the story of how the Dragon civilization enters a new era)

  1. Iridikron: Give me access to the time waves, I will claim the dragon soul and use it on Alexstrasza to ensure Nozdormu changes.
  2. Proto dragons attack the Emerald Dream/new tree, meanwhile Alexstrasza is turned into Void.
    • Her heart is a crater and we have filled it.
  3. Nozdormu becomes Murozond.
  4. Defeat bad guy, cleanse Dragon Soul, use it to save Dragons
    • “Fate. Our survival was never in fate’s hands.”
  5. It is too late, Y’Shaarj returns!
    • Puzzle Box: Have you had the dream again? A black goat with seven eyes that watches from the outside.
    • Zovaal: “A cosmos divide will not survive what is to come”
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I don’t think it would be this one if Blizzard wants to keep Murozond consistent with his characterization from Cata. Given that Murozonds final words are a plea to Aman’thul, that what he did by forging the End Time is the better alternative. Implying that he was still operating within the Titans best interests, even if it means working alongside N’zoth.

Wait, we know Blizzards track record of characterization consistency. Therefore this one will happen.



What does that have to do with dragons?

Sets up the next expansion.

When you defeat Murozond at the end of End Time, he yells:

Murozond yells: You know not what you have done. Aman’Thul… What I… have… seen…

Aman’thul was the titan who ripped Y’Shaarj from Azeroth and:

Aman’Thul had inadvertently ripped open a wound in Azeroth’s surface, and the world-soul’s arcane lifeblood flowed to the surface.

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The writers’ interview says this Patch resolves Murozond and Murozond just so happens to be created by a Paradox involving the Proto Nozdormu I.E. the Proto Nozdormu becomes Murozond.

Murozond is a broken Soul traumatized by the notion that he and his Timeline are destined to be erased within Minutes of it’s creation driven to side with the Old Gods and use the Memory of Tyr to maintain his existence which ceases to be the moment we slay him causing him to fade into nothingness.

By the way the same interview that reveals that Murozond is resolved after the 10.1.5 Patch’s Dawn of the Infinite Megadungeon also reveals that the Infinite Dragonflight still is active.

The True End Time is the obliteration of Murozond’s Timeline that even Aman’Thul noticed.

There are Infinite Universes and One True Timeline each of them follows. The Infinite Universes can merge with each other with the ones whose Timelines are identical doing that normally though according to the Chronicle such an event can be prevented even without altering the Universe’s Timeline to be Unique.

For a Unique Universe to merge with another Unique Universe it needs the influence of the Infinite Dragonflight or some other Time Magic user. The Chronicle describes it as feeding a altered tributary of the Main Timeline back into the River.

The Infinite Dragonflight has been converging the Unique Universes into the Central Universe forcing us to change their Timelines as they merge.

Ehhh, comes off as the opposite.

Also, Nozdormu and Alexstraza make for a cute couple. I’ll ship it.


I wonder how the dead Deathwing ties into Murozond’s goals. Took it for granted back with the whole Hour of Twilight deal, but with so many potential apocalypses Azeroth could face, is that just the easiest one for Murozond to ensure to prevent whatever it was that Nozdormu saw?


In-universe, should we really be worried? sorry for Norzdamu, yes, but worried? Our past selves already killed Murazond and we were much less strong back then.


If I remember correctly, there’s three “main” different versions.

(There’s infinite but for this context, three revolving around Murozond)

  1. The True End Time
    • Nozdormu witnesses the “True End Time” and goes mad, becomes Murozond
    • This is possibility the same thing Zovaal tried to stop in Shadowlands.
    • What this is, is unknown. Could just be the First Ones hitting the reset/delete button.
  2. Ny’alotha (Old Gods Succeed)
    • Hour of Twilight happens → Old Gods corrupt Azeroth → Void consumes all.
  3. End Time (Dungeon)
    • Hour of Twilight happens → Murozond influences the outcome of the Black Empire timeline enough that it ensures everyone dies → only ghosts and the dead remain, no one wins.
    • This includes all the other Aspects

Now, it’s not 100% sure if 1 and 2 are the same, and Blizzard could just state that the Void Lords are in fact the “True End Time.” And Murozond witnessed that, and that is what lead him to change the future so that everyone dies instead of the Void consuming all.

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I don’t think it’s so much about Murozond himself, but in turning into Murozond, it confirms that the End Time will come to be.

Murozond isn’t the issue, it’s whatever or whoever, that caused him to transform in the first place.


Dawn of the Infinite Megadungeon reveals the exact event that turns Nozdormu into Murozond.

His story is finished after Dawn of the Infinite! This Interview with Blizzard itself says so!

Murozond is a Proto-Nozdormu uplifted into an Aspect by Chrono Lord Deios using Tyr’s Memory!

As for the True End Time? Most likely his own Timeline getting wiped from existence! He is a frightened scared Dragon trying to preserve his existence and stop the beings who would prevent his own Timeline’s existence.

This also explains why his corpse disappears right after we kill him: He shouldn’t exist and only exists because the Old Gods allow him to. Once he dies his body can no longer maintain it’s existence and fades into oblivion.

He thinks Azeroth being wiped of all life is better than an entire Universe ceasing to exist because Bronze Dragons prefer their Universe over his.

Incidentally Murozond’s Universe is an rewrite of the Main Universe and not all Infinite Dragons are from the rewritten Main Universe so just because his Morchie is dead doesn’t mean all Morchies are dead. Chromie even suggested that in one world Morchie and her could have been friends. I strongly suspect Eternus is a Morchie from a different Universe by the way.

In the End Time dungeon, Deathwing succeeded in his mission to unleash the Hour of Twilight. Seeing that the former Aspect of Earth was no longer useful, N’zoth took direct control and killed Deathwing. Thereby upholding his end of their bargain. Deathwing can’t suffer from his “curse” if he is dead after all.


This has pretty much been retconned.

The whole ‘one true timeline’ thing comes from old lore where the line was said by Aman’thul to Nozdormu when he blessed him with the ability to control time. But the new lore changes that, replacing Aman’thul with the Titan Watcher Ra.

And that’s also reflected in the current attitude of the Bronze Dragons. If they believed in a ‘one true timeline’ they would not have allowed the Horde to return to the AU to connect with the Mag’har again after the portals between our timeline and the AU were closed and Nozdormu wouldn’t be allowing Chromie to ‘find a way to save him’ from his fate if it was an inevitable part of the ‘one true timeline’.

Minor issue but Iridikron’s horn is just floating in the air at 58 seconds

That’s always how it’s been, no? At least I believe it’s been that way in previous cinematics, so probably intentional.