Spiteful, Resentful, and Disrespectful game development

PTR is not alpha/beta.

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wat? ive always been invited early to alpha and beta test. i dont know what you are talking about. its a private test realm. thats what ptr stands for.

also i think most people are probably only looking for acknowledgement. “hey we hear this. we are working on that”. that kind of stuff. we post stuff and we dont even know if it was read most of the time

i gotta be honest i just stopped trying a long time ago. they do not deserve our time or our money

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I’m honestly curious to know how much the dev team gets about the feedback and how much senior and upper blizzard leadership tells them to do things their way.

I’m not saying it’s not the devs fault but at the same time they’re only at the behest of their leadership. I don’t think we have a situation where devs are “going rogue” (pun not intended lol)

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I’m quite confident that upper management has zero interest in micro managing what the dev team does. That’s not how game publishing works.

I think there is some truth to that however I would also like to acknowledge the fact that Blizzard has clearly shown they have more interest in monthly active users than they do actual content for their games and this translates into the painstakingly cyclical routine work that they make the players do to achieve basic gameplay (covenants, renown, soul binds, rune carving) feels like they just want us to play for time and not for joy.


Well… bad management has to be an issue they are going trough to release so many flops in sequence. A good leadership would never allow the boat to steer this far if they werent onboard with the changes to begin with


I think that’s a ridiculous statement because the content team has been knocking it out of the park for years.

People treat the dev team like some monolithic entity, when in reality there are different teams that do different things. And while the systems design team has been screwing the pooch for years, the content team has been doing a fantastic job from the beginning.

To say that WoW doesn’t have tons of content is absurd. And Shadowlands has more than any previous expansion except (arguably) Legion. The thing is that WoW (through the decisions of the systems design team) has cultivated a lazy playerbase that won’t DO any of the content because they’re too used to being spoon-fed everything if they complain loudly enough.

thats the most absurd thing ive read today. i wont lie. games are supposed to be fun. i think you forgot about that


WoW is fun, if you actually play it instead of sit around on your butt and complain about it. The common denominator from most of the people saying “there’s nothing to do” is that they do nothing.

Let us reroll the vault and guarantee we won’t get the same options on the roll.

you are just wrong. you are comparing the game to a job. you are literally saying people dont work for stuff and just complain about it. what? this is absurd lmao. the game just isnt fun so people quit. its not rocket science

Who said anything about “work”? You did. I haven’t done that once. So no, I’m not “literally” saying that.

I’m surprised. Once I got flying in BFA I forgot that whistle existed. I forgot it existed even before I could fly sometimes

I realize I am going to sound cynical but I think the status quo will be back by 9.3, maybe even as early as 9.2.

Because I don’t think this about PR or customer care; I think it is about scrambling to fill a patch whose plans were unable to be implemented due to the blow to personnel and organization caused by the law suit.

It’s like chocolate on a hook! I am doing categories because I cannot choose.

For the game’s health and integrity:

  1. Fix all bugs/glitches/phasing issues/anything broken
  2. Remove WoW token
  3. Remove Level boasts
  4. Random weekly check for botts; all accounts automatically closed no money back
  5. Make paid carries against ToS; all accounts advertising automatically banned from in-game communication for 1 day, then 1 week, then 1 month and then 1 year

My personal desires:

  1. Option to turn off/on auto attack and all markers/arrows on both mini-map and map.
  2. Add Old World Azeroth timeline to Chromie options with flying
  3. Add back in ALL old quests (especially the class quests, cloak quest in MoP and ring quest in WoD) and implement gold marks for all main quests and the standard yellow marks for all side quests
  4. Remove anything account-wide, instead offering an option on each character to play as a singular entity as pertaining to items/titles/achieves/ect or as part of a society of their faction’s characters with a chosen name and shared items/titles/achieves
  5. Change all loading screen from title screens or maps to a pic of a swirling portal (for better immersion)

what… you literally as in literal sense said people just sit around instead of playing. you just LITERALLY said people dont work for it

if the game was fun people wouldnt be here complaining about it and quitting. that much i can guarantee

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The whistle wouldn’t be needed if flying was available in the launch patch. Which is a very easy thing Blizzard should do that would get back a ton of goodwill.

But Ion is obsessed with his War On Flying because he got egg all over his face in WoD over it.


I don’t sit around n wait for it
I run around in circles in oribos n wait for it

I didn’t, actually. You might want to start reading what people write, and stop making up things in your head that you pretend they’re saying.

you are one weird guy. ill give you that. im afraid of your keyboard warrior prowess i forfeit this match my friend. your posts dont make sense lmao

have a good day to you and may you find happiness on your path. peace

Yah idk what happened in the garrison xpac bc I barely played but sounds good