*Spoiler* Patch 10.1.5 Cinematic

Something is simply weird with the Infinites now. Before they weren’t as concerned with Nozdormu falling because it was a guarantee. But now? There’s an active, almost desperate bid to make sure that he falls and becomes Murozond. Why? If his fate was inevitable, there’s no need to “lead him” there, he’ll get there himself.
The only thing I can think of is that this fate isn’t a guarantee after all and the Infinites have realized that. So they are now going out of their way to make him as desperate as possible.



They just couldn’t let the Bronzes be.

I thought they were a fantastic excuse for fun little “What if”? flights of fancy and having in lore excuses for being able to visit old phases of zones.

Hinging the storyline on time travel just does not fill me with hope. Because anytime a story not fundamentally about travel introduces it as a mechanic it kinda nukes the stakes.

I’d have hoped after WoD they’d have learned to stop this. Because I’m so confused over if it’s time travel or parallel universes and for the love of God can we just have a story about an evil wizard or pirate king or something?

Because at this point WoW could officially end as an addendum to The Sopranos. Turns out that cut to black was Tony Soprano having a brain anyuerism and this is what his melting brain spat out in his death throws.

It’d make just as much sense as SL.

If it is I never noticed

This all works out in the end, I killed him 10 years ago with four other knuckleheads.

He was Martain Sheen back then, so even more powerful.


Time travel: just smile, nod, and don’t think about it.


Smashing everything together hoping for it to make sense…

Yeah it does absolutely nuke the stakes. My hope is that by the end of the expansion, the Bronze resolve not to (or lose the ability to) delve into the timeways anymore, repurposing their control over time to mere matters of protection against intruders from other realities or other cosmic threats that would threaten the spatio-temporal fabric of our own timeline or idk.

Let the content from other timelines that you want to secure for future developments cross over to our MU (stuff from AU Draenor notably, but maybe from other ones too like the Warlands), and then seal the timeways for good. Be done with that stuff.

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Not really, these are just the plot lines that need to be addressed by the end of DF.

  • Iridikron makes a bargain with the Infinites for this new Dragon Soul.
    • What do the Infinites want the most?
    • What do you think Iridikron is gonna use the Dragon Soul for?
  • The Ysera/new Tree storyline needs to be addressed soon™
    • What is gonna happen with the Seed?
    • What is going to happen with Fyrakk and Vyranoth?
  • Alexstrasza is going to betray Tyr… “somehow” with an emphasize on the Void.
    • How do you think that’s gonna happen?
  • Nozdormu is destined to become Murozond.
    • Sure, this could end up being Iridikron attempts to use the Dragon Soul on Nozdormu and ends up hitting Alexstrasza… breaking the assumption of destiny.
  • We always defeat the bad guy.
  • Next expansion needs a big step up before Blizzcon.

When I was a kid, my mom used to cook up pumpkin seeds after we carved jack o lanterns. I don’t know what she did but they were delicious. I will have to ask her the recipe, and then we can roast the seed, and have a delicious snack.


The epilogue of the 10.1 campaign has Alexstrasza telling us that the time for the seed to return to Azeroth is coming soon. Thus its likely that it will happen in 10.2.

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This is probable true, Blizzard Will probable try to retcon previous lore to fit their new narrative, it makes no sense that they have to turn nozdormu into murozond because that should happen all by itself.

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The Infinites trying to turn Proto-Nozdormu into Murozond could explain the True End Time: The True End Time in that case would be an entire Universe consigned to oblivion just to put the Timeline back on track recreating the old Universe in an instant.

Murozond having been uplifted from a Proto Nozdormu and lacking the understanding of Nozdormu would be appalled by the destruction of a Universe for the sake of preserving Azeroth’s own bright future.

Case in point: The second Murozond dies he fades from existence instantly indicating he was using his Aspectral Powers given by the Memory of Tyr to maintain his own existence.

Proto-Nozdormu who became Murozond in otherwords is chronologically speaking the first Aspect corrupted followed by Neltharion into Deathwing followed by Malygos followed by Ysera finally followed by Alexstrasza.

Theoretically they could be trying to present an ironic theme inversion, with the Infinites breaking form by trying to make a specific outcome happen to the exclusion of all others, the Bronzes risking damaging the True Timeline by trying to prevent Nozdormu’s fall, and Nozdormu himself being the only one between them who’s not trying to either force or deny it because he’s accepted his fate as inevitable and necessary either way.

It could feed into the respective realizations that the Infinites are defying their own ethos by trying to enforce a concrete future, Bronzes like Chromie are betraying their mission by trying to deny it, and only Nozdormu himself is embracing the lesson from Cataclysm that forcing or rejecting what will happen in the future isn’t what matters; what matters is accepting the past and living in the present to create the future, instead of trying to create the future by changing the past.


Noz looking pretty weary in this one, it’s so over :dracthyr_uwahh_animated: asdfghjkl noooo

I wonder if we’ll see Murozond’s visage this patch :face_with_peeking_eye:

Yeah, I suspect that this Cinematic is actually happening while we are in the Dungeon helping Chormie.

Iridikron will grab the Yogg-Saron Void/Death Dragon Soul, he will escape and we will finish the dungeon leading up to Chrono-Lord Deios.

After defeating Deios, he will tell us it’s already too late and Iridikron is already turning Nozdormu as we speak.

–cut to this scene–

Iridikron meets Nozdormu and Alexstrasza ontop of the Tower, gives a speech about how he’s already attacking the Emerald Dream and how flawed the Titans are. Then he’ll attempt to blast Nozdormu with the Dragon Soul, only for Alexstrasza to get in the way.

To which Alexstrasza will transform into a void Dragon in the night sky. (whose flight honestly hasn’t done anything this expansion)

The Blue and Green flights will try to save the Emerald Dream.
The Black and Yellow flights will try to save Alexstrasza.

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Is this a theory or confirmed??

I’m asking because I’m so over aspects dying. I want them all to live through this expansion and i want us to save Nozdormu.

Nah, it’s just my theory. Over these past 4 years, Blizzard has really tried to push the idea that the player isn’t bound by any Fate.

Grand Magistrix Elisande in the Nighthold had similar visions of a future where she lead the Nightborne to victory with the Legion, whose power was rival that of the Bronze Dragons.

Echo of Elisande says: In all the possible futures I scryed, I did not foresee one in which you were victorious. I wonder…
Echo of Elisande says: Will you defeat the Legion? Will you fail? Time eddies about you fits and starts. Nothing is certain!
Echo of Elisande says: Perhaps you will win. And in saving your world, my people would be freed from the terrible bargain we were forced to make.

If I remember correctly, the PC is an anomaly that cannot be accounted for in Time Travel, etc…

This along with a lot of the other foreshadowing events that have happened recently, lead me to believe Nozdormu won’t become Murozond, at least not yet.

my god this expansion is boring, I don’t care about anything going on. I don’t care about the aspects, I don’t care about the primals and I really don’t care about the dracthyr. The only thing that holds any interest to me is the story around Tyr but even that is tedious at points.

Honestly Im surprised they haven’t had Odyn do anything this expac considering the focus around the titans. Considering the Aspects being blessed is what drove a wedge between him and the other keepers you’d think he would be working to stop them being empowered again.

Really annoying in the last 3 expansions the keepers are referenced a lot but then they do absolutely nothing with them other than brief references. Old gods that were locked away by the keepers broke out no sign of odyn. Helya and jailer using the valkyr and his eye for bad things sure we go get some assistance but then no other reference. Now the dragon flight is trying to get empowered again when he didn’t want them to do this and now, he’s just standing by why they get empowered again in a titan facility.

So many missed opportunities to really build him up as a nuanced bad guy its just criminal. Now when they do eventually make him a bad guy its going to feel forced.

Isn’t he trapped where he is? What could he do?

If I remember correct, the curse that kept him trapped was broken after we killed Helya in Legion.