Yup. Our timeline got stuck with the worst Garrosh of them all.
To be fair, given the way causality can work, it’s possible in all those other timelines Garrosh was an unparalleled Warchief all the way up until the end, as he would spectacularly and magnificently lead the Horde to a glorious annihilation in an unwinnable war as in those timelines the Legion, the Old Gods or something else would inevitably succeed in conquering Azeroth.
I mean, we got to see a timeline where Arthas remained a pretty good guy too, remaining friends with Varian and a staunch defender of humanity in a world with no Scourge…and the tradeoff was that said timeline also had no Thrall, and King Warchief Blackmoore of the Lordaeron Horde was conquering most of the continent with his orcs and subjugated Alliance armies.
How do we know it’s him? Proof? We’ve killed hundreds of bald orcs.
It’s circumstantial for now at least. But the scream certainly sounds like him, it’s the right ‘outfit’ for Garrosh; no top but with the pants and belt and while we’ve killed plenty of bald orcs we’ve killed at least one particular bald orc who’d be a good candidate for Revendreth.
Eh. I don’t think Garrosh necessary deserved to go to the Maw.
An uncomfortable truth for many, I would gather, is that Kael’Thas was “worse” than Garrosh. It’s only that we more or less fully witness Garrosh’s descent that we despise him more. I’m willing to die on this hill.
He’s practically in the top 3 of characters that do…
He deserves it more than Sylvanas did in Wrath and she was actually SENT there.
I hope you do. Garrosh was a cruel, murderous, racist tyrant.
I kind of get the sense that only monstrous souls who the Arbiter judges as posing an active threat to the other Shadowlands realms get a one-shot ticket to the Maw; otherwise even the evilest souls probably get sent to Revendreth first, and only get passed on the the Maw if they prove so unrepentant despite their torment that the Venthyr conclude that nothing can be done with them.
So Garrosh may well be in the Maw by now, but if he is he probably would have passed through Revendreth first, since he doesn’t really possess the sort of knowledge or means to actually present an existential threat to his Venthyr handlers or their realm.
I don’t think you get sent to Revendreth because you personally sought redemption in life. You get sent there for being haughty and full of yourself in life so that you can be broken down and reborn in death.
The Maw isn’t necessarily where bad people go. It’s where souls deemed too powerful or destabilizing to exist in the other realms get sent. But I wouldn’t have ever called Garrosh personally powerful. Like, he was a fine warrior, but I don’t think he’d have people in the Shadowlands running scared. He was a leader, but not really the super charismatic to the point of having a cult of personality. He was a commander in chief, but nobody ever described him as a master strategist or tactician.
As terrible as Garrosh was, he did always seem to me like someone driven by pride and vainglory. Someone who grappled with internalized feelings of shame/inadequacy by violently taking it out on others in order to deflect from their own shortcomings and proving himself worthy/superior.
Kael’thas did the same thing - and sowed more destruction than Garrosh - minus the racism.
Vashj served objectively evil powers and got sent to Maldraxxus of all places. And, depending on how it’s told, Kel’Thuzad was sent to Maldraxxus and not the maw (possibly the Jailer’s meddling?). In the grand scheme of things, Garrosh barely qualifies for the Maw.
When I’m boogieing with Vashj and other venthyr socialites, I want Garrosh to serve me a G&T.
Disagree. The damage Garrosh did to the Vale alone was more destruction than Kael’thas caused in his entire career.
Mainly because Netherstorm was already in ruins when he got there.
I mean, he was a warrior that ate an Old God’s heart.
Granted, he seemed pretty uneffected afterwards, but those Old God’s are sneaky.
Like I Kael but you need Variety for Characters. Honestly I hope we see Garrosh Hellscream in Revendreth. It would be great thing for orcs for those who wanted to go to Maldraxxus or Revendreth for Orcish Characters.
My bet would be seeing Garrosh in Revendreth would be bloodly awesome.
This thread is great.
Reading the different perspectives of events that happened is enlightening.
I can now speculate that the Bronze Dragonflight might really be the current or next big bad enemy. Specifically Nozdormu, knowing what events are going/could happen and changing their outcome to suit his purposes.
“The light has struck a bargain with the enemy of all”
The enemy of all could be “fate”. Who can see fate and alter events; Bronze Dragons; Nozdormu. -
Garrosh! Was he really evil? or manipulated to do evil things under the guise he was doing the right thing? If so then cool, more story and a chance to expand his character.
This is fun.
Eh. KT’s influence on Outland I think outweighs Garrosh’s desolation of the Vale, I think.
I accept your reasoning on this, although I may not entirely agree in terms of Garrosh.
You know that is exactly why he is in Revendreth rather than in the Maw right? Because she was aware that he can be redeemed.
Revendreth’s purpose is to wash away a person’s sins so they can go to the place they were supposed to go if they weren’t so sinful.
I think you should actually read War Crimes before passing off any judgement about the events and how characters behave in it. Garrosh wasn’t going to change instantly. Anduin was having long talks with Garrosh and would’ve actually succeeded if Kairoz didn’t show up with “time travel!!!”.
Exactly. People only get sent to the maw by the Arbiter if they are either beyond redemption via Revendreth or they fail the process while in Revendreth.
I really wish people would stop with these annoying “I hate X character, why are they not in the maw!!! REEEEEEEEE” threads / posts.
The issue is, if Nozdormu does become a big bad of an expansion, he has literal plot armor that prevents him from dying at that point in time. Since he canonically dies in End Time.
But we all know that these current writers hate continuity.
Yall are forgetting that if you refuse to learn humility and let go of your sins in Revendreth, you are tossed into the Maw.
We don’t see Garrosh at any point during Leveling or Covenant questing
That means he isn’t in Revendreth anymore
So either he was purified quickly (Revendreth takes centuries, but Shadowlands has time dilation) or he refused to admit any wrongdoing and Denathrius/the Accuser fed him to the Maw.
The future was just Nozdormu’s point of view. /eyeroll
Not necessarily. He simply could be there but isn’t shown. There an endless list of people that did back and probably want to repent, can’t show them all.
Kael is just going through his atonement now, Garrosh might have a ticket to get tortured for 5 years due to the backlog.
They’d show him if he was there given relevancy, or at least mention. I suppose he might be in a cell in the Halls of Atonement.