Spit your new BG ideas

Because we desperately need new ones. I know this thread has probably been done a million times but we need them more than ever.

Just throw ideas out there no matter how dumb.

I’d like to see

  • Caverns of Time BG, maybe an epic like the Siege of Stormwind
  • Azshara Crater
  • DotA bg would probably be a mess but it could be fun
  • Warsong reskins, maybe a Blood Elf vs Night Elf themed one in Quel’thalas since there was a cancelled warfront, maybe they can reuse assets

I’m kind of over them trying to invent new BG types. I’d rather we just get Strand back and more of the same. By the same I mean more CTF and point control maps. Maybe another play on silvershard mines? An EotS reskin. Make Aszhara crafer an AV/IoC style map.


Azshara’s crater please. The map is already complete might as well release it.

Pre-cata Azshara was one of my favourite zones.


I would fkn love a BG like in SWTOR, called Hutball. The only thing I miss from SWTOR really, was hutball, if you have never played it, you missed out.


More epic maps would be nice.


Just a well-designed, actually strategic epic BG map with no vehicles and no PvE buffs/gadgets.


King of the hill map would be really cool

I’ve got some great ideas. So there’s a map right? And there are two sides. A base on each side. Inside each base is a flag. Your team needs to capture the flag while preventing the enemy from taking your flag. Cool right? Oh there’s two of those? That’s fine I’ve got another idea! So there are nodes all over the map, your team needs to capture these nodes and control them to build points! Oh there’s three of those already? Ok next idea! We take the nodes and the flags, you hear me? We COMBINE them into one map where you need to control the nodes AND capture the flag. Oh we did that too? I’m fresh out of ideas.

-Some Blizz dev, probably.


Voidstar the best bg ever big numbers big fights! <3 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7WsHr1aWN68&list=PL9lthD0lNXHGYMCufcmjNSg2jyyuN35p5&index=35)


I’d like to see holiday themed BGs added into the game, either under brawl or in it’s own category.

For example, Feast of Winter’s Veil could have a new battleground map designed on a remote Christmas island where both factions Grandfather Winter has their factory at, full of goblin Christmas elves and gnome Christmas elves making the toys at.

On this battleground, the factory has broken down and spat out cogs and other parts all over the map. You must collect them and bring them back to your base to repair the factory. First one to fully repair wins. You can kill players to steal their cogs/parts of they haven’t brought it back to base yet.

And if new maps were too much to handle for Blizzard, they could develop a battleground holiday where it’s just a modification of an existing map.

I had the idea of a Love is in the Air BG, placed in Deepwind Gorge. It’d be a 10v10 format where it plays like normal, however, every 2 minutes, Kwee Q. Peddlefeet will assign you a love partner on your team that you must stay close to.

Failing to be within 50 yards of your partner will give you a “Heartbroken” debuff that will increase all damage taken by 10% for every 10 yards you are away from your partner, stacking up to 5 times (50 yards max). If you’re within 50 yards though, you get an extra 25% dmg + healing buff.

Kwee will randomly give out suggestions throughout the BG, such as, “kiss your partner!” or “hug your partner!” etc. If you properly /emote your partner during that window, you get extra buffs, such as haste/crit/etc.

Like I said, every 2 minutes you’re assigned another partner, so if you’re defending Quarry with your current partner, you could suddenly be paired with someone sitting Shrine. To help players get to their new parter, players will be given a 50% movement speed increase (applied to mounts as well) for 30 seconds.

Just some ideas!

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A bg with a magical labyrinth that keeps changing.

A bg where players combine 5 vehicles for ultimate power.


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Removing Seething Shore & Wintergrasp so I can enjoy good maps more often would be a pretty sick play.

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A bg where you have the option to swap to a different spec/toon after you die.

Something I posted forever ago.

Also, I think an escort-style BG could be a lot of fun. Like the carts, but one single escort that only moves when people control the zone around it. The mid will be a wide open area, but as it progresses through the map it will have all kinds of terrain to allow counterplay.


A bg where toons can’t overlap each other. Everyone gets their own personal space. You can’t run through melee who are protecting their teammates.


This would be amazing! I’d love it if there was like, a sewer/crypt section underneath Stormwind, combined with choke points on the top sections + canals to create choices between blocking off the portcullises or using the underground. It would be neat to have your stealth team go unlock the enemy portcullis to allow in the invaders.

I think I’d like a AV clone set atop the huge wall dividing Aarathi Highlands from the Hillsbrad Foothills, and both teams are trying to take watch towers high up on the wall. There could be neat dwarf-like rooms and tunnels throughout the wall, perilous bridges with multiple layers, the main surface, and of course the perilously high tower fights.

There could be old AV like quests and stuff, like, to summon a zepplin that you can board and fly maybe. Or maybe you could summon gobblin zappers to destroy a bridge or a tunnel that goes through the walls.

I also wonder if like, a CTF mechanic might work well for 40v40 AV clones, where you have a flag carrier that has to make it to the next tower to claim it. It would force big fights, but it also might be horrible. It would have to be something tested to see if it were a good idea or not.

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I always love trying to explain who ivan ooze is to people



“bri what?”

ungoro crater objective based bg

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The answer is Huttball

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