Splitting the raid is a new low

Yeah the lag sucks.

But I can already here the cries of “accessibility” and “hating casual solo players” if they went back to needing a pre-made group to do it.

Yeah, it’s sad. You PvP to fully gear with honor gear and your gear still scales lower than someone in normal raid gear.

I was a casual PvPer for several expansions. Done probably fewer than 50 BGs in Shadowlands and BfA combined.

Yeah I think so too.

They use that first week for class and boss tuning and mechanical bug fixes.

Then they can just have special zones that you fly/teleport/jump down/whatever to… small size ones.

How Legion did it was perfect.

This has probably been the best GD comments section I have been a part of. it has been a pleasure playing with you this evening - Bing images

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Likewise, good talking with you.

Don’t let this raise your expectations though, GD is good for easily crushing your soul into dust.

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Plus EOE, Sarth (with the 1,2,3 Drake adjustable difficulty), TOC and VOA (got additional boss as each tier released) brought some decidedly new variations on how boss fights happened.

Are you even going to raid?

Can I be the guy two weeks from retirement and get shot?

But… but… Ion said that wasn’t true!

Don’t you believe him?

C’mon man!

You realize Blizzard has no official affiliation with the RWF right?

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No, its not. They did this before for many things - 5 weeks to unlock double legendaries. And 5 weeks for other things, that’s a month +1 week to keep an extra sub.

You know she’s right.

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Be hApPy you’re not getting 3 bosses every other week…

Yeah, sure, no “official” affiliation.

Blizzard cares so little about RWF that they have GMs constantly watching the RWF’s streams so they can despawn raid bosses mid-fight if something doesn’t go Blizzard’s way, and go out of their way to have entire interviews talking about RWF, and turn a blind eye when RWF guilds go in hard on RMT.

They definitely don’t care for or cater to the RWF at all!

Because letting us play the last 3 on the 8th of the month instead of the 1st of the same month changes the month’s numbers…


Yes… WoD 2.0… With maybe triple the content WoD had.

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It’s a week.

It releases the same week Mythic and LFR releases.

What niche group are they targeting to get to renew for an extra month that weren’t already going to by delaying it a week?



Many won’t even clear the split bosses this week anyway. Hell they aren’t even playing in some cases. they are watching limit and the other top 10’s play right now to copy, err…study the meta.

we got this expac level for a year+ most likely…this will just mean the jailor dies 51 times, not 52.

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None. As someone who lapses subs, often…there is no deep thought to the process for many.

My last day of play is Month X day Y. What is done, is done. what is not done, ain’t getting done.

And based on a few lapses…most times I don’t even really play that final week tbh lol. Why I kind of lapse the sub. I go you know…I am not really in wow, and not missing it lol. leaving for 4 months…well I can make it 4 months and 1 week extra lol.