Splitting the raid is a new low

This is exactly how I felt when my pizza arrived pre-cut.

Caring and being affiliated with are different things.

The RWF is not a Blizzard event like MDI and the likes.

These bosses sometimes need adjustments and are glitched. Of course they’re going to have some of their staff observing and helping, like they have since at least wrath.

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Who cares if it’s an official Blizzard event or not? They clearly care about it to an extent and it is not at all unreasonable to think that RWF is certainly a factor in these things.

Maybe they want Blizzard to leave bosses bugged for months on end to be unkillable like vanilla and TBC?


Ehh I don’t understand this… were going to be in 9+ months of 9.2 regardless if the raid comes out now or in 2 months

There is absolutely NOTHING in ZM that is remotely challenging that I’m not destroying in 232 gear. I’m gonna sneeze after a few raid pieces and level half a zone.

It’s just a week. You’ll survive.

“Blizzard isn’t affiliated with RWF hurp durp they don’t factor it into their design decisions at all”

It’s like a week difference other than LFR. Which they have done since WoD anyway.

Plus Sunwell and ICC were timelocked by the wing so this isn’t new.

Legion is debatable on this.

NH was tested on the 7.0 beta, but due to Trial of Valor coming out of nowhere, it got pushed back and retested on the 7.1.5 PTR.

Blizzard considers EN, ToV and NH to be on the same “tier”.

Given that EN and NH drop the same looking gear. It is basically the same as MoP with MSV, HoF and ToES. Although in that case, only heroic MSV dropped same looking gear as heroic HoF and heroic ToES.

That’s fine, but those expansions also had more content and raids than Shadowlands’ paltry TWO.

I mean…it is three though right?

soon everyone will want to be wearing a tin foil hat to stop the suggestive impulses sent to the brain through waves lol hahaha i said it here first nano tech and interfacing the human brain

Divide and conquer.

Play your game against theirs, don’t let them divide you against yourself.

That is debatable. Look I like Wrath by a HUGE margin over SL but dont forget Wrath had one raid that was copy pasted(Naxx) and one that was just one room.

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RTWF is fun to watch. And most of them are shockingly not sweaty no-lifers. Its like watching the world’s strongest man competitions or something like that. Its people taking something, using every resource, degenerate behavior to push it to the extreme. Its about seeing how far they will push whats available to win.

And that justifies hamstringing the game for the other 99.9999% of players?

Im confused. What is being hamstrung? Delaying 3 raid bosses 1 week really isnt impacting anyone. And all the bosses release on Mythic difficulty this week along with the other difficulties.

How many guilds have killed Anduin Heroic last week? How many have killed Normal Anduin? Because those are the guilds are the ones who can even slightly be irked that they had to wait a week to fight the next three.

But again. If you could please elaborate who is getting hamstrung and how?

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Besides, now that the reset is done, go kill the Jailer if you want. The entire thing was done for a story purpose(such as the current state of the story is) and now people can finish the raid. It was not some huge burden.

Apparently they did this back in Wrath.


Ding this is it. Anyone that was going to clear the raid week one were going to do mythic anyway so your point of it dragging anything on for casuals is moot. They want to make this world first race interesting and drag it out.

Personally it worked on me because I’m actually excited to see how this plays out for the first time in a while.

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